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Messages - kooktar

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I don't agree that 'sweeping it under the rug' is the ideal solution here.

Look at a few successful kickstarter campaigns like Rust and Camelot Unchained. These guys communicate with the community that is their foundation weekly, bi-weekly with something as simple as a newsletter. Dedicated fans LOVE this. They CRAVE this. They literally do the PR/advertising for you if they are happy and content.

Being off the grid for months and finally responding to a fan of their work by telling them they just won the '..."dumbest comparison of the day award" hands down' or that we as fans and potential investors in their company are '...entitled to NOTHING' doesn't really sit well with me as the best approach to being successful. And believe me when I say this, I want them to be successful.

From this point I'm not really sure what the best course of action would be to get this ship sailing back on track. But I truely feel that cRPG and its community plays a role in some form.

It looked like you had several pages and as much time as you needed to explain that, but you chose to fill those several pages with a full autistic breakdown and raving about donkey dick. That may or may not have led to your 100% forum mute 'for no reason' in the first place.

If instead you mean you never had the chance to explain that because you choose to be a total 'tard instead and get yourself muted that would be more accurate. Maybe history will repeat itself, or maybe you will learn the difference between a fairly reasonable well-explained post like OP, and a full public forum breakdown like yours.

Hopefully your attempts to derail this thread will cease. And the residual nerd rage love you have for me will dissipate.

It is its obvious that the M:BG dev team gives two shits about this community, yet they reference us/cRPG as the reason why M:BG will be so great and a reason to hand them over your hard earned cash.

The reason the kickstart prolly didnt get funded was the fact that the game they plugged for hype, was used in a search engine by potential investors, and they came across this forum and the bitch-fest it is about the shitty game state and prolly thought to themselves 'Hmm if they can't manage this mod how can they build a game from the ground up?' and did not invest.

I know its hard for people to understand the concept that a lot of consumers/investors these days are savvy and smart and don't blow money on stupid shit.

I pledged more than you did, guess I should get a massive say in development of their game.

Oh wait that's a stupid idea, and none of us donated unless you have a quill by your name cos our pledges only get made if the kickstarter works.

Also OP gets likes cos his first post is reasonable and intelligent, your thread got shit on cos you pretended to be an expert game developer offering your master services to the devs and being cruelly rejected. Then you started gargling and talking about donkey dick for several pages. I know what'd be a really smart and mature solution, send your resume to the devs then cry salty tears all over the forum when they don't value your obvious talents.

I can see its still wedged down in there.

I never once wanted to leave my career to join a random startup company. The 'offering of the resume' was a a metaphor not be taken literally, though I never had time to explain that due to the 100% mute. I wanted to lend my skillset to the bettering of the cRPG mod and after months of silence, as a last resort I said i could provide them with a resume as to show them Im not some rando internet anon.

I like how OP gets likes, and my post regarding patch deployment got ran into the ground and I ended up getting a 100% mute for nothing. OP is correct, consumers today do research before they buy products, and the only 'claim to fame' brand this studio has released right now is a broken ass mod. As I said before in my previous thread, your namesake no matter what you guys think, as of right now is the state of cRPG because M:BG hasn't been released yet.

All that being said, you blame the current dev team forcRPGs present down falls. But who put the current dev team in place? Those folks also hold responsibility for the flop that is cRPG.

Also, the way the M:BG team has handled responses in this thread is quite amateurish and shows lack of professionalism. These same qualities can be seen through the state of the mod which they plug in their kickstarter vids over and over to gain hype.

But as to what CMP has said, they owe this community NOTHING, even though WE have donated to their crowd funding program.

I think this ones pretty cut and dry.

As far as production value, lyrics, and guitar skill (assuming its him playing dgent and I h8 h8 h8 this genre typically)


General Discussion / Have ya'll seen this video?
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:51:14 pm »

General Discussion / Re: I offered my resume.
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:58:52 pm »
Haha ARN, at this point I just wish any NA server had more than 6 people on at prime-time. Such a great game died for so many reasons that could have been fixed.

General Discussion / I offered my resume, then got muted
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:52:00 pm »
Welp folks, I'm glad after my long hiatus that the build is finally bug free. Oh wait. Fifth times the charm right? Glad to see ya'll put in a delivery solution.

One clarification from the previous post. I have a career, never did I want to work on M:BG nor did I want to quit my job for a random start-up. I did however, want to work on this mod in my free time to support it and help make it a better game for the community. After months of not getting any sort of feedback I offered my resume in hopes to show I wasn't some random jagoff. But I never had to give it out, since it was never requested of me and I felt it was a nice anecdote to lead off my original post of the failure that was the latest updates.

