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Messages - Rico

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Suggestions Corner / Re: DTV new waves?
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:15:52 am »
To prevent people from doing this, just remove:
- houses
- fences
- hills
- rivers
- bridges
- gates
- rocks
- walls
- tents
- trees
- smokebombs (which spawn buildings.)
and actually all other objects and landscape formations.

Make DTV maps just a flat plain without anything on it and noone will exploit it. To make it actually beatable, nerf bot count and/or stats. You can add variety to it by changing ground textures: sand, grass, snow, mud, dust, rock, steppe... If mapmakers want to give examples of their artistic skills, they can design cloud formations.

Ta-dah: A non-exploitable version of DTV.

Would look odd and be boring. It is a dystopia either way, what a dilemma...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please suggest a weapon you want made for cRPG.
« on: February 26, 2013, 12:59:07 am »
Rapier. (Thrusting sword, quick.)
(click to show/hide)
Already looks 3D. Just add it like it is.



Thanks for your great guide, it helped me a lot when I was new))) Please consider adding the teamspeak adress of Peasants United to the section called "II.) Experienced Players you can ask for advice". Peasants United is a clan for new players, the members are either beginners or trainers to help them to get good at cRPG.

Here it is:
teamspeak adress (Nditions > cRPG EU clans > PEASANTS UNITED):

Thank you ^_^

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Influence of gear on xbow accuracy
« on: January 03, 2013, 03:03:21 am »
you can only this spoiler when you send me a pm saying: "I challenge you for a duel"

(click to show/hide)
Are you insane? ;D

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Level 35 ultimate build, part deux
« on: January 03, 2013, 02:58:43 am »
Level 35 (142 278 448 xp)

    Strength: 15
    Agility: 30

    Skills to attributes: 10

    Ironflesh: 1
    Power Strike: 5
    Athletics: 10
    Weapon Master: 10

    One Handed: 50
    Two Handed: 50
    Crossbow: rest

I can't decide between one handed (Grosse Messer, Broad Short Sword) and two handed (Langes Messer, stuff I pick up). As I use the Langes Messer, I want some 1h wpf to reduce the repair chance and some 2h to make better use of it. When I have 1h wpf anyway, I can use Grosse Messer and the Broad Short Sword whenever I feel like it. Twisted logic, but it's fun to play like this.

The rest of the wpf in xbow is just awesome... That reloading speed! That accuracy ;D

10 athletics is pretty nice, too. Ofc it's pointless to kite as a xbowguy, but I really want these athletics to compensate my little melee weapon range.

Imo, it's just the ultimate sniper&melee hybrid build I want to use on Siege playing together with HRE ^_^ Ofc, you need an idea about how to use speed boni and hold swings to penetrate heavy armor with only 5 PS and the cut damage weapons I equip. But I am constantly getting better at this, so I don't give up))

General Discussion / Re: Why do we even have a multiplier bar now?
« on: December 19, 2012, 01:02:20 am »
I love this thread :D and I love how Andy downvoted the first answers ;D

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 07:42:43 pm »
You can also bug out with low movement speed, as long as you have infantry teammates who cover your back, intercepting the enemy in the right moment. This does not serve the discussion. Or do you want to forbid archers and crossbowmen to move in general? This would turn cRPG into a RPG with tower-defence elements, similar to Dungeon Defenders. Maybe you should start to play this :P

However, imagine the following situation: I am a random crossbow guy and I shoot at a tincan. I miss. I run away. I am behind the (non-) battle line. A horseman kills me. A possible rock, scissor, paper situation. It's fair, isn't it?

In the end, the advantage about a higher movement speed for crossbowmen is not that they can retreat. The reason is that retreating is risky because of cavalry and dead ends. It's much better to fight back in melee, otherwise, they are easy prey. And when infantry is behind a crossbowman, he can't kite and shoot in the classic way archers used to do it before the patch. So this is really not about kiting or retreating.

It's rather about the ability to move fast with your melee weapon. Archers can go melee with their bow. They reload it and target approaching infantry, even shielders. All they have to do to kill a shielder is standing before the enemy with a pulled bowstring, and when he is close enough, they step to the side and hit him around the shield. Crossbowmen can't reload the crossbow that easily and therefore, they need melee skill to offer at least a little bit resistance. I don't want to make them as strong as infantrists, of course not. But they should at least have a slight chance.

And for this chance, movement speed is essential. If you focus your build on your crossbow, it could be 12/27 or 15/24, for example. There is not much power strike, and the crossbowman has to fight very well not to bounce off the enemy's armor. Without the old movement speed, the slight chance to win a melee fight is even much slighter.

