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Messages - Lannistark

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Darkness has begun!

Death will be united under one banner:

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What Is The IronLegion?
A clan of skilled veterans from all over the world united for one greater cause. We have been playing together for a long time, we know each other pretty well and a man united all these players together: Xtinct. He has recently returned and has been crowned as the Calradian Emperor!
Our language is English by default, we mostly play on EU_Servers.

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Our storyline here:

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What is our aim?
We wish to create a community of players, to share together ideas and good moments. We are now considering the chance of setting up our own servers, we are not yet sure about this, and we will speak to the cRPG moderators for support. Hopefully soon enough another cRPG server with low latency in Europe will be available for everyone to join, meet new people and have fun playing.

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How are we organised?
Our Old Emperor has resurrected!!! Us, his fellow men, have no pledged alliance to the supreme lord, and the council has thereby been dismissed. The Emperor will grant the following titles to the most brave men, who have sweared an oath of loyalty to the gracious xtinct:

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Recruiting Policy:
If you want to join our clan, contact one of the veteran members. This member will then take the petition to the rest of the main admins and the whole community in the clan. We will perhaps ask you some kind of test in warband to see your skills and a personal appeal for us to know a bit of yourself.
In General the only things we ask for if you want to join us are:

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We play several games, and we are a very active community, you will never see our teamspeak empty.
The most common mods we play aside from cRPG (our favourite) are Persistant World, Assassin Hunt, The Wild Wind, and at times Mercenaries.

For cRPG, our official or most common used in battle equipment is:

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Additional Information:

Want to talk with us? Head over to our teamspeak:
Soon we will host some dedicated servers in warband, we hope on of those includes cRPG.
Our default language is english, however between all our members we can communicate in spanish, german, russian, finnish, latvian, estonian and polak
Want to meet the community? Head over to forums!
Everyone has a life, we understand that. The only thing we ask is to tell us when you will be away for some time
The banner is ours and we made it, please don't use without permission, thanks.

If you want to join our clan, or not sure about it, PM me or some of the Veteran Members.
Include the following INFO:

Code: [Select]
-M&B Nick:
-Why to join clan:
-Where are you from:
-One word to define you
-Tell us something about yourself:
-Skills in warband
-Weekly Activity

Our Forum Signature:

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