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Messages - Bill The Butcher

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It sucks, the best thing I've found is to get a Rouncy and retire it. You need to be at about 22k to make money. I can ride a heavy rouncy,nomad robe and morning star and do OK.

Great, so i'm raging even more now!  :evil:

How much damage does the bump from a Rouncy at spawn do? Playing for an hour I got shot in the back 3 or 4 times by moron archers. I mean really, i'm trying to go around you and you're intentionally shooting someone on your own team in LIGHT armor? Cav has to wear light armor and ride light horses now to even play the class, give us a break and don't shoot us in the back.

General Discussion / Re: veeeerrryyy sloooow spawning
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:09:26 pm »
I had the same problems they got worse as I played. The issue for me was CPU temperature. I had a bunch of dust stuck in the heat sink and my CPU was running way to hot (80c) download Real Temp and take a look. After I cleaned the dust out, worked great.

General Discussion / Re: So....forget about riding a mid-tier horse now?
« on: January 12, 2011, 03:39:50 am »
i keep seeing posts of people saying they  have35k or more equipment and how they manage to get 20k in a couple of hours. No idea how they do that.

I have barely managed to get 12k since the patch came out and I played for a couple of hours every day. I have about 15k in equipment.

I suppose it would be possible if they got lucky with a ton of 5x and not many breaks, but they couldn't keep it up. Over time you're still losing money with 35k in gear.

General Discussion / Re: So....forget about riding a mid-tier horse now?
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:38:12 am »
Why not let the other team pulling out the pikes naturally counter cav? It was already hard enough to play with everyone going polearm.

General Discussion / Re: So....forget about riding a mid-tier horse now?
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:23:50 am »
I see that....I wonder why? It's a bitch now to play cav as it is, with everyone and their brother running around with polearms.

So now cav is not a valid specialty, which sucks because it's a major part of the game. It's frustrating to play with the major penalty psychologically you're punished with a major upkeep cost. I guess that's chadz prerogative though.

It wouldn't be so bad if you were rewarded for playing well. But the other night I went 16-1, and had a net loss of 3k gold for the round....

General Discussion / So....forget about riding a mid-tier horse now?
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:11:41 am »
Prices are increased in the last update, seems like with the upkeep cav is pretty much screwed. It's not something you can play every round anymore, you'll just lose money. Or am I missing something?

I can't ride a Destrier with leather armor without losing  money every time I sit down to play. And now with the latest patch they're more expensive and have worse stats?  What are the other cav doing? Playing 50/50 cav/inf?

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