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Messages - Rico

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General Discussion / A funfact about level 36...
« on: July 16, 2012, 12:14:00 pm »
Hello everybody!

I was wondering why there are so few people on level 36, and the answer is quite obvious: It needs a long time. Do you still give it a try? Here you go:

The maximum experience gain per tick on x1 is 1450. Before we aim to level 36, we should reach this maximum by becoming generation 16 to
- make the future leveling faster.
- get some looms to be effective.
This takes, including the bonus of 30 additional experience each generation per tick, 123913 minutes while on x1 = 2065.216667 hours = 86.05069446 days in which we do nothing but playing cRPG.

To reach level 36 from that point, we need 218051 minutes on x1 = 3634.183333 hours = 151.4243056 days.

Without any multipliers, we need 237.475 days in total. But as we also win some rounds, let's take the average multiplier of 1.9375 (Panoply did the math for that). Great! Then we need only 122.5677419 days. I suppose you are humans too, so you definitely need sleep and time to eat and drink. 8 hours of regular sleep are quite good, so let's use this healthy time. 1 hour a day to eat, so we can play 15/24 of a day, which is 62.5%.

Eat, drink and sleep, and then you will have to spend 192.108387 days to reach level 36.
Therefore, I would recommend to bribe a developer instead of doing this yourself, do account-sharing or just join this server called reallife. There are actually always people online as there are much more slots then even in EU_1. And I did not mention the best: It is never lagging. But remember: In reallife, do not attack the guys without a banner over their heads. They could be angry with you.

However, meet me there!
Thank you,

Also, if you want to see the +1, or +2 model of the weapon, just post a request

Hey LastKaze!

Thank you for your great work to make this spoiler! I would be very happy if you could upload pics of all arrow types. For archers like me it is very important to know what (and especially who) has hit you, so it would be incredible helpful if you could upload the +1 and +2 versions of all four arrow types.

Thank you!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please, please, can we have 2 slot bows!?
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:52:43 am »
Ahm, no!
Lars Andersen is the world champion in speed archery, not a kid, bro :wink:
Still, nice try :lol:

Suggestions Corner / Re: They are adding kilts!!!!!!!!!
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:45:00 am »
Get a grip on yourself ya drongo
Wow. In this thread you are as friendly as in the other one :rolleyes:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please, please, can we have 2 slot bows!?
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:42:18 am »
Not to more than 18 though, also 20 if loomed (not sure about the number, arrows should be used wisely and not spammed). That should be enough.

No. Using a crossbow is about using your ammo wisely. Archery is not. Saracen archers knew how to shoot 3 arrows in 1.5 seconds ( I am sure they had more then 1 quiver on their horses.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please, please, can we have 2 slot bows!?
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:35:09 am »
Again, I have been playing this longer than you, I have tried every combination you can even imagine and several more. The fact that you think it is ok to take a stupid horsebow and 3 quivers shows you really are a scumcunt. No offence, I'm sure you think your a great person, but kiteing is just NOT OK. Archers need to be able to stand their ground and fight. Currently I think only 3 of us do this. Tenne is a well sung hero of this. I have been doing it for 2 years. But it needs a buff. Kiters need a massive nerf. This is a game about fighting.

Balance-wise: Kiteing needs removing. Realism-wise: Kiteing needs removing.

The fact that crossbows reload so fast and fire so accurately is a whole other issue.

Who says that I am kiting? When our clan is on EU_2, there is enough reliable infantry in my team so that I just do not have do kite or fight in melee. I can stand between them as a supporter without any melee deaths. Bows can be like a pike which is unblockable for people without shields. Furthermore, my build will be 15/21 I will have 144 wpf in archery and 100 in 1handed, which I will use to carry a onehander when only a small part of the clan is online. The build that knows how defend itself. Hey, and don't even think about complaining that 144 archery is not enough! I have only 5 PD and consequently a low penalty, I know what I do.

Crossbows are not another issue and I never mentioned the reloading speed being to high, did I? I am just saying that you can't have the speed benefit of the bow expecting to be as accurate AND as strong as a crossbowman. For more damage, use an arbalest, this is all I am saying.

The longbow could be a bit better, I do not know. But Nikodin is doing well with it, same as Winter. In an archer duel, the disadvantage is always on your side when you have such a slow bow, except you know very well how to move.

By the way, noone cares since when we have been playing this game. But in all the time you have been playing it, you obviously haven't learned how to discuss adequately in the forum. Can nobody post his opinion without being offended? (The well known "no offence, but..." does not make it better.) All of us would have understood what you wanted to say without that crap:
The fact that you think it is ok to take a stupid horsebow and 3 quivers shows you really are a scumcunt. No offence, I'm sure you think your a great person, but kiteing is just NOT OK.

Thank you. Sorin.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please, please, can we have 2 slot bows!?
« on: June 11, 2012, 08:21:38 pm »
Try Tatar or Horn bow. On masterwork, 2 hits for light armored, 3-5 for medium or heavy armored while using Arrows +3 with an 18/18 build. Very short reload time, this are actually ordinary bows. If you want more damage, accept that you have more arrows and a 0-slot melee weapon or less arrows and a 1-slot melee weapon. If you do not accept this, you should play as a crossbowman.

I do not see why you are complaining.

Btw, no expirience with the Yumi so far. The stats do not look bad tbh. Just test it as well :wink:

And please, do not limit the number of quivers archers may bring. Why should they not be allowed to bring as much arrows as they want? Adal and me often use a 1 slot bow to bring 3 quivers of bodkins, tatars or barbed arrows. Why do you think about restricting this?

Suggestions Corner / Re: major proposals
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:17:47 am »
Let me try:

When you start to play a new computer game, after a while, you find out different tricks (bugs?) which help you to improve your skills. But the number of those tricks (bugs?) becomes bigger the longer you play. In the end, everybody uses those tricks (bugs?), which is unbearable, so that you stop playing. Please stop people to exploit common tricks (bugs?).

Maybe he means hacks such as aimbots, autoblock etc. Or just bugusing? Perhaps exploiting that some classes are not balanced to others?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hide experience bar, gold and/or multiplier
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:35:57 am »
Looks great, thanks for the link!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Anyone knows..
« on: June 03, 2012, 09:26:16 pm »
I would recommend to use the Tatar Bow while playing a hybrid archer. The damage of an unloomed Tatar Bow is relatively low, but at least you are more precise compared with the Horn Bow, so it should be more fun.

Suggestions Corner / Re: grapple move for polearms
« on: June 03, 2012, 03:35:32 pm »
Well, tbh, Im FOR this, as a realism update, but also we need MORE realism updates, like removing blocking from greatswords, pikes, longspears, great axes, making poleaxes wiff and fail at close ranges, giving arrows knockdown, increasing the reload time of crossbows about 10fold, banning all horse crossbowmen toons, making crossbows about 1/10th as accurate, make using a crossbow in the rain, or going into water with it, DESTROY it forever, removing forcefields from shields completely now matter how much shieldskill you stack, buffing stab damage on all 1handers, making horses about A FUCKING MILLION times louder, blocking an axe or sword with a weapon with a wooden shaft should make your weapon take dmg and ultimately break, make horsebumps more powerful, nutsack kick should disable for longer....

Sounds good :mrgreen:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please change the stats of the Leather Armor
« on: June 03, 2012, 03:12:09 pm »

Suggestions Corner / Re: Secondary mode for bows
« on: June 03, 2012, 03:10:58 pm »
stop trolling. bump

Suggestions Corner / Re: Buff archers
« on: June 03, 2012, 03:06:11 pm »
Archers are fine. I am an archer and can't complain.

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