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Messages - Malevolent_Warlord

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Discussion / Re: Teamplay, how can we resurrect it?
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:14:18 pm »
In order to get some teamwork going on a few statements have to exist:

1) Player understands teamwork and its benefits
2) Player is willing to serve others

Teamwork starts when a player serves another player. This maybe onesided, but still its two players working "together" even if the other one is playing solo. Multiply there "servants" and then we have more teamwork. But there will be no teamwork if those two statements dont exist.

What I do is I find the some skilled and non-suicidal players and I help them. They often recognize me when I start following them around for many rounds and help out.

Another solution (maybe) would be to create a server that name is "CRPG 7 - Teamwork only". Have the server password protected and the password placed in the forum in a thread where we state the rules of the server. I guess this would reduce the number of soloplayers... perhaps. We would need a lot of admins to kick out players who go solo all the time.

We need leaders, but we also need people willing to serve others.

General Discussion / Re: Do you miss tactics in cRPG?
« on: December 26, 2011, 10:50:13 pm »
Getting a little off topic.
Ok so organizing tactics in puplic is hard. People are stupid, do lemmings, not trained/educated, don't care or just want to play the way the want. It is sad that we have such an absence of tactics.

To make my games more interesting I often try to find out if there are any great players (in this case a player who has skill and doesn't die easily) in my team. At the start of the round I start following one of them and try to keep them alive. They often notice me since I stick real close and help out. This makes my games fun. It benefits me to keep that player alive, I get some nice teamwork and money if we win the rounds.

So find out who plays well and is a teamplayer and then start following those guys around.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.234
« on: August 20, 2011, 05:26:55 pm »
I installed CRPG and CRPG update, but I get error "can't open file bows_new.brf". I got M&B version 1.143. What ze problem Eh?

General Discussion / Re: Best 1h sword for cavalry
« on: January 30, 2011, 03:11:40 pm »
It really depends on what u want to wear and use.

If u can afford to use the "best" (expensive) swords then pick one that is long. Best swords only have +1-3 damage and maybe +3-5 range and +1 speed when comparing to medium priced swords. That really isn't much.
I use scimitar. I don't use elite scimitar because it doesn't give any boost really and it costs a lot more to repair.
Just check the medium priced swords u might want to use, they are just as good, but don't drain ur gold so fast so u can afford to buy armor or a better horse instead.

Sarranid Guard Sword   4816   
weight 1.25
requirement 6
spd rtng 99
weapon length 100
swing damage 30, cut
thrust damage 20 pierce
Nordic Champion's Sword   7842   
weight 1.35
requirement 7
spd rtng 97
weapon length 102
swing damage 32, cut
thrust damage 21 pierce

Compare: Nordic sword gets +1-2 damage, +2 range, speed -2!, + some weight for stun effect. 3k more gold.
Is it really worth it? I don't think so. Best weapons are insanely more expensive and offer nothing in return. Personal fighting skills are more valuable than weapons.

General Discussion / Re: Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 24, 2011, 08:33:37 am »
Remember that 2H weapons get penalty when fighting mounted. 30% damage loss and speed is reduced.... Unless chazd has been fooling around with those stats too. So basicly 2h becomes worse than 1h when mounted.

True. It is a question of protection vs speed.
I prefer protection and survivability. Huscarl shield offers excellent protection, but it is heavy and u move slowly. Lighter "cavalry" shields around 5kg give good protection, but with them u can move much faster than with a huscarl shield.

I keep my shield up when enemies are near. I have to many times found out that lowering my shield has been the end of my round. Now with much more throwing players I really need to keep up my shield.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Horse archery - Tips
« on: January 22, 2011, 02:19:04 am »
Archery is really nerfed now sadly.
I am creating a HA char too, level 25 atm.
I have once heirloomed strongbow and 3 quivers of arrows.
I got a large warhorse to suck all the arrows and a lighter steppe horse depending on what I need.
Going for:
PD 5
HA 4
Riding 5 (would be 6 if I hadn't put 1 PS by mistake)
WM 8

This build is pretty much the same as your with more PD and stronger bow. This build did work very well pre-patch. Now I don't know since Im rather reluctant to play as archer.

This thread maybe slightly outdated. New patch has changed things as we know, but the principles of combat have not changed.

- We have more teamwork among people, but we also have more solo players sometimes.
- Tactics are much more important now since one doesn't have to be in the big group.
- Many players get seperated from the group while doing solo and these guys can be easily outnumbered and taken out without casualties.
- One thing has not changed... people still start the round by running into a direction like a headless chicken.

