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Messages - H3ADSH0T

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General Discussion / Re: "PRO" Clan, the end of CRPG
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:41:17 pm »

Tears of Destiny, your foulness transcends cRPG, video games, and the internet.  To begin, everything you are is utterly replaceable.  You will never achieve anything of merit.  Any attempt you have ever made to distinguish yourself has, and will, fail.  You are a liability to anyone who has ever had the misfortune of interacting with you.  You are a single celled organism still trapped in the primordial soup of creation; you are not even capable of cell division.  Your only accomplishment to date has been dodging natures evolutionary attempts to prevent you from ever spawning.  Every moment of your life has been utterly forgettable; your existence is indistinguishable from nonexistence.  Your magnum opus will be eclipsed by the bowel movement of an average man who lives a sedentary lifestyle.  This post which I have invested a trivial amount of effort into is of better quality than the combined product of all your endeavors multiplied indefinitely.  You peaked when you fell out of the womb.

Get out and never return.

And pretty much every one of you 1%'ers can have the same said to you.

Sell/Trade / Re: Loompoint auction! [600k Starting]
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:37:06 pm »
This loom point is of a higher quality than your average loom point. Not to mention the gold is going to a worthy charity which is not the auctioner himself

Game Balance Discussion / Re: I know you hate horseman but...
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:09:58 pm »
I still think that tactics > everything. Cavalry might "swarm" the pikeman once they turn their attention to melee but if people in C-RPG could be coaxed to work together anything like the people in MM line battles do, we'd have halfway decent formations and Cavalry would be forced to counterplay or ride away.

Whether or not you could recover thrown weapons is up for debate. I'm sure people would be upset if there was too much access to ammunition.

Sell/Trade / Re: Loompoint auction! [600k Starting]
« on: April 22, 2012, 05:36:59 am »
Bump for great justice

Glad to see their is some more support for this idea this time around. I'm after this change for plenty of reasons and believe that promoting versatility and giving us more choices is what makes our warfare more believable. As for being able to throw -anything-, who knows if that will ever happen :D.

The only buff the throwing lance needs is for someone not be able to survive 2 of them

I agree and offer that we all survive and absurd amount of things we shouldn't, yet this is the nature of the mod.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Give 2Hs some sheaths!
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:07:15 am »
You don't wear a sheathe on your back straight up and down, I'm pretty sure you could draw one from your back if it wasn't a looney toones flamberge

I hadn't the slightest idea of how to tell what the melee speed was. In any case I think that all of the pole type thrown weapons are all misrepresented in length and in usefulness beside being thrown. I don't think versatility is such a bad idea.

Selfish bump for no feedback and plenty of views

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff the Buckler already
« on: April 20, 2012, 10:15:43 pm »
The only buff the buckler needs is to not look absolutely ridiculous

Game Balance Discussion / Re: I know you hate horseman but...
« on: April 20, 2012, 09:53:54 pm »
I think that I would suggest imposing a slowing effect on horses struck in the legs, at least for a time. But then I remind myself of what horses are actually capable of. I'm from a town with one of the largest rodeos in the US. One year a horse broke its leg during an event and proceeded to THRASH and cause havoc. It took well over 20 men to pacify it before it could be tranquilized and put out of its misery. Hell, in PW a horses speed and maneuver go down the further it's health does. If certain things were balanced to reflect this even that would be an addition I couldn't cry about.

Suggestions Corner / The Throwing "Lance" and why I can't be Leonidas
« on: April 20, 2012, 09:36:36 pm »
TL;DR VERSION: Most throwing items are too short, and there is no reason why they are so slow in melee. Make spears throwable
I've brought this up for discussion before about a year ago and was met with pretty staunch opposition. Nevertheless, I thought it would be worth at least mentioning having not even looked to see if y'all have been talking about it lately.

My award winning argument:

C-rpg has forsaken me in the form of no available spartan-esque helm beside the barbutte, I cannot wear a bad ass cape and still have my rippling pixel pecs shine in the sun and even more recently I cannot wield a huscarl, warspear, and 1h weapon to re-enact my highly dramatized personal re-enactment of 300. Slots are a knavery, but I digress.

The Throwing "Lance" is shorter than the typical spear which COULD be and WAS thrown.

Now I know what you're thinking. "H3ADSH0T you 1337 speak spelling scrub, no respectable spear user would want to part with his spear". Well to you NAYSAYERS I say this:

Even if we dismiss the idea of throwing a typical spear like the Warspear, consider something for throwing like the Pilum. From, granted, wikipedia: "The pilum (plural pila) was a javelin commonly used by the Roman army in ancient times. It was generally about two metres long overall,". NOW FOR COMPARISON!

Reference item:                                                             
weapon length: 106 (4 feet from what I can tell)
weight: 1.8
difficulty: 10
speed rating: 98
weapon length: 106
thrust damage: 23 pierce
swing damage: 36 cut
slots: 2
Secondary Mode

Reference Item:

War Spear
weapon length: 150 (about six feet)
weight: 1.5
difficulty: 11
speed rating: 95
weapon length: 150
thrust damage: 28 pierce
swing damage: 18 blunt

Reference Item:

Throwing "Lance"
missile speed: 17
weapon length: 120 (just under 5 feet?)
weight: 1.5
accuracy: 154
difficulty: 7
speed rating: 80
missile speed: 17
weapon length: 120
max ammo: 1
thrust damage: 60 pierce
slots: 1
Bonus against Shield
Secondary Mod
slots: 2

So the Warspear, a more or less accurate depiction of a spear which could be thrown is duel-able, longer than this throwing "lance" (not to mention throwing SPEARS) and actually viable. So after this wall of text my actual goal shall be announced. Why not consider looking at items for their potential throwability? I have often found that as a melee combatant I am at a loss if I need to finish off a foe or engage before getting into melee. I would like the option with my hoplites to use the warspear or any spear for that matter -and- throw it if I so chose. Literally nothing stands in the way of this bar the fact that none of the throwing items are particularly realistic as it is. All that I am suggesting is a slight buff to versatility in items like these. I was surprised to find after returning to C-RPG that you can turn items with a pick component around to use them as piercing, I think we can make the same progress here. Anyone with me?

Also to squeeze in one more idea that is mostly unrelated. Reading about the Pilum encumbering shield users and making their shield unwieldy (when one is sticking in it), or forcing them to waste time pulling it out, could have real promise in C-RPG. What if thrown weapons started to slow a shield?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: I know you hate horseman but...
« on: April 20, 2012, 09:00:36 pm »
I agree with CrazyCracka420. I think that C-RPG has the most fun potential when teams use actual tactics and nerfing something that is -mechanically- strong (Cavalry in real warfare) is silly, when it can be counter played. Removing our choices for strategy makes the game shallow and uninteresting. Not to mention a lot of things in C-RPG COULD be balanced to make more "sense" like this horses get nuked to the legs theory:

Players that have a certain amount of weight equipped should not be able to jump and twirl like ninjas.

In any case, if there were more options for anti cavalry techniques you might not cry so much. Pikes should be able to be set and have a couch effect on charging cavalry. Counter play to this is exactly what front line Cav would be doing for real, wedging and suiciding on your pike/shield wall.

tl;dr Buff tactics, nerf nothing.

Also make throwing spears about 40 units longer. kthx

Suggestions Corner / Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:46:13 am »
Warband campaign starts at.. 1257? Or something like that.

*Starts a campaign to check.*

Confirmed, Calradia campaign starts at 1257.  :)

And Calradia is a historical place and native is an account of real life in the 1200's. Yup

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