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Messages - Izual

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Er woops, no its TeamSpeak.  Noone in cRPG community uses mumble to my knowledge. About 90% TS from what I've seen.
Its really a pity. Using TS on my ultralaptop is painful :(

About 90% TS from what I've seen.
Alright, what about the last 10%? :P

Hey thanks. By then I assume Ndations is a Mumble server? I couldn't find any at the address you gave me though.

Yes, positional audio is really great. I know Mumble quite well and positional audio really helps to feel inside the game. However, I'm using two computers at a time - a laptop with mumble and my main computer to play - so it'd be useless for me, unfortunately. But really, if M&B is compatible with it, try this mode everyone :D

Edit: Okay, it's on TS then... Visited it a bit, too bad it's divided into clan channels and not game server channels, that would be way more practical. I'll try to go there when I stumble across a horde of Byzantium or Templars :P

Hey guys,

I wanted to ask everyone if you knew of a (semi-)public Mumble or TS for EU players.

Long story short, my friends and I are playing mostly EU_cRPG_2 (That's the siege server) and we are often bored not being able to talk to anyone - basically, not being able to teamplay with anyone. Sticking to large teams isn't really too entertaining either. We've the topics of a few of the teams we often meet (HRE, Grey, Nords, 22nd...) but none seems to be really using English to speak, but rather some polish/german/other languages. That's also why we didn't join any team yet.

So basically, we'd like to join a Mumble or TS to listen to, play with and talk to other players on the servers we play... If these exist at all.

Thanks for reading :D

Team killing is also a habit some players should lose, yet some decisions were taken to limit TKing and now it has been reduced a lot. What I am suggesting is doing the same for actions that can cost a x5 multiplayer for dozens of other players: leaving doors opened. ;)

Thanks for the +1 :)

General Discussion / Re: cRPG Forum Anniversary due!
« on: January 03, 2012, 08:46:27 pm »
We are the 94% !!

Happy birthday, cRPG forum!

At first suggestion - y'kno, many of those small doors can be opened by attackers as well from inside.
Really? On all the maps I did, inner doors were not openable by attackers from the inside, only main doors - and that's ok. If a door is openable by attackers from the inside, of course it should not auto-close.

No and no. I heard there weren't any automatic doors during middle ages.
What kind of argument is that? I heard there were no levels nor respawns too.

And if someone is so dumb to open a door for the enemy - let him.
We don't let idiotic people team-kill, we shouldn't let them spoil the game for the rest of their team neither.

Seems legit to me!
did you heard of i believe you can register and post this suggestions directly there, you would see progress and what is up with it :)
Thanks! But I should wait first for a dev reply, shouldn't I?


So, I came up with two little ideas that could imo do really good for the game:

1) Auto-closing doors, and here I mean the small doors inside the castle, not the huge main doors. This way you can stop worrying about your teammates leaving the doors wide open: if someone opens it, it closes after one or two seconds.

2) Prevent defenders from opening the main castle doors. If they want to go outside, they can go by another way, and why the hell would they want to go outside anyway?

These two things would prevent defenders team from losing early due to betrayers or idiots. Imo it's just common sense to prevent a lamer to open the doors to the enemy.

Gold, yes!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Ram/Turtle
« on: September 30, 2011, 04:44:47 pm »
Indeed, though it might be a bit useless - doors in cRPG are not often blocking attackers... Unfortunately.

Very nice paintings Kajia! Can I know if you paint on the computer, and if so, using which software? (I used to use MyPaint.)

the one I showed a sketch before:
(click to show/hide)
I like this one very much, because it is both beautiful and a common scene in cRPG. You want to add more action? Maybe you could paint some more men on the wall that is on the right side of the picture, and/or men fighting on a terrace of the tower we see behind the tincan.
Once again, amazing work!

Closed Requests / Re: Marc_Duc_Du_Creusot, Kaede_Nagawara and Hitomi_Yumi
« on: September 29, 2011, 07:15:30 pm »
Sure, it's only for 1d and it's not really a horrible thing, yet I think we don't deserve it, even if it is only for 1d... I think we've quite proven we were not mindless lamers and that we were only striking back, not knowing it was forbidden. Next time we'll be sure not to TK-back and to use only polls and the admin-chat. :wink:

Closed Requests / Re: Marc_Duc_Du_Creusot, Kaede_Nagawara and Hitomi_Yumi
« on: September 29, 2011, 06:44:20 pm »
Thanks for fast answer.
We weren't aware an admin was here. We had started a ban poll to kick him out, and it failed (polls often do), and him TKing us didn't happen on this map. I think you were not there yet. What we do in these cases is usually press I and warn admin, but when admin isn't here, it's a bit harder to stop the TKers. I understand it's bad to TK back though.

Closed Requests / Re: Marc_Duc_Du_Creusot, Kaede_Nagawara and Hitomi_Yumi
« on: September 29, 2011, 06:29:14 pm »
Yeah, he (Risen_Meh) actually started by kicking me to throw me down the wall and I died, after which he laughed and tried to kill Marc. What Boulder did witness was only fair revenge, also his (Meh's) behavior in the game chat was very questionable. About Risen_Meh case, I wish to believe the Risen team is not a team that likes to kick people to kill them when all they do is playing fairly.
Anyway, this is a bit unfair and I think I wouldn't have posted a long suggestion about siege servers if I was a TKer :P

Suggestions Corner / Re: Real sieges!
« on: September 27, 2011, 10:14:49 am »
I dont know why it's unidentified as the entire crux of the game mode revolves around the flag or am I missing something you mean

I do identify it :) And many do. But most of the players, as you said, prefer to hunt down the enemy rather than protect the castle. That's why I'm saying it's unidentified.

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