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Messages - Majer

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order v Mercs
« on: December 31, 2011, 05:39:58 am »
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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order v Mercs
« on: December 30, 2011, 06:20:14 am »
At least he can be loved, unlike one clan who vanished very recently.

General Discussion / Re: Breaking the game rules - does anyone care?
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:40:05 pm »
I saw YOU many times LEAVE the weaker team and after a minute JOINING the other.
FACT: The team with Tot in it is never the weaker team. :)

Solution (Like mentioned many times before): Let us only choose 1 team, so we join one of the
teams randomly.
I play cRPG in a faction to get experience of great teamwork based siege scenario, not to play with random people. For example, not with you.

What about following rule:
Everytime you join Spectator you lose 1 multiplier.
If you got x5 when you joined spec you got x4 if you rejoin.
It would stop the abuse for sure and is ok for those who a really using spectator the way they want to.
I don't care about exp nor the money. If I were to choose between friend or multiplier I would always go for first one. Of course, by being a badass and winning I do deserve a reward unlike loosing team.
I join my clanmates to fight side-by-side and a perspective to earn gold for upkeep and experience to have competitive stats are encouraging.
That's the point of game after all. Stop trying to destroy it.

Berserker the Grey joined spec after round switched him to other team, than waited and joined his buddies on defense. Have in mind that this is just one example of what is being done many times on EU siege servers, regardless of warnings or bans.
You are missing one thing here - Berserker went into serious arse-kicking-rampage there and when he left his post-balance team he had to wait till others refill virtual slots to let him rejoin his companions. So probably 2 or 3 knights willing to smack our ugly faces of Grey entered fight, instead of one man not so happy to ruin winning streak of his friend (in which he also worked hard to earn it).

For the "toillet" argument, who are you kidding? I am willing to bet hard cash that you would rather crap yourself up than lose the multi.
I bet that you made more crap than reasonable thinking in your life. The thing is - you have to prove that someone is cheating, not just accuse someone and waiting them to explain and prove it is otherwise.

Just tell your buddies to stop abusing  banner balance or there will be even more screenshots here proving my point.
All our clan mates want is that we can play together. If there were not rats taking our banners and thus involuntarily making our team split, we would be glad to just kick your sad arse and watch you cry on the forums that we're stacking teams by being superior.

I like watching Grey's defend themselves on the forums. Best defence is offence .
I bet if you're ever going to court on trial (let's hope it won't happen) , you're gonna punch the judge in the face instead of answering the "how do you plead?" question . =)
There's no way to answer that ranting, so why bother making excuses?

(...) by joining spectator but also can cause the winning team for the next round to not gain multipliers cause the game judge the team were unbalanced because a lot of peoples went spectator.
And that's the real problem with teamswitching.

Instead of just fucking admitting they abuse everything abusable in this mod all they come out with is shit on every thread like this: "He went to smoke" or "He was eating" or "He went to the toilet"...
Raping noobs can be tiresome. I can't tell what you do on spec, nor can you tell what others do. Difference is that I do not care.

And even if some of us did so...still better than not spawning at all, eh?
Of course not. Being on spectator lefts slots open to everyone join and aid non-Grey team. Surprisingly noone wants to.

It is said - let Grey Order and other clans have their unique banners ideally with a range of "public" symbols.

And please, do not involve Strategus into that - it's totally different part of game (at least for now).

There is a basic tactic to get your multiplier high - make us lose yokels!

Announcements / Re: Strategus wipe - new features - vote for your continent!
« on: September 21, 2011, 01:52:37 am »
The thing is, the whole split is pointless. Of course if by "improvement" I guess you mean actual subject of discussion. Throughout whole topic I couldn't notice any approved decisions regarding other aspects of strategus.


Announcements / Re: Strategus wipe - new features - vote for your continent!
« on: September 20, 2011, 07:52:07 pm »
Because there is no point.

Announcements / Re: Strategus wipe - new features - vote for your continent!
« on: September 20, 2011, 07:32:43 pm »
I see no point switching from bad solution, to another bad one. So I suggest just wait and implement a proper strategus map, instead of having one not-good from the start, just waiting to get wiped again.

Also, I don't get the idea of mirroring - basically just number of settlements matter, nothing else.

Announcements / Re: Strategus wipe - new features - vote for your continent!
« on: September 20, 2011, 06:14:16 pm »
Why not craft a new map? After all, the land is only a texture with fixed position of settlements (I believe it is adjustable within website map engine)

We could make a map, with two continents, both having sandy, snowy, and green lands. One with towns with battles always taking place on EU, and other one with US (with 2-hour delay between east-most and west-most village/town within continent. If any EU faction fancy conquering US lands or vice versa, they would always (whether attacking or defending) fight on town's time zone.
Also, we could have an neutral smaller continent between dedicated ones (Atlantis?) which would have settlements available to the most populated group. Within this "Atlantis" battles will take place in the time preferred by the owner.