If you really want stationary ranged players who can't defend themselves even a bit in melee, play a fucking tower defence game. This is not gambling: I am a ranger, so I have exactly one chance to kill the enemy infantrist, and when this shot misses (or is sucked into the huge forcefield of a round steel buckler, wooohoooo), I can actually kill myself because there is no point in surrendering anyway. I accept that I can't shoot the feet of a buckler user, that's okay. But then, once this guy is standing right before me, I want to be able to fight back. Give me my movement speed back to do that! When I don't deal much damage, I at least want to be dancing around the enemy, trying to distract him. With the correct footwork, I can even wound him when I do it very well. When I am slow as hell, this does not work.

There might be guys like SB_Veselov mentioned by Leshma. They use a dedicated crossbow build and kite every round in battle. It's annoying, I agree. On the other hand, this is nothing more than escalation of commitment. He is doing bullshit while kiting, it's pointless to run away, trying to get that much space between him and the enemy to actually reload the crossbow. In the whole time, he could have helped 5 teammates in melee. He just does not reflect about what he is doing, and he keeps making the same mistake over and over again. It's bothering everyone on Eu1 and it's not even smart what he is doing. But is that a reason why I am not allowed to use my 1 slot melee weapon the same way as I did before? I used to be weak in melee, but I always had a slight chance to trick the enemy by good footwork and fast movement. Same for many other crossbow players. I personally do not want cRPG to be less fun just because some random guy is annoying the hell out of everyone. If it makes you so angry that he is kiting, just tell him to stop. Talk to him, but don't nerf the whole class for no reason. And this guy is only annoying you guys on battle. HRE is playing siege most of the time, and I just want to have fun there. Nerf the movement speed of crossbowmen on battle, but leave siege unaffected. Noone is kiting there anyway, as there are always the walls of the castle who force you to stop. Just please, do something about it, but find a better solution than making me super-slow as if I would wear plate when I am only wearing my reinforced ragged outfit.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:40:02 pm »
Wow, that's like: It was bad before, so there is no reason to make it better now.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:14:03 pm »
Its to reduce kiting and encourage people to stop and fight in melee
Why reduce kiting when it's stupid anyway? For Grumbs to get the kill instead of his light-armored teammate?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:10:20 pm »

Again, smart crossbowers don't kite. Kiting with a crossbow is stupid as you are useless while kiting. So be happy about kiting crossbowmen in the enemy team.

I agree that it's different for archers. They can reload while running, turn around and shoot you. But crossbowmen just can't. Not even in the divine crossbow paradise this is possible.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:07:52 pm »

I don't drop it because everyone can pick it up. To pick up a bow, you need PD. To pick up a crossbow, you just need some STR you have anyway. I don't want to be dissed after dropping it.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:59:23 pm »

Your whole point (besides the cake) is that
- You want to discourage random (non-crossbow build) people to spawn with crossbows.
- You don't want dedicated crossbowers to kite.

My answer is that
- Most random people already don't spawn with crossbows cuz they are expensive in use without wpf. The few who do use them nevertheless loose a shitload of money, so laugh at these fools.
- Dedicated crossbowers who kite are not OP just because you are not fast enough to catch them. A crossbower who kites can't do anything at all for like two minutes until he gets far away, able to reload. Laugh at him too, because he does not help his team and does not kill a single person. When you are in battle, wait for some cav to get him. When you are in siege, lure him into a dead end.

It's rock-paper-scissors after all. When you are rock, be happy to beat scissors and accept to be killed by paper. Even a two-hand-hero is not omnipotent.

I want my cake now.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:21:50 pm »
Everyone is exploiting the shit out of this game anyway, so disliking sniper-gameplay is not the reason why not everyone uses a xbow. The reason why people without xbow wpf don't use xbows is the high repair cost. Besides, you can call it sniper only when you are accurate, and with 1 wpf, you are not accurate.

Did you listen? I don't want this for kiting, but for more "effective althetics" in melee combat. So don't tell me how to handle my hybrid build.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:07:05 pm »

Crossbows are fucking expensive and they break like every round when you don't have wpf. This is why not everyone uses crossbows, or did you see a server full of guys, and EVERYONE had a crossbow in addition to his melee weapon?

Besides, you will  only equip the really good crossbows (heavy/arbalest) when you are fine with just one slot for your melee weapon. So please, think twice before you complain.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:02:15 pm »
I don't agree, Zlisch. When you kite as a crossbowman, you don't have a chance to reload the xbow anyway unless u run for like 2 minutes. This is why your delaying crossbowman on Eu1 did not kite to shoot again, but to run away. And someone who is running away anyway can drop xbow and bolts easily and keep running, delaying or causing a draw. So this is not an argument why the xbow and bolt weight should be increased.

Try a lil utility analysis: Making crossbows and bolts heavier makes light armor xbowmen useless.
+ positive: the guy running away on Eu1 has to drop his xbow before he starts running, so either it's still a draw, or he dies in a lil more pityful way without his favorite weapon in his hands.
- negative: more tincan xbows; some of them do not even want to play like this. These guys (including me) suffer from the change.

Who the hell wouldn't want to get the old xbow/bolts weight back??

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