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Messages - Kafein

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General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:52:42 pm »
Strangely and funnily what some peoples (looking so) doesn't understand what if wipe out (totally) all ranged classes (like archers, crossbowmans, throwers (I hate you - throwers ^) ))...
then - yes. It will be PURE "Mount and blade", but no one will play this game. It will be not interesting (only few days and end).

Lol... archers will hopefully adapt or quit. But melee fighters... I let you guess. Ask melee players around if they would like a "melee only" server to open.

General Discussion / Re: Iron Flesh needs some love!
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:37:19 pm »
OMFG LOL!! Ironflesh is the same as Shield Skill: WASTED POINTS

Dont be so noob. Simple

I dont plan on getting hit, so I dont buy armour, shieldskill, or IF. Since the way I see it, getting hit is the OPPOSITE of what you want, WHY ARE YOU PLANNING ON IT?? Stop being tards, IF, if ANYTHING, needs REMOVING from the game, since only tards buy it anyway, Im very sorry if this offends anyone, but it IS the truth: Heavy Armour and Ironflesh are what you buy if you have no skill. FACT. Buff IF indeed, next you will want a mana bar and Magic Misile?

Oh... I suppose you also want armor removed ?  8-)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fatigue bar & Sprint
« on: January 15, 2011, 12:38:17 am »
Mount and blade warbands is the best multiplayer video game out there, i would hate love to see it get changed for the worse better.

Fixed it for you. Try to bring some arguments next time. Please don't mix totally different things like DS and WoW.

The stamina loss for succesfully blocking an attack should be much less than in DS (as in that game you can even completly crush through a block if you do enough damage, making your opponent loose all his stamina left and inflicting the rest to his HP bar). As I said, it could be done in a way you still can block as much as you like, but you movement speed is lowered, and you can't make an attack directly (or it is very slow).

Making attacks cost stamina would slow down the gameplay. Making blocks cost stamina would make it faster. In both cases, agi build has the speed advantage, and str build has the endurance (more stamina) advantage.

General Discussion / Re: The state of the game
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:03:44 pm »
We want inf only servers !!!

General Discussion / Re: Sexist game
« on: January 14, 2011, 02:48:38 pm »
I want NO colored hair.

Announcements / Re: more chadzhate incoming - heirloom theft
« on: January 14, 2011, 02:34:33 pm »
What about making them able to pay the amount they got from the heirloomed item they sold in exchange for possibly receiving a modifier (following the /3 rounded up rule) ?

Is this possible to implement to show the tag ingame ?

General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 14, 2011, 12:03:52 am »
First, a shield doesn't help so much. The only effect is making archers focus on another defenseless prey. They still can shot feet or head, or the sides of a shielder.
Second, ladders weren't removed, making a large part of archers go in places safe from cavalry, without any teamwork involved. Literally taking zero risk from anything except other archers.
Third, everyone is running in mail or less. Only people that do leeching or were very rich are able to pay plate from time to time. You can't avoid ranged fire much, which means armor is your best protection against it, and it was reduced to dirt since upkeep came out.
Fourth, there are no more open maps where cavalry can succesfully counter archery. Every battle happens in a village or even a town ( :shock: :rolleyes:) with vantage points everywhere.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Weapon Proficiency Costs
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:50:44 pm »
If someone needs it, the formula of how much WPP a nth level of WM will give is : WPPs = 5n²+25n

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fatigue bar & Sprint
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:44:43 pm »
I'd like a system similar to Demon's Soul one's. Blocking, attacking and sprint takes stamina, you can increase the size of your stamina bar. When blocking, the stamina you lost is dependant on the damage that should have been taken. Blocking without enough stamina either means failing to block or simply the stamina goes to 0, meaning you won't be able to attack right after having suffered a big row of attacks. Your stamina is repleted much slower when you are holding a block.

+1 to the OP and Leiknir

Bad idea, how many times did we go through this.  Money should never be used as a "balancing" tool, that is how we got the full plate charger and full plate tin can problem in the first place.

Some people tend to turn everything they touch into an arcade game ?  :cry:

The problem isn't the ability to get so-called better equipment, but the power of these. Don't remove the possibility of upgrading because of a few OP items ! Nerf those instead (or buff the rest).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Give gold per day bonus with retirement
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:42:44 pm »
Think for a second before trolling please everyone, 1000 gold per day means nearly nothing. People won't come back in plate with that. This was intended to allow some diversity. As you probably noticed if you played lately, less and less different armors are seen on the battlefield, only a few are cost efficient, and any armor above 10k make your money melt like snow in summer. Higher gen char could use slightly better equipment otherwise useless.


Calm down... Did you ever saw me playing, and what gear I used prepatch ? No ?

So I suggest you stop trolling :wink:

That was the intention of upkeep.

So what about removing all these unsustainable equipment ? Their sole purpose is to make some people that leeched some money to go berserk during a few rounds and kill everyone ? Yay !

I have 23k cost equipement, i've made about 130k gold.

Very nice, and then ?

General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:29:26 pm »
Salmongod, any class can go 2-0 or even higher at level 1. It all depends on the skill of the player.

Any class can do 2-49, archers can do 2-0 at level 1 *hint*...

Yes, 100k for a +1 modifier seems right.

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