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Messages - Rico

Pages: 1 ... 97 98 [99] 100 101 102
Suggestions Corner / Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:41:05 pm »
Hey all!

As you can see in the screenshots in Dave's Crossbow Guide, crossbows and bolts used to be lighter (see /guides/crossbowery-basics-and-tricks/).

Please change the weight back to normal.

There is no point in kiting when you have a crossbow anyway, cuz once your bolt is gone, you are not gonna reload the xbow as fast as a bow. So there is no reason to make crossbowmen slower. There are some people like me who use light armor to be fast, for example to compensate the short range of the melee weapon or to allow quick flanking maneuvers. Now, I am running as if I was a tincan and can't play around with my short weapon the same way as before.

Please don't exclude the "light armor/crossbow/1 slot melee weapon" playstyle for no reason. It's not OP, so there is no reason to nerf it. Rather be happy that some crossbowmen use light armor though they could use heavier stuff without a loss of accuracy. We are easy to kill and die in one swing, max 2 )))


P.S.: @ all haters who think like Zlisch, read my answer at least.
P.P.S.: @ ALL: If you want more arguments that support my position, but don't have time to read the whole discussion, read page [2] post #8.

Sell/Trade / Re: Trade between Reinheld and Rico
« on: December 15, 2012, 07:11:52 pm »
Everything went perfectly, thank you!

Sell/Trade / Re: Trade between Reinheld and Rico
« on: December 15, 2012, 07:08:08 pm »
Accepted Italian Falchion +2 for Arba +1 offer.

Sell/Trade / Re: Trade between Reinheld and Rico
« on: December 15, 2012, 07:04:20 pm »
Thank you! I will offer 1 gold for your axe, please offer the arbalest for my falchion. Then we accept both offers.

Sell/Trade / Trade between Reinheld and Rico
« on: December 15, 2012, 06:59:06 pm »

Reinheld wnats to give me her +1 Great Axe and her +1 Arbalest for my Italian Falchion +2. As we need to split the transaction into 2 trades, there is a chance that one person tricks the other. This is why we want to make it public --- admins, please ban this person if one tricks the other.

Reinheld, do you agree to this and we make the trade in the marketplace now?


Inactive / [BAN] Cenk
« on: November 29, 2012, 12:24:06 am »
EU2, 00:20 am, 29th of november 2012

Please ban Cenk for intentional teamkilling in spawn. He hit me 4 times and disconnected for not being pollbanned.

(click to show/hide)

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Scene Editing / Re: Maps of Kafeins Best Bitch
« on: November 05, 2012, 09:12:25 pm »
About Cazawa Keep:

The map has a very nice layout and I like it very much, it should just be a bit more balanced for the attackers.

It would appreciate if you could add some cover here. Otherwise, attackers without shield could be way too easily shot from where i am standing in the picture. Just add a pile of barrels or somthing. The wall between the lower and the higher level is too far away to reach it after you jump down without getting shot. Thank you :D


Sell/Trade / Re: Trade between STR_Slash_Cavalry and Rico_HRE
« on: November 01, 2012, 03:08:06 pm »
Alright, take your time :wink:

Sell/Trade / Re: Trade between STR_Slash_Cavalry and Rico_HRE
« on: November 01, 2012, 01:02:10 pm »
In case Lord Slash is tend to answer, I'd like to know if you want to do the trade or not :wink:

Sell/Trade / Trade between STR_Slash_Cavalry and Rico_HRE
« on: November 01, 2012, 12:42:33 pm »

This is Rico. I want to give Slash my Awlpike +1 and my Arab Cav Sword +1 for his Rus Scale Armor +2. We have to split it into two trades, which creates room for tricking each other. This is why I make this post and ask Slash to confirm the trade officially. If one tricks another, admins please ban.


Suggestions Corner / Ranged nerf in strategus
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:59:33 pm »
Hey all!

I've heard pepole want to nerf ranged  in strategus because it's OP at the beginning of each strategus round. In the "peasent wars" until people can afford to craft heavy armor, ranged classes are just to strong. If this is the reason why ranged should be nerfed (if not, sorry for bothering you with this), why can't we just nerf ranged at the beginning of the new strat round and buff it later continuously so that it's neither OP or UP, just good in comparison to melee people's armor?


Suggestions Corner / Re: Fixed player hitboxes
« on: August 18, 2012, 04:36:49 pm »
What about giving female chars smaller hitboxes but less hp?

Suggestions Corner / Re: DTV (defend the virgin)
« on: August 13, 2012, 06:10:04 pm »
because people always camp roofs, barns or tents to lure and kill the bots very easily, the number and strength of the bots is so high. this is what makes maps without those places actually unplayable. why don't we just remove fences, buildings and acutally all objects despite the ground itself to make it impossible to exploit DTV.?if all maps were like this, we could actually play against the bots having a fair chance to win, because the disadvantage to previous maps is compensated with a lower number of bots.

General Discussion / Re: A funfact about level 36...
« on: July 17, 2012, 02:03:41 am »
What about a maximum level on which your experience is frozen? Just an idea (don't kill me in advance).

EDIT: Just to make it clear, I do not know if I actually want that myself.

General Discussion / Re: A funfact about level 36...
« on: July 16, 2012, 12:38:11 pm »
Is there even anyone at lvl 36?

ahm, yep.

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