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Messages - Kafein

Pages: 1 ... 910 911 [912] 913 914 ... 921
Announcements / Re: more chadzhate incoming - heirloom theft
« on: February 17, 2011, 01:42:59 pm »
I heard somewhere that there is limit for XP gain per tick...

I think I heard it too... Very high gen character said they got the same amount of xp with a 5x and a 4x multiplier for example.

General Discussion / Re: LAGS WTF
« on: February 16, 2011, 12:28:56 am »
its serverside it started with .200

Yep, got addressed to a point but I still experience more lag than what I was used to.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Question regarding weapon reach
« on: February 16, 2011, 12:24:40 am »
Well, the problem usually is the difference between the model reach and the real reach, which are usually not exactly the same.

This data seems roughly accurate. With the new animations the 2h thrust lost a bit of it's reach, but not that much.

Announcements / Re: more chadzhate incoming - heirloom theft
« on: February 16, 2011, 12:21:22 am »
I don't think people should be punished for having exploited the flaws of retirement, they spent hours of playing because they were told they could get a bonus for it, afterall. So deleting those features seems unfair to me. I don't think it's genius-like to find a system that could both :

- satisfy grinders and arcade gamers
- protect itself from overusage in a subtle way (no cap)
- gives small advantages on the long term but hurts much on the short term

Currently it's so easy to go from 1 to 30 that the third point is clearly failed.
Retirement xp bonus goes higher and higher, and each retirement becomes faster the higher you get, so point 2 is also clearly not reached.
I don't know about the first thing.

So now, on the constructive part, what about :

- Same xp curve.
- You can retire at level 31.
- You get no xp bonus for retirement for levels under the retiring limit.
- When you are at least 31 on your gen2 character, you get a nice 32% more xp. Each gen gives (1,3 + 0,01*(gen-1)) the xp the previous gen gave. Some numbers :

Gen 1 : 1000 xp
Gen 2 : 1310 xp
Gen 3 : 1729 xp

(Don't forget it's only for levels above 31)

- The xp cost of level 31 is multiplied by (1,3 + 0,01*(gen-1)) each time you retire. Xp costs of levels above 31 doesn't change (it still takes roughly 8M xp to go from 31 to 32, but it goes significantly faster because you have the xp bonus)

So retiring is the fastest route to high levels, but reaching level 31 will be slower each time you retire.

A nice addition could be giving 1 more attribute and skill point at the character creation, because most people are going to spend ridiculous amounts of time at level 30.

General Discussion / Re: Gold, GOLD, GOOOOLD I TELLS YA!
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:42:49 am »
My Main has 260,964 Gold.

I have nothing to spend it on :(

Don't be sad, it's better to have nothing to spend money on than to have no money because you chose the wrong playstyle.

General Discussion / Re: Repair poll
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:40:59 am »
Putting an hard cap on equipment emphazizes on cheap OP weapons (who said "barmace" ?) or playstyles (archery) and grind to play in now ridiculously unbalanced plate armors (which they were NOT pre upkeep) a tenth of the time. Don't you think it's retarded to see people that are naked during 3 rounds then boom they take their black armor for one round  :rolleyes:  yay for immersion.

So yes it failed. This poll isn't far from the truth if you ask everyone that played the mod (so including those who left).

If you really thought the opinions changed, you would have done a new poll, no ?

Announcements / Re: more chadzhate incoming - heirloom theft
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:29:53 am »
The exp being exponential makes any level above ~36 basicly unreachable (the fastest route takes dozens of retirements)

But still it's weird you can retire faster the second time.

So what could be a nice thing would be :

Higher xp bonus for early retirements
going down to tiny amount for higher generations

Let me explain a little further :

The base minute xp gain is 1000 xp

Retiring once could give you 14% more (1140 xp per tick)
The second time could give 13% more of what you were winning at the previous gen. (1270 xp per tick)
The third gen gives 12% more bonus (1390 xp per tick)
and so on
gen 04 - 11% - 1500 xp
gen 05 - 10% - 1600 xp
gen 06 - 09% - 1690 xp
gen 07 - 08% - 1770 xp
gen 08 - 07% - 1840 xp
gen 09 - 06% - 1900 xp  *here the value is equal to what it is in the current system
gen 10 - 05% - 1950 xp
gen 11 - 04% - 1990 xp
gen 12 - 03% - 2020 xp
gen 13 - 02% - 2040 xp
gen 14 - 01% - 2050 xp

and any generation above 14 should not give any more xp bonus, thus avoiding it to become uber fast.

Another cool change could be softening the xp curve while making the level requirement for retirement go up (first retirement, lvl 31, then lvl 32... but only if the xp curve is softened), that would also prevent some very few nolife people to do ridiculous amounts of retirements.

General Discussion / Re: The NA Baddie List
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:07:49 am »
Me, when I die my team looses, and I tend to die often  :mad:

(CAUTION, this sentence was subtler than it may appear)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Rename Awlpike to Ahlspiess
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:32:53 pm »
Well, if you're at it, take them time to correct the bug that allows awlpike users to stop a cav that's not even going in the direction of the awlpike plus or minus 45°. You know, horses don't get stopped by things behind them.  :|

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Good build?
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:27:25 pm »
First of all, when making builds, always use 31 as a standard, lvl 33 takes way too much time to get to.

Well, personally I think it's better to consider level 30 as a standard. If you don't plan to play on lvl 31 (insta-retirement), you'll spend half your playing time at level 30, so it's best to fine tune your build for that level.

General Discussion / Re: Gold, GOLD, GOOOOLD I TELLS YA!
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:23:36 pm »
As I'm still trying to find a good gear balance, I never go over 10k or something (except on my archer alt)

What crushthrough lover seem not to understand is that the problem isn't about heirloomed or weight. It's the idea of crushthrough weapons that fail from the very beginning.

Make any crushthrough weapon unable or extremely slow to block, then ok they will be both balanced and more realistic (obviously you can't block as fast with a bar mace and a sword).

They should be slow, but they really aren't compared to the extreme advantage they have over any normal weapon. Why do I think they are OP ? Just open your eyes : everybody and their grandmother uses a barmace since the latest "patch".

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Useless Longbow
« on: February 11, 2011, 01:58:53 pm »
Yes, we definetly need more powerful ranged weapons, the current ranged spam is not enough, we need a longbow to terrify us so we're afraid of it's mightyness from the moment we spawn. It would be only fair that an archer who stays away from battle and never puts himself in danger gets a more powerful weapon.

Pretty much sums up the opinion of any melee/cav player in his mind.

Bows are still machine guns and the damage buff transformed them from a support class (what they nearly were pre-buff) to a sniper-zero risk class again.

If they were to be correctly balanced (requiring points to use), only crossbows should be the long range weapons. They packed a considerably higher draw force than any bow, thus increasing the shot speed and the range. But no ranged weapon should be as accurate as they are now, both for realism and for game balance.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Pike hitboxes?
« on: February 11, 2011, 01:32:07 am »
The best way to hit a teammate with a pike is turning your back on him and doing an overhead swing. Don't laugh, it's the case. Another fishy manner is thrusting clearly on his left. It will register a hit on the ally.

Fix this and the fact the polearm+shield looses against an HA, then cRPG will become 57,9% more enjoyable for everyone in average.

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