That being said not sure why I was forum muted, maybe the metaphor of the DD was too great for the euros to handle. It was an awesome metaphor tho on so many levels.

tldr; Shall we continue?

General Discussion / Re: I offered my resume.
« on: February 23, 2015, 05:17:05 pm »
I was under the false impression that this thread was about you crying your little eyes out because devs don't value your obnoxious talents.

I'm not derailing your thread, you are the one who mentioned that my account picture is racist, i'd love to hear why you think so since i'd hate to be causing offence. I do hope it's not that case that you realised you cannot answer that question without sounding racist yourself and now you're hopelessly backpedalling from your previous comment. That would be a shame.

In the words of the great HESKEYTIME, 'Gurgle, gurgle.'

It was obvious troll bait breh, and you swallowed it up as I had intended like ya swallow up that donkey dick. Your arguments carry no weight related to this particular topic because you have no real world experience to base said arguments off of. Granted you are cRPG famous, and I rarely but ever post on these forums, but for gods sake breh. Please remove that donkey dick from the throat. Every time you open up that gaping mouth ya just bury yourself even more under my superiority.

General Discussion / Re: I offered my resume.
« on: February 23, 2015, 04:47:30 pm »
Now that's an interesting thing to say, please kindly explain why it's racist, I am eager to hear your reasoning

Please stop trying to derail mah thread breh. I know that cawk is buried deep, and you love its presence, and you'll do your damnedest to gag down another 1/4 inch.

But this thread is about the poor quality/lack of effort from a company that wants mah money as an investor. I want to give them said moneh, and I want them to succeed because far too few games today are worth a shit. But in-experience rears its ugly head and ya try to nip a few problems in the bud verses tarnishing a name and potentially future investment opportunities, and suddenly all of these 'all the way to the balls' folks come waddling out of the boonies to spew their two cents and become cRPG forum famous.

So unless you wanna post something on how the Dev team can 'more better' pull their heads outta their asses, refrain from tainting mah thread. Btw its time to remove the cawk breh.

General Discussion / Re: I offered my resume.
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:51:18 pm »
Gawd its buried deep down that throat.

By the way, nice racist account picture.

General Discussion / Re: I offered my resume.
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:36:18 pm »
I'd be pretty mad to see the devs fucking about with cRPG for any serious amount of time if i'd donated money to M:BG, they should be working on their commercial title. Unfortunately I was not active when donations were being taken, and the kickstarter failed so they have none of my cash backing them, but if they did i'm be pissed off if they spent more time on this mod when they should be working on Melee. That'd be the biggest 'fuck you', if the devs took cash for their project and then went back to be being simple warband modders.

The bugs in this patch come from the work done by the community members behind this patch. If you want to give genuine constructive criticism or share your expertise, join the item team and see what you can do to help this patch or future patches come out bug free.

Firstly, company branding is a pretty cool thing. When you buy a Coke, you get that sweet red Coke can with that identifiable and lovable Coke logo. If my Coke tastes like asshole, it's on Coke to soak up the responsibility. When you plaster your next gen title all over my broken loading screen, you are getting your logo out there for the good... or possibly the bad.

Secondly, get that donkey dick outta yer mouth breh. Here is story time, to elaborate my point. I am Company X I just came out with this sweet new kickstarter page. I'm gettin' dat cash, gettin' dat cash... WHOA! I just hit mah goal. Now I got all this moneh and I gotta deliver, welp, I'm a lazy fuck so let me outsource all this shit to China for pennies on the dollar. I get to keep a substantial amount of $$$ to have sex with, while slave-esque labor produces my product. The product ships without a hitch and on time, deadlines were met and I look fucking sweeeeeeet! Except for those nasty reviews about how shitteh my game is, wtf. How am I responsible for this turd just because my name is stamped on it?

The Crew, interviewed the current 'community team' in some form I am hoping. Regardless of what sub-contractor works on a deliverable, the companies name is on the line. So sure maybe San fucked this up as Tydeus before him, irregardless, the blame is on the real Dev Team for hiring on the staff and giving them authority to be in charge of the mod.

If my Coke tastes like asshole I don't call up the factory that made the bad batch.. I call mother fucking Coke. Now get that schlong outta that purty mouth boy.

General Discussion / Re: I offered my resume.
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:10:36 pm »
Trolled hef hef?

On a serious note. I love this mod dearly. I did in fact attempt to lend my skillset to help improve this game we all love. It's a bit of a let down to not even get a simple rejection from the team, all I heard was silence. Tydeus spoke to me a few times in regards, but basically I was told, to go eff mahself. So on that note maybe I'm a bit bitter.

