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Messages - Kafein

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Skill conversion, effect on XP costs ?
« on: January 11, 2011, 06:10:19 pm »
Does converting 2 skill points to 1 attribute point has an effect on XP costs ?

I've heard in previous versions that converting reduced the additional xp needed for your next level to the additional xp the previous level required.

Is this still true ?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How to use a lolaxe
« on: January 11, 2011, 06:00:27 pm »
Ah nice guide for the ajfla Weapon and 1question how would you skill a lolaxe char?

Although this is now out of date, a dedicated lolaxer should have been both strong and fast (running).

I'd have went for str 18, maxed agi

6 PS
6 IF
Max athletics (most important)
Max WM

Original :

Knightly Arming Sword   6880   
weight 1.35
requirement 7
spd rtng 97
weapon length 102
swing damage 31, cut
thrust damage 24 pierce

+1 :

Tempered Knightly Arming Sword   
price 10320   
weight 1.35
requirement 7
spd rtng 97
weapon length 102
swing damage 33, cut
thrust damage 26 pierce

General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 11, 2011, 05:31:38 pm »
I think archers needed this buff a bit.  They were hardly noticable before, and even now much less than in native. 

There has to be a balance between the 3 classes and not just have everything stacked in favor of melee.

I think with the cav nerf it will affect them the most as they make the easiest targets for archers.

BTW its easy to approach an archer.  Just run at him, when he draws and is about to shoot, raise your shield and do a side step (which will often make him miss) then drop your shield and run at him again.  The annimation is still much slower than native.

Have you ever encountered a real archer ? Sidestepping won't help you against reasonably skilled archers.

And, about the easy sentence "get a shield". I got a heavy board shield (read : the shield with the best coverage) and arrows coming right in front of me still hit me 2 times a round. If I'm not perfectly aligned with the archer, it's almost useless. So this buff is a bit too much. Lower the damage buff, and take out these goblin animations.

General Discussion / Re: Voice Commands
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:23:29 am »
I like the voice commands and find them very useful.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.210
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:01:26 pm »
I loled at "66 guests"

General Discussion / Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:00:28 pm »
No, it's an awesome patch for PLAYERS.

You know, people who enjoy PLAYING the game for what it is.

Unlike you, who is only WORKING here on achieving better stats. For you, this game is all about excel sheet numbers. I would pity you, if I had compassion for people like you, which I don't. Any number increasing game is good for you, I don't even know why you bother playing Warband - there are many better number-increasing excel sheet games out there. Lineage, etc.

In short, if playing feels pointless to you when rewards are completely removed, you failed.

Please stop ranting on human having other ways of having fun than you. Especially in such a rude way.

There are two things strange about your post :

1) You seem to think working has to be burdensome and boring. Maybe you don't like your work in RL and you think it's the same for everyone ?
2) Having a goal and trying to acheive it doesn't mean it's less fun, it's kind of the opposite. What life would be if you could get everything you wanted without any effort ? That's why people do music, sports... and spend enormous amount of time practicing. Both practicing and acheiving your goals are fun.

Suggestions Corner / Re: One fief per player - strategus
« on: January 10, 2011, 08:55:28 pm »
+1 to the OP

In chadz We Trust.

I'm allready looking forward to this.

General Discussion / Re: On The Grind
« on: January 10, 2011, 07:41:02 pm »
That's just common wisdom : from desire, challenge and waiting a long time comes frustration. The greater your envy of something and the effort you put into it, the greater the pleasure of finaly obtaining it.

I don't want to play a Korean F2P MMO nor an arcade game. cRPG had a good balance, a few problems had to be addressed (change the wpf bonus from retirement for example) to raise the skill part a bit. But as it is now it feels more like an arcade game. I play to level 30, and then ? Yes I can still enjoy the skill part of the game. But Native MP does that better, and I'm already bored of it after having played it more than a few hundreds hours. With the current system, cRPG lacks a proper goal to acheive after a few dozen hours of game.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.201 Released
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:20:20 am »
Maybe give a reward for killing someone that allready has a good k/d ratio or kill count.

Something roughly like :

killing a 0 kill guy gives nothing (killing peasants gives nothing apart from having high k/d yourself which means being a good prey).

The reward for killing someone is a fixed bonus multiplied by the numbers of kills this round your victim had.

If people wait because they get better bonuses when they wait for victims to have higher kill count than at the beginning, change the formula to : (base bonus)*(kills*(kills+1))^0.25

So you get a direct motivation for killing supposedly efficient (kill count doesn't mean everything) players. I know the motivation exists allready, but its less clear : your team has more chances to win if supposedly efficient people are killed in the other team.

In addition, add a bonus for the victorious team scaling with the amount of players alive at the end of the round. Better for teamwork, gives a direct reason for helping teammates in distress.

Ofc, all of this must be tweaked to keep the average gold received as intented.

Spam / Re: How did I get a troll score of -1
« on: January 08, 2011, 02:50:42 am »
OMG  :shock:

cmpxchg8b's troll points are LESS THAN 9000 !  :o

Guides / Re: Tactics in cRPG, a guide
« on: January 08, 2011, 02:46:25 am »
Great work !

To write a uber short tip :

We see more and more dedicated pikemen, and that is a good thing. Remember your best ally against cavalry is sticking with those guys. Start moving, and your protection will vanish. It is possible to keep a good protection against cavalry when moving, but it requires much  practice and more importantly, voice coordination. If you see your team has a lack of cavalry, allways plan your moves with caution. Find the anticav and stay close to them.

General Discussion / Re: difficulties with my 1h/shield char
« on: January 08, 2011, 01:37:34 am »
Don't use the imba pick or spammitar, if you have some self-esteem. Allways wait for your shield to get hit before attacking. You can feint too, but first make sure your opponent isn't spamming. If the opponent spams, it's even easier. Just wait for the hit and do a left swing (will usually hit the head, a deadly attack). You can even try to do chamber blocks with some practice, but stick to footwork/feinting as long as you don't feel confortable with it.

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 08, 2011, 01:25:08 am »
Your quoting yourself u reject

Im with chadz not this "majority" you speak of

Make ur own mod if u want warcraft mount and blade my brother made bandit king for original m and b

Or cry

The point of not considering people that actually liked the part of grind that cRPG had as a majority seems thin when you see this, for example :,314.0.html

Or one of the dozens of GTX/suggestion threads.

I'm quoting myself because this is what I said in another thread. Simply copying it without quoting would be retarded. If someone (possibly me) has some time to make a mod that would be as much enjoyable as cRPG prepatch regarding the level and equipment capping, I sign in. Not that it is easy or short.

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