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Messages - Njunja

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Balkan Forum / Re: What I love about Croatia
« on: December 05, 2011, 10:25:00 am »
Topli sendvič od pilećih sisa.

I somehow missed the last 2 pages on this thread... sorry. Really interesting conversations there. :) :P

P.S. I don't get Cicero's post as well. :D

Sell/Trade / Re: Trading lordly mail gauntlets
« on: December 04, 2011, 05:12:20 pm »
80k + lordly mail gauntlets for lordly mail mittens

Suggestions Corner / Re: Armors in banner background color?
« on: December 04, 2011, 12:48:55 am »
This should be easy to code actually, make a special tunic that uses the "backing" colour for both the front and back.


Suggestions Corner / Armors in banner background color?
« on: December 03, 2011, 09:34:09 pm »
I have a proposal/suggestion.

I was working on armors in banner background color on a mod maybe a year ago. There are some armors in cRPG like tunics and tunics over mail which could be replaced. Those armors are in green, red, yellow, white and blue color at this moment .

What I'm suggesting... if the devs are into this I'm willing to make those armors use the banner background color instead of those 5 colors. It would use only 1 armor slot in market inventory and would give much more variety.

Here is a tutorial I placed on Taleworlds last year, so you can see what exactly I'm talking about.

How do you guys feel about this idea?

Sell/Trade / Re: Trading lordly mail gauntlets
« on: December 03, 2011, 08:17:11 pm »
bump... willing to add some gold with the gauntlets as well. 50k?

Sell/Trade / Re: Trading lordly mail gauntlets
« on: December 03, 2011, 01:36:25 pm »

Sell/Trade / Trading lordly mail gauntlets
« on: December 03, 2011, 12:32:42 am »
I'm looking for lordly mail mittens only. Nothing else.

Imaš odvratan avatar, mijenjaj to. Ak trebaš inspiraciju ima kod nas slika i linkova kolko hoćeš, samo reci tematiku.  :wink:

Ma daj... Austin je zakon, a taj tvoj nosonja hehe... vidio sam tu glavinu na TV-u prije par dana, stvarno sliči tvom liku iz igre. :D

Faction Halls / Re: [22nd] The 22nd Battalion
« on: November 30, 2011, 06:10:16 pm »
King Plazek's Master Plan revealed!

"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen... He-he-he." - King Plazek

The sudden "defeat" at Buillin was in truth merely a deceptive manoeuvre, toying on both the rebels physique and psyche.

The two-staged battle-plan reached the second phase as the true genius of the master plan was revealed.

The sudden "defeat" achieved exactly what it was supposed to do - Batter and wear down the rebels stationed in Buillin and temporarily raise their morale before crushing it completely.

In a master stroke, orchestrated by a sheer genius, His Highness, King Plazek the Great moved in the hidden main force - The 22nd Battalion.

"All hopes of victory has been crushed." said an anonymous rebel fighter.

Another anonymous man said - "All is lost. I'm going back to my farm. All hail King Plazek! Long may he reign!"

A spokesman for the 22nd Battalion said in an interview - "We should be home by chadzmas Day."

The Battle for Buillin is about to enter the final stages and a great victory parade has already been planned in honour of all the giant crabs that lost their lives to the barbarian tyrant rebels.

Another step towards peace and a lasting balance in the region has been achieved.

- Overlord Phyrexus Maximus E-peenus, Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

lol ... kick it down a notch man...

Will the Antarians endure the 22nd attack? Or will they get crushed like ants?!

Xant, ex-ANT.

Ants are tough little creatures, you know... :P

You can stomp them but they miraculously reappear and start doing their bussines.

Diplomacy / Re: Right or wrong?
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:45:44 am »
A few weeks of preparation when you wrongly believed we were inactive.

Pen&Teller's ......

Tried to change the colours of the backs, but it seems like it really does not work. maybe it does for native (did not try it there) but not for crpg. -.-

Gnah. this is pissing me off. chadz! If you read this! DO SOMETHING! :(

What do you mean? If you mean setting a different background color, I did it in the past so it's possible.
... in module system - hex codes for colors.

Depend on what server you join - the tdm/siege are just pathetic

Of course, I thought that was implied, on Native I play only on IG, Nditions and couple of other servers.

They aren't ex Native players except for a select few.

Native is just easymode

I must dissagree, but there isn't a proper way to determine or prove that Native is "easier" than cRPG and vice versa. I can only say that I find my way on both sides pretty well. And I'm sorry for talking about something completely off topic.

Or maybe... a clan war between cRPG and Native players....  :lol:

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