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Messages - Kafein

Pages: 1 ... 911 912 [913] 914 915 ... 921
General Discussion / Re: So botting/semi-afk leeching is fine?
« on: February 11, 2011, 01:07:06 am »
IMO all this is just poof and reason to get rid of retirement/heirlooming. It was intended to get rid of tincans, utterly failed in it and now that we have upkeep we don't need it any longer. I know many of you would get mad, but thats my view of things.

Please go play an arcade game. Then come back if you start to be bored, and explain why you are bored.

On the subject, I've seen Kesh_BRD and another *_BRD behaving just like that these days. I hope the rules will get a lift so they include a protection against this kind of bot using.

Suggestions Corner / Re: [cRPG] Search and Destroy mode
« on: February 07, 2011, 09:58:22 pm »
+1 for S&D mode !

And if you're at it, create an "attack & defense" mode where the two teams have objectives to destroy and to defend.

General Discussion / Re: Less Night Battles Official Petition
« on: February 07, 2011, 09:46:45 pm »
I disagree, I feel that night battles throw people off their game and adds a little spice to our sometimes monotonous "Grind". I agree that it can sometimes be difficult to see, I too get frustrated by this. However I just don't feel that everything should be presented nicely on a silver platter for us, and I think the additional hurdles of fog/night/apocalypse should remain!

Well having headaches doesn't sound like "additional hurdles" that I would like in gaming.

General Discussion / Re: Shielding mike
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:52:07 am »
What's the problem ? They loose their main purpose, protection versus ranged shit. Shielders are putting themselves at a disadvantage if they use a shield, since a good 2 hander will be better on nekkid mike day, even with 0 wpf.

I'm happy to see 17 people disliked Nekkid mike day, lost your preys ?  :lol:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Stamina Bar Needed
« on: February 07, 2011, 12:07:36 am »
There problem isn't the spam attitude (dying by a player repeatedly attacking in the same way without feints or anything means you still need to learn, except in the following case), it's the pure lightning speed you can get by building your character and equipment correctly, making you able to attack, be blocked then attack and be faster to hit than your opponent.

Any player with this kind of setup can do decent k/d.

Now give that to "good" players, using feints, footwork, lolstab, playing with reach... and you get players that will be called "spammers" with a reason.

A good and simple solution for the "spam" problem is reducing the speed bonus given by each point of agility. Currently each agility point gives you 0.5% more speed, and that a lot : 10% more speed at agi 20. I don't know exactly how it works so it's maybe even done after the wpp, so increasing the swing speed much more than a simple +0.5% per point to your weapon's speed rating. With the patch and the upkeep, strenght was finally nerfed to death and now everyone stacks agility after having reached a few requirements (funnily, archers have more strenght than meleers now, because they need much PD and benefit from additional points). So this change could also balance things a bit between str and agi.

General Discussion / Re: Less Night Battles Official Petition
« on: February 06, 2011, 11:44:20 pm »
I like fog, because it's not making manual blocking impossible, like night do. But night... Not seeing incoming ennemies, attack directions... I don't see the point of that and most of the time I stop playing when game night begins. On top of that, there's nothing special about night that changes something for the better. Only drawbacks (maybe not for all but still).

General Discussion / Re: Laissez faire
« on: February 05, 2011, 11:50:58 pm »
So when someone is TKing me every round I should waste my time chasing him around the map? Instead of actually playing the game we will end up chasing griefers.

Spare us and go back to writing loving letters to Josef Fritzl.

ps: Laissez faire is a wrong term you used, the proper one is "anarchy".

Although you are not surprising me, I'm totally seconding you on this for once, Tai Feng  :P

Events & Tournaments / Re: all cRPG FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 01)
« on: February 05, 2011, 11:41:55 pm »
I had great fun, never though I could make it to quarter finals, so you are not far from the truth when you say I panicked with Olwen :lol:

I'm allready looking forward other events of that sort !

General Discussion / Re: Exhaustion
« on: February 05, 2011, 04:34:36 pm »
They may not be expected, but they are required. Seriously, even a none-tincan with a maul (except long maul) is easy enough to take down. The weight of the weapon slows them considerably and the weapon is so slow that only a 1h turtling it up with a huscarl won't be able to spam them. If that's you, stop turtling and fight like a man: you might actually stand a chance then.

Fail. Of course you stand a chance (not in tight places though), but certainly not with spamming. Take a look at this :

Bar Mace
spd rtng 92

spd rtng 84

(these values need roughly -8 nerf imho, same for other crushthrough/knockdown weapons)
Let's say you are have a balanced char. Any decent 2h stacker will easily hit faster than you (quite strange since he has less strenght he should have more difficulties with using his weapon). The burrick style player however will not be faster than you, but still is fast enough to make it impossible for you to spam unless you have so high agi and low str that yes you can spam but it bounces on his armor and he crushes you.

And I didn't even mentioned anyone can perfectly block like a jedi master with a big chunk of iron like the bar mace, long maul, great maul...

Events & Tournaments / Re: all cRPG FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 01)
« on: February 05, 2011, 04:13:07 pm »
Mmh, I will try to join if I can.

I think everyone will try to disguise to avoid being focused during LMS fights  :mrgreen:

They seem a little too harsh, how many people do you expect ?

Maybe for another type of tournament, it could be interesting to restrict the choice of armors (light set, medium set, heavy set), use only closed helms (so you can't see the face) and force all players to use the same banner, because it is shown on shields (via rules or server option, I don't know if it's possible with deathmatch), so reducing the likelyhood of two people cooperating, even with voice chat and distinctive weapons, everyone having the same armor makes it more confuse (in a good way).

General Discussion / Re: Exhaustion
« on: February 05, 2011, 02:28:28 pm »
I hate this idea.  It's been suggested before and i hated it then.  The game is about using your mouse, not waiting for cooldowns and drinking mana potions.

Please don't mix everything. I can safely assume the op doesn't want any cooldowns or mana potions implemented.

General Discussion / Re: cRPG + WSE - voice your opinion.
« on: February 04, 2011, 05:52:26 pm »
Yes but :

- Is it legal ? (I allready know the answer otherwise it wouldn't even be suggested)
- Will it conflict with firewalls/routers ?
- Will it make cheating easier ?

General Discussion / Re: Heavy vs Spirited Destrier
« on: February 04, 2011, 05:24:35 pm »
And Nordic champion sword haters, and light leather boot haters and and and and

You can safely add dentastix lovers

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General Discussion / Re: more metal, blood mod. anyone use these?
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:12:40 pm »
I have tried using more metal sound mod in MP (Native and cRPG). And I uninstalled it  :mrgreen:
It works in single player though.

Every battle turns into :

-aargh !
-eeaargh !
-cling !
-bang !

The female agony sound is the worst.

Don't the natural boundaries of the map itself work? My map is small enough and there aren't any high walls to make an "outside" or "inside" part of the map. Basically if you go outside the map, you are in the sky box at that point or the generic terrain area.

Also do I need to place 3 master of the field flags per that linked tutorial or just 2?

The default terrain borders will work for a flat map. But for a map like Arena, without added barriers people can use ladders to go on the walls.

About MotF, I think the 3 entry points are the 3 possible locations of the flags. The game chooses randomly between the possible locations you have set up. But the two faction flags allways spawn next to each other (like one prop).

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