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Messages - Warni

Pages: 1 [2]
Shields like buckler still manage to suck my throwables from the side of enemy tho.

The amount of cover that bucklers give is rediculous.  :evil:
Magic soup bowls or something

Good so it's not just me. It seems to be the same for all projectiles. I think this problem has always existed, but it seems worse now than before.
Still it doesn't happen very often, just really sucks when it does.

cRPG Technical problems / Bolts flying through target since last update?
« on: December 29, 2011, 11:36:17 am »
Hi all,

Since I installed the last update yesterday (using the launcher) it seems that crossbow bolts sometimes fly straight through a person without hitting him. I've been playing with xbow for a while now so I'm used to missing a lot, but since yesterday I've had several cases of missing a guy when there was no doubt the bolt should have hit (target filling the reticule). It's not a problem with lag, I usually have between 40 and 50 ping.
Maybe I'm seeing things, but has anyone else noticed this? Has anything been changed that affects hit boxes or something?


Announcements / Re: Version 0.241
« on: September 26, 2011, 10:51:55 am »
I heard somethin about, the delay to release your bolt on an arbalest at least, is pretty significantly longer.  I haven't tried it, but I hear its based on WPF?

I did have the impression that the release delay for xbows had been increased. I use an arbalest. It happened to me a few times since the last patch that I released and it took 1-2 seconds before the bolt was fired. This is way to long, especially when you're about to be skewered by cavalry.

Does anyone know for a fact if the release delay was changed, and if so what is the reason?

Also I've had a few cases of missing at close range (5-10 meters) when the target was completely covering the inside of the reticule. Did any other xbowers or archers notice this?

Announcements / Re: Latest version download
« on: September 19, 2011, 10:01:42 am »
Thanks Punisher. that solved it.

Announcements / Re: Latest version download
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:49:41 am »
same problem here. When trying to join EU or NA servers I'm getting a message saying it's running version 1.240. Where can we get it guys?
Fileserve and seem to only have links to the old version 1.234.


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