General Discussion / Re: Less Night Battles Official Petition
« on: January 23, 2011, 08:55:02 pm »
Dumb kid, how many night battles have there been in thousands of years of history?
Not one, not one single (important) battle was fought at night.
You know why?
Nights are meant to sleep and rest.
People with some confidence in their skills dont attack when they cant see shit.
Go to school. THEN go to hell.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« on: January 22, 2011, 02:48:16 pm »
Than onehanders could outspam everyone once they close in and it would be unplayable.
Man, you are really about to loose if a heavy shielded man is fast enough to get into close range. You can blast his shield off from the safe distance. Shielders are strong only in groups, and still only when they cooperate.
Two handers can outspam every shielder whether they're close or not and this it is unplayable

2h advantage is good speed, weakness they are vulnerable for any kind of ranged

1h advantage no manual block and not vulnerable for any ranged, weakness they are whiners cause they dont have skills for manual block
Disagree, one-handers also vulnerable whenever we're about to attack. Shielders can close in safely, but only if ranged player is blind and does not fall back. Otherwise they're just bunch of idiots running around clueless, waiting for someone to get them.
Do I have to remind, that 2h also can take a shield for a walk?

polearm advantage very fast side slash, weakness they are vulnerable for any[quote kind of ranged (except when using a shield with it)
Fast slash, and decent thrust range, not mentioning crazy damage and ability to crush through decent shield in 3 hits.

you shielders are just a band of whining jerks who cant manual block for a shite,
You're wise man... in some parallel universe filled with morons. Firstly, if someone does not need to manual block it doesn't mean he isn't great at it.
and if you can manual block dont whine youve the choice to become 2h or polearm,
That's great! Screw the balance, abuse the errors!
The point of this topic is to make this game better, and not let donkeys like you run this discussion.

when you think 1h is shit why become a 1h???@#@#
It's just need to experience most that this game offers. You sureley did not have the opportunity to even play as onehander, so STFU.
Why did you become an idiot, if you knew it sucks?

and limit the 2h swing speed???
come on
the polearm swing is even faster
Such a great reason to throw it to the trash can! Why do you wash yourself? There are tons of bums dirtier than you!

@Camaris 2H mauls were impossible for me. If they swing from above - I couldn't get in attack range - so no benefit from faster 1h side swing, as for hammer attack from side - low enough swing will make shielder fall on ground always.

I didn't play cRPG a while, will need to check how does it look like.

General Discussion / Re: Less Night Battles Official Petition
« on: January 22, 2011, 02:18:32 pm »
Stupid suggestions always finding people involved in signing.

You're not forced to play this battles when sun goes down.

Nights are natural and fine.

Go to hell.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« on: January 15, 2011, 06:04:59 pm »
Faint tricks are not class related. Also lack of ability to swing in return due to ping.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« on: January 15, 2011, 07:00:53 am »
And you get near IMMUNITY (read it, IMMUNITY) to ALL RANGED ATTACKS.   And the ability to block an UNLIMITED number of attacks at once.   Damn you shielders and your selective reading.
LOL have you ever played this game? This is bullshit. Poleaxe wielder will spam me with attacks not allowing me to perform any counter strike, after 3-5hits my shield is evaporized and I am screwed.

Shielders are the killers of all things ranged, the bastions of strength and longevity, line holders, SUPPORT.  The 2-handers are the GLASS(ish) CANNONS, high damage/low survivability.
I can do "something" only when I'm lvl ~30 and geared up like a tank. I get like 2:1, 3:1 kill/death ratio at best. Friend of mine, who has 2h sword runs half naked and gets 10:1 12:1 k/d ratio.
My usual tactic in combat is just standing with shield up, and awaiting more of my team players to flank enemy and backstab them.

You Sir, are posting crap.

Of course, I am not whining, because I am aware of my handicap, but knowing my few advantages helps me to perform well on battlefield, although I can't find any way to win a duel against a 2h mace/hammer - cant get into range and not get knocked over/killed by breakthrough shield attack. I know they're slower, but they run too fast in mail/leather armors.

Anyways except scoreboard shielders are big boost for battle outcome (I mean siege, cause no point for me entering battle server). In fact, shielders and pikemen seem to be only men always focused on objective, while other roam for free kills.

Btw. as a light armoured 2h swordsman your manoeuvrability is so decent, that you can just step back whilst I am swinging my funny short weapon, and hit me easly.

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