One very IMPORTANT thing players need to learn is personal safety, defence and survival skills.
- I have found out that armor is no longer the saviour that it used to be.
- I use lamellar vests that and leather boots/gloves. They make me light and give me just as much protection as heavier armor and I don't lose wpf because of weight.
- I keep my shield (block) up at all times.
- I work with teammates who increase my safety.
- Rather than fighting too long against some turtle I disengage often to get check my surroundings and try not to get isolated.
- Many players have the straight forward attitude and often get to make a few hits against a shield before they are cut down.

Practise ur situational awareness. Practise ur personal skills. Don't rely on spam. Stick with the formation rather than go solo and hunt someone, don't get isolated.
I often find myself among the last people alive in my team and with a good Kills/Deaths ratio.
Staying alive is the most important thing. I get to play more, get more kills and I'm a valuable teammember.
Dead people don't swing. Every death is result of a mistake... I often just get outnumbered when all teammates are dead  :D

General Discussion / Re: 1h + Cavalry?
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:09:47 am »
Cataphract + lamellar vest + scimitar

It is effective.

General Discussion / Re: Average Player Health and Armor?
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:27:22 pm »
A little off topic, but I have found that armor and hitpoints are quite useless post-patch. Many times I get one-hitted by various weapons even though wearing heavy armor. Personal defence skills are now the most valuable things when one can't rely on armor to suck all the hits.

General Discussion / Re: Too many projectiles
« on: January 19, 2011, 10:55:43 am »
Utter Rubbish tbh.

I don't give a "flying" monkeys **** about dying in a game. :) It happens. I'm a big boy, I'll get over it quickly enough.

The original post did not mention anything about complaining about death. Even to the most dimwitted observer, the title could hardly have been more self explanatory.

Do yourself a favour, if you've nothing constructive to say, say nothing instead.

You can stay on the failbus until it reaches the terminus tbh, no charge. :)

There it is " I don't give a "flying" monkeys **** about dying in a game. ". U should care about dying. Dead people don't swing.
So charge in and get hit by all the projectiles while chasing kills and then come bitch on the forums, because of too much projectiles? And when I say u need to protect urself u call me failbus and shit. Enough said.

General Discussion / Re: Too many projectiles
« on: January 19, 2011, 04:13:14 am »
No Offence but are you fucking retarded?

How the fuck does this solve the problem which the Original post states?

This just makes the problem worse...

U missed the whole point.

Projectiles do not bother me when I go 2h, 1h, polearm, cav or as an archer. I carry a shield for protection. Archers are the least of my problems.
2h-players who whine about archers just plain suck ass. They always go RAAAAGHHH CHAAAARGE KILLL ZIE PESANTS.... and then they are fucking dead.
If they were killed by projectiles they create projectile whinebitch thread.
If they are killed by horses they come here and bitch about horses.
Simple fact is that they made a mistake and got themselves killed. Plain and simple.

Now if u try archery/xbow/throwing urself u realise that when u see a guy who is facing u with a shield u know that u cannot hurt him with ranged weapons.

There is no problem....
Ranged weapons are in balance....
Skills that the players have are not in balance....

General Discussion / Re: Too many projectiles
« on: January 18, 2011, 08:54:48 pm »
Get a shield and stop bitching.

If I use my polearm or 2h-character and get shot by an arrow while fighting melee I instantly disengage and pull down my shield and switch to 1h(/2h) weapon and look around if I am too exposed and my overrall position on the field. Most likely I have missed enemy archers and I am their sole target.

Some other people might just blindly continue spamming and die after few arrows, because they want that peasant killed. After they are killed they come to forums and bitch and moan about archers.
Simple fact is that most people lack seriously in survival skills and have no idea of their surroundings.

I see it so often when I play my spearman character. Enemy comes and spamms me and tries to break my shield with a sword. I draw them to my friendlies. Enemy still keeps spamming my shield even though he is getting outnumbered... after few seconds they are dead. Zero skills, zero care for own survival.... dead. Its the same thing with 2h spammers who think they are the shit-elite. They don't pay attention and get killed. 

If u get a shield and pay attention to ur surroundings archers can only kill u if they outnumber and flank u.

Don't u have enough work in playing those 16? I got 7 and I got plenty work in getting them to level 30 and having fun too. Why don't u create some historical character or some weird own creation who specialize in some particular weapon(s)?

General Discussion / Re: Too many projectiles
« on: January 18, 2011, 11:15:29 am »
Why don't u whiners just try those classes urself?

All those who bitch about this and that always just stick with their one and only class and when they get killed by some other class that stops them from killing peasants they start to bitch and moan.

If ranged players bother u get a shield, avoid them, manuever, use stealth, hunt them with a horse.
Don't expect ur character to be an all-beating-jack-of-all-trades-yber-spam-crushthrough-overkill.

If u get killed, its because u made a mistake.

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