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Messages - tizzango

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General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:24:39 am »
I just hope they remember Farage when they're looking for a new scapegoat.

In the last few days Leave campaigners have obviously back peddled on their claims; NHS funding, and immigration control. These were two of the biggest driving points in their campaign, and a reason why a lot of people voted.

I sincerely hope that people are now going to wake up and smell the cheese, and perhaps become more aware of political agendas and populist propaganda; which in turn might unify the masses. However, I fear that the UK will already be too divided for it to matter.

Announcements / Re: cRPG Discount for OKAM Pre-order
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:35:01 pm »
Please detail minimum specs so people know if they can even play what they buy, thanks.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:27:04 pm »
You're quite the "sky is falling" kind of guy.  Nothing's even happened yet you wet the bed.

Farage was quite right about all those overpaid and bloated EU bureaucrats.  Most of them probably have never done a day's real work.  I thought he was quite humorous.

That's a bit of a crass assumption isn't it? My posts aren't like that at all, at most they show an ostensibly discerning forecast. I'm just saying what is actually happening, if you can provide any evidence to tell me that i'm wrong please do so- but please read all of my posts on this matter first, i'm fully aware we are in economic uncertainty.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 28, 2016, 05:24:41 pm »
A ~10% national pay-cut with an acute increase in taxes for the near foreseeable future. Well at least Britain has 1/2 of it's 'national pride' back.

Nigel Farage belittling the EU parliament as well, very mortifying:

And then Alyn Smith, our MEP:

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 27, 2016, 05:54:52 pm »
But hey, if our government is particularly fast and efficient about it we might almost end up as stable as we were in the first quarter of this year.

What an accomplishment! (and a fairly big *if*)

Did you watch the House of Commons live about 20 minutes ago?

I'm not a Tory, but David Cameron has actually been a good PM and his signing off speech was pretty solid. Corbyn's rebuttle was too much finger pointing, and SNP's Robertson was a bit too William Wallace-y (I am predominantly SNP).

I'm going to actually miss David Cameron, he's done well to recover from the recession.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 27, 2016, 05:33:10 pm »
True for every business. The pound losing some of it's value is going to be good for exports, not so much for imports. Good thing the UK has control over it's own monetary policy and isn't bound by EU treaties, eh?

It's unfortunate that now we are in this existential conundrum of absolute uncertainty and confusion. It's very very hard to stabilize an economy with such a volatile market, and even more so one that has been exasperated by this Brexit uncertainty, and the worst part is that we are frozen in this unstable environment until October (at the very least) or until the next Tory leader invokes Article 50 (which theoretically could be 2020 haha)

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:16:18 pm »
Comparing apples and oranges. London is more like New York or Paris. All these other american cities on the graph are either part of the Rust Belt or incredibly sprawled out megalopolis with a much lesser population density. Of course the housing market is dissimilar. The odd one out is Silicon Valley, for obvious reasons.

I'm just trolling you. I googled 'random statistics' just to appease your apparent disdain of vague statistics (and rightly so).

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Such a strong correlation r = .96.. is this cause and effect?????????
(click to show/hide)

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:15:42 pm »
that arguement is silly though.

how can you have a plan that isnt "negotiate our exit and see where we go from then"
The leave campaign isnt the govt so they cant say what they will do because they dont have the power to do it.

Thats like me never quitting a job because i dont know exactly what the next one will be

Well that's silly, isn't it? Why would you risk so much in the face of absolute uncertainty? That goes against primal instinct, what we know about biology (so far) dictates that we are innately programmed to maximise our gains with the minimal amount of tax on our resources.

You may call it being brave, but ultimately it's an uncertain gamble. It's not right to gamble with the lives of a lot of people fueled by lies and half-truths. What do I mean by that?

1) 350 million to the NHS - confirmed half-truth.
2) Stricter control of immigration - confirmed half-truth.
3) An economically stable aftermath - confirmed lie.

When I say 'confirmed' I mean that Leave campaigner's have addressed this, and confirmed that it isn't true. Feel free to google any of those statements, and your answer should lie in the top search.

Within parliament there are 360 MPs.. 300 of which back the Remain campaign (that have declared). That leaves 60 MPs in favour of Leave, amongst which 11 have said "there was no plan for post-Brexit...that should be left to Number 10". David Cameron would rather resign than invoke Article 50, and no one is brave enough to step up to the plate. Boris Johnson is even backing down. It's absolutely incredible. 

Alex Salmond just said "there is an old saying in politics, that is: 'If you break it, you own it'. It should be up to Leave campaigners to now tell us what to do and how they are going to remedy this, instead of back peddling on their claims and waiting until the 2017 general election' (paraphrased).

We don't have a government that want Brexit, and naturally it's going to be hard for a government made up of Remainers to respect the democracy of the Leavers. It's a very very tricky situation, and I don't think we should be in this mess because a few people gambled due to misinformation in the face of economic uncertainty.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:54:06 pm »
Maybe Overdriven and Tomas could tell us is post Brexit racism really a thing or just an internet hoax.

If you wan't anecdotal stuff, there is now a facebook group with a very recent accumulation of xenophobic instances. I've posted the link:

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:48:20 pm »
What the fuck would you even know about the statistics? Want to trott out some more of the blatantly misleading, eagerly swallowed bullshit that's been making the rounds? So much pandering to the ironic and totally undeserved sense of intellectual superiority of a bunch of easily fooled and manipulated morons.

Hey Oberyn check this out

and check this one out this one is pretty cool as well :):):)

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:):)))) xx

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 25, 2016, 07:24:45 pm »
They have all those detailed statistics and break downs of reasons for voting a particular way a mere two days after the vote was finished?  Impressive but not credible.  Projecting much?

Yeah. I personally believe that the world economy should be dictated by the data from all Lord Ashcroft polls  :lol:

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 07:28:02 pm »
Taking it along with the barrage of butthurt whining that the sky is falling from regressive media and that those responsable are the dying old white racists that everyone else can't wait to dissapear, because the young and "minorities" are obviously all tolerant humanist globalists, uniformly, it's not very hard to see what the "implications" of the graph are. It's literally spelled out. I'm sure you had no consciousness of this graph being blatantly misleading when you posted it though.

No of course not. I would never buy into (or propagate for that matter) such naive simplistic propaganda.


General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:53:41 pm »
For a researcher you have really strange understanding of statistics. A missing column in that table that would be usefull is the total number of votes per age bracket, if the point was to insinuate old reactionary racist cunts are the main reason Brexit passed, and all you need is to wait for these old white shitlords to die before true utopia that the "educated" young believe in can commence. But I suppose it was left out for precisely those reasons.

By no means are these a relative indicator of the number of votes per demographic, you're right to critique an image with vague percentages. But I believe it paints a political picture.

I'm not implying anyone's an 'old racist cunt', i'm not saying that young 'educated' people are the prophets that will carry us into a golden age of prosperity either. I'm just showing something that carries it's own implications. You can make a lot of different arguments explaining the diversity in opinion with regards to age, but again, i'm merely highlighting the issue. Take from it what you like.

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