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Messages - Lennu

Pages: 1 ... 90 91 [92]
Also, soldiers and officers no longer swore loyalty to the emperor. More likely to the local landlord or centurion, so in the end everyone was fighting for their own good instead of the mighty empire of Rome. Which lead to corruption and disorganization. 

+1 for retreat/surrender options

+1 for multiple spawn locations: it would be nice if teams can decide where to spawn after some critical positions ( capturable spawn points) have been taken by the enemy. Of course the availability of these "team decided" spawn locations would have restrictions; such as siege attacker team cannot be spawned in the castle :) or siege defender could only be spawned in some rooms ...
Agree with that.

And as for the respawn timer. If team A is taking heavy losses (team B is slaughtering them), the commander of team A would probably send in reinforcements which shouldn't increase the respawn time, but maybe even reduce it (would sound more logical to me, not ingame-balaced way tho, so lets not reduce it at least :P ). 
         From a team A's soldiers perspective rushing into the battle where you'd most likely die like your teammates before you, routing sounds more reasonable. 
So as a result, individual soldiers start routing = increased ticket cost if the enemy team's k/d ratio gets too high, for example:
Enemy team's average k/d ratio is now 2.25/1    your team now loses 1.25 tickets for each respawn.
(enemy's k/d ratio) - 1 =  your ticket cost/respawn 
 Only when enemy has k/d ratio is > 2, so it wouldn't result as reduced ticket cost per respawn

When it starts to look that bad a tactical retreat would be a much better option.

General Off Topic / Re: Nuclear Power Plants ... do we need them ?
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:08:26 pm »
In the future we will hopefully discover new and better non-pollutive ways to produce energy for the whole world, but right now we don't have that technology. So lets wait? Can't do that, we need energy right away or there will be no future for humans.
Burning fossile fuels causes problems that effect the whole world, not to mention local problems like smog.
Another options are these "green power sources" we have now, which aren't effective enough. So the only option we can rely on in the future is nuclear power.

Nowadays the risks we take by using nuclear energy are minimal. Japan is known to have very loose grip on when it comes to safety in nuclear plants and still it took a massive earthquake and freaking tsunami to cause problems on a very old plant that was supposed be shut down in the near future.   
     And also, before we mine and use that uranium it is radioactive, right? I'm no physicist you know.
So practically we dig up radioactive stuff from the ground, nuke it up a bit in our powerplant, then put it into a huge container and put it back to ground?

Also, someone just took out the maybe-they-make-nuclear-weapons-in-there? -card.  That is very unlikely. IF someone would be stupid enough to actually launch a nuclear warhead, it wouldn't even hit it's target before russia/usa/france/uk/ect. would have made a couple of launches themselves. As a result..... Everyone loses!!! YAY!!   We are now talking about amounts of energy that can easily compete with that meteor that caused the extinction of dinosaurs. But as a bonus, everything is nice an' green of radioactivity. Aka nuclear winter.
      So, no more nuclear weapons, plz world, plz...   I don't really see the point in "haha, we're so strong we can kill us all!!"
Recently North-Korea threatened South-Korea with nuclear weapons, but I haven't heard anything about it since then. So I've made my conclusion that even their leaders were responsible enough to avoid a conflict like that.

Suggestions Corner / Re: remove random yell, give us a yell button
« on: March 14, 2011, 11:13:45 am »
Agreed, happened to me a couple of times too.

Also, there are some nice insult sounds in the /sounds folder that could be put to use. Example man_insult_2 "You bastards!!!!" as well as the other man_insult_X files

I think I've never head them ingame in any situation, so it would be nice to them to use.

General Discussion / Re: Buff Archer damage
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:48:26 pm »
No one can survive 5 hits if they aren't wearing any armor, that's true, and ingame no one actually does survive that. But think of an armored guys, first there comes thick layer of leather, then the chainmail (which is made of the same material as your arrowheads), then some more leather before the arrow hits the flesh. IF it even makes it to the flesh. Direct hit probably would penetrate the armor, when shot from short distance, but when shot from afar and possibly on rainy weather, the arrow simply loses most of it's power. And this was only medium armor.

On plate armor there is a high chance that the arrow simply bounces off, dealing no damage at all. And even if a direct hit was able to pierce the plate, it would stop there. So that the human inside the tincan remains mostly unharmed. So our knight here (inside the tincan) would probably just say "lol" at your 5 shots from behind his helmet and keep walking towards you. (armor like that weights a LOT, so running was almost impossible, also falling down meant death since getting back up wasn't much easier than running).

Of course, I'm trying to think the situation in reality, where the iron is mined by hand in extremely poor conditions. So getting a plated armor like that meant you were extremely rich.

Ingame however, I think that the archers are balanced quite well. With the shooting rate they have you can make those 5 hits in the time you'd shoot and reload a sniper crossbow once. Also, if you are focusing your attention on the tincans, you're doing it wrong! Don't waste your arrows on them, they deal just as much damage as a light armored ninja does, so shoot the ninja instead!

If you feel like shooting tincans, get a crossbow. Normal bow deals cut damage, while xbows pierce.

Suomalainen Foorumi / Re: Suomiklaani/grouppi
« on: March 09, 2011, 02:57:32 pm »

Suomalaista ninjakulttuuria :D

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Got FPS stutter?
« on: March 09, 2011, 12:18:54 pm »
Changing the game to use DirectX 7 instead of DirectX 9 made a huge difference on my good'ol laptop. From ~20 fps to ~60fps. Quality of graphics go down a bit, but total gameplay experience got all the way up to clouds. 

Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen]The Fallen Brigade (Recruiting EU/NA)
« on: March 05, 2011, 06:35:32 pm »
Hey, I too would like to join the brigade.

Ingame name: Lennu_CarpetMan

Steam acc: LennuHaksis

Currently playing as lvl 30 xbowman with polearms (poleaxe or long hafted blade) as melee weapon. Gonna retire once i hit 31 to heirloom my sniper xbow, and then going for the same build again.

Suomalainen Foorumi / Re: Suomiklaani/grouppi
« on: March 05, 2011, 04:17:22 pm »
Joku hakkapeliitta teema saattais tulla halvaks? jos crushing aseita ajattelee.

Suomalainen Foorumi / Re: Suomalaisia kaikkialla
« on: March 02, 2011, 12:43:22 am »
Noniin, tutustuin tähänkin modiin vasta nyt muutama päivä sitten. Ja ihan hyvältähän tämä näyttää.

Yhteisöstä sen verran että tottakai vikoja löytyy kun oikeen rupee ettimään, mutta toistaseks meininki on vaikuttanu paljon paremmalta mihin oon tottunu. Joissain ympyröissä kun ei ihmisten aivojen paikalla tunnu olevan muuta kun pelkkää paskaa.  :lol:

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