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Messages - BlackCorsair_RS

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Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] BlackCorsair_RS
« on: September 13, 2012, 02:03:33 pm »
Bjord to admit what? That I made a special teamkill just for fun without any reason? Oo

I never did such teamkills. Some times i was rage about teamhits in my back and made revenge teamhits/teamkills. But some months ago I became more patient and stopped doing that.

And i NEVER made  special or random tks just for fun.

You suppose that I had something against Haemhyr and teamkilled him? I even dont know him - as i understand now, its your alt char or friend? But even if i knew, same, I havent anything agaisnt you too.

I dont know when i got a reputation of a scum, who makes special teamkills of random people, but it's not truth. I m always trying to be effective and useful for team and to get good amount of scores, thats the only fun for me in crpg, not teamkilling.
It seems that I hardly can convince you, but I dont know what else I can do, and why you are so biased about me.

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] BlackCorsair_RS
« on: September 13, 2012, 01:46:38 pm »
Since I don't really believe you, I won't bother replying. I'm just going to wait for admin's decision.
Bjord i really even dont remember, when we became enemies or smthng like that?
If you give a hint, i will be really grateful to you.

Anyway, as I said, I hadnt anything personal against any player who was mentioned in this topic, and I explained my view in previous post.

P.S. btw the banner wasnt obscured by trees or background (thou sometimes its happens). there was NO banner at all. And the guy was horse crossbow, so i just thought he ride from enemy spawn to make some shooting, so I havent any doubts, and was sure that it's enemy.

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] BlackCorsair_RS
« on: September 13, 2012, 01:32:36 pm »
Hello guys, found this topic occassionally.

As i see, this topic is about me (though i m the lancer, not horse archer corsair).

About Haemhyr tk - yes, I really did it, and he really hadnt banner on his head. At least i am sure, that i wasnt provocated by him or smthng, he just hadnt banner 100% - thats what i know for sure, and its the only reason i tk'ed him - thought he was an enemy. by the way he was killed in several hits, but he reported me only in nano-second before killing hit, so i couldnt recognise that he is teammate till his death.
After teamkill i said sorries several times, as i know we hadnt any previous quarrels or disaggrements, and  i m not so wild to do random teamkills for special.

As for Bjord - sorry, i already dont remember any kind of the negative situation with you. It was smthng with me exactly, not horse archer guy? I teamkilled you or what it was?

And more - I already had 4-5 times situations, when people hadnt banner on their heads for several seconds (10-30), and as i remeber 3 times i made teamkills because of such situations. Because as a lancer, on high speed i can kill someone in  several seconds and in one hit (couch lance) so I just havent time to discover that this guy hadnt a banner just for seconds.

It's awfully weird, because i cant understand the enemy it is or not, till i made kill and get the red sentence - "BlackCorsair_RS teamkilled someone" or "BlackCorsair_RS was reported for teamhit"
And i had these bug only in last maybe 2 months, so maybe these bug appeared only in some recent patches?

Anyway i dont know the reason of that bug - all i can do - is to say sorry for people, who were tk'ed by me in that way.

And by the way, after my ban for 4 days after the quarrel with other guy, i became a rather patient player, and i always try to keep calm and avoid insulting other players or provocating them. And ofc i m not doing revenge teamkills now or smthng like that. ( i m speaking about myself again, i cant tell smthng about Black_Corsair_RS, he is my friend horse archer, but he isn't me)

So, if Haemhyr or Bjord still think that i had something against them, they can  meet me often on eu1 or eu4 and teamkill me several times or smthng like that. And i will not report them or insult.

I see these as an only option, to show that I havent anything against them.

Best Regards, BlackCorsair_RS

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 11, 2012, 06:59:48 pm »
thx a lot, that gave me some info to think about!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 11, 2012, 01:15:00 pm »
u meant not two handed, but crossbows i suppose.

i thought to sacrifice iron flesh to make 21 agi instead of 18.

it will allow me to shoot more accurate (with 7 wm) and to move faster (with 7 athletics).

or ironflesh is important for shielder/crossbowman?

General Discussion / Re: Hall of Fame
« on: September 11, 2012, 11:25:55 am »
hm, yes. not bad, but still there shouldnt be permabanned players in list. at least who were banned exactly for exploting/leeching  to grind  high lvl.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 11, 2012, 10:38:00 am »
If i want to be shielder/crossbow mix and main requirements are:

1) i will use mw crossbow + mw steel bolts + mw knightly heater shield
2) i want to be more a shielder then an xbow. Xbow just as a sweet addition.
3)  i think i will use mw italian sword (even knowing that blunt/pierce is not bad for such mix). If its totally wrong, show me your arguments :D

How about str/dex 18/21  and  wpf:
120 in onehanded
130 in crossbows

Which problems|advantages should i expect with this build?

P.S. tried 24|12 before that with 0 wpf in crossbows. Wasnt bad, but ofc he was rather slow, and crossbow usage was effective only in close distances

General Discussion / Re: Hall of Fame
« on: September 11, 2012, 10:24:33 am »
How can you even bother to retire at 35?

35 = 180,977,644 XP. Which is around 20 heirloom points if you would have retired. Instead you get 8 hp's and a silly title. :lol:

thats why the only one Grandmaster in list - is permabanned player, who cant use his character any other way, and who was banned for using exploits which allowed him to make this 35 lvl in few days.

Nothing personal to him, I didnt even want to say his nick, just angry about the opportunity to get to hall of fame for banned players.

silly situation, which making this "hall of fame"  more like "list of outlaws and bug-exploiters" ...

I dont wish to retire my high lvl to be in such list.

General Discussion / Re: Hall of Fame
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:26:15 am »

There is only one, so it will be not hard to find exact nick. :D

General Discussion / Re: Hall of Fame
« on: September 10, 2012, 08:30:25 pm »
Simple solution - if they get banned for leeching a certain number of times, remove their entry from the HoF.

there are PERMAbanned guys in hall of fame.

how you can be PERMAbanned several times lol?

General Discussion / Re: Hall of Fame
« on: September 10, 2012, 07:48:53 pm »
funny that it is possible to get to Hall of fame for permabanned characters (thou for leeching too, making their high lvls not fair earned).

Making  Hall of Fame very ... senseless.

Announcements / Re: The Great Banner Purge
« on: August 28, 2012, 12:08:18 pm »
Maybe lets see first the USSR flag, which is "just fine" ?

proof links, actual ingame screenshots?


Announcements / Re: 0.288
« on: August 17, 2012, 08:30:32 pm »
patch 0.289 is out, as i see.

patch notes?

update of first post:

added Military Pick +3

General Discussion / Re: Advert on the crpg page gave me a virus
« on: July 28, 2012, 11:05:25 am »
The time has come to launch cRPG  on steam as a paid mod?

Or to invent donate system, maybe with minimal advantages (or even not advantages, but unique ornamentals for armor or cloaks, titles and so on) ?

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