As for the nutcuppers that blew up this thread, do you not realize that this is the ultimate 'Fuck You' to the community? All of you people who pledged Battlegrounds? I pledged, because I'm in love with the idea. This 'team' literally can't even open their own fucking game for one second to see if it launches without errors.

Now my longspear transforms into a spear as I swap weaps. And my head doesn't exist. And I get to see pretty red text flood my screen as the game loads. And the animations are wonky. And the server stability (possibly netcode) is hosed.

Literally, one second, this team can't even give you one second of their time, but expect us to hand over foot dish out $$$ for what? The same business strategy for the next gen? Where we give a big ol' middle finger to the community that made us what we are, and continually deliver shit? Because we are too hipster to test our stuff, its rawk solid.

One fucking second to open their own game...

General Discussion / I offered my resume.
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:10:47 am »
Lol, nice effing patch brehs.

At one point in time, I tossed an offer into IRC to lend my programming skills to the mod. I am currently a senior lead developer on a multi-million dollar FAD (Federal Aerospace and Defense) account. But gawd am I glad chadz was too busy sniffing his own farts in scrubland (Europe).

We in the biz like to deliver quality products, our software is our namesake. This latest patch (among other failures) has really brought forth to the community the professionalism behind the 'Dev Team'.

Just cuz I'm bored I'm gonna throw out a few snazzy phrases/words that we programmers in the professional world use when engaging with customers.

Requirements - One of the most important pieces to the software puzzle. If you don't know what you're building, there is no way to deliver a product to the customer (CRPG Community). Process Architects will visit on site and gather all necessary requirements to please the customer (CRPG Community) and provide them with the most value.
Component Design Documentation - Some form of documentation, most often reviewed with the customer (CRPG Community) to get sign off/acceptance, that shows the desired path to complete the list of requirements, also multiple solutions may be provided with a risk/reward definitions to give the customer (CRPG Community) options on how to proceed.
Development Cycle - Once a solution is approved and work begins, a solid development team is necessary to ensure the proposed solutions will be achieved with a high quality of work.
Use Cases - As part of the requirements gathering, a use case document will be defined as a means to show the solution has successfully achieved a customer (CRPG Community) requirements. For example: Use Case 1: When a user logs into cRPG he is not flooded with texture fail to load errors. Use Case 2: When a user holds left click and drags their mouse back to perform a stab, the animation does not appear to be a turd. Use Case 3: When a user equips a legacy helmet ITS FUCKING MODEL DISPLAYS.
Test Cases - This is where the developers take each use case, and provide a list of steps that can be used within the solution that will achieve a success on the equivalent use case. Problem here is boys this requires TESTING and obviously nobody tested this turd.
End User Acceptance - After your solution is wrapped up in a neat deliverable and shipped off to the customer (CRPG Community), a phase of end user acceptance will occur, where bugs will be reported, and users are trained on the solution. Eventually giving legal signoff that the requirements have been met. It is possible if a turd solution is delivered, those providing the solution via a work contract would be flirting with lawsuits from the customer. Here is the link to the current bug list, as we are unware of any real ticketing service such as JIRA the 'Dev Team' uses:

Theres a bunch of other processes that occur in the business world, and it varies from company to company, but thats the jist of things. I asked for a subversion link for the cRPG repository JUST TO LOOK, unless I had commit rights I couldn't even fucking touch their source code. But heaven forbid folks attempt to help this flop.

You guys put that flashy ass banner now, 'MELEE BATTLEGROUNDS THE GAME DERPA DERPA', you really want these tainted builds going on your record when you're actually trying to start a gaming company?

Get some processes established, have code reviews, TEST THE FUCKING CODE IN A TEST ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PUSHING IT TO PRODUCTION. It seems like the new guys attempted to appease the customer (CRPG Community) with some of the item adjustments, and thats a good thing we are somewhat being heard, but for fucks sake with this regression. How does a 'mail coif' thats been in the game for years suddenly not display a model? How do you push a production build with 100s of texture load errors.. it looks like you never even launched the game to test it OTHERWISE YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN ALL THIS SHIT.

edit: added bug list.. please go here and post bugs so this shit may one day be fixed
TLDR: Learn to run a business/program

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request for Smithy
« on: February 09, 2015, 07:34:34 pm »
They ban Allers for 'leeching' and let shit like this ride. No wonder the At fifteen, I had the will to  learn ; at thirty, I could stand ; at forty, I had no  doubts ; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding ;  at sixty, my ears were opened ; at seventy, I could  do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the  square.. I'm sure a new player enjoy's nothing more than being struck down by a STR crutching, plate wearing, nutcupper 3 seconds into the round.

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