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Messages - Kafein

Pages: 1 ... 907 908 [909] 910 911 ... 921
General Discussion / Re: IF needs love?
« on: March 06, 2011, 02:00:22 am »
sry but worst idea, because it favors already op agility builds

@Noble Crassius yeah hardcoded but I think with the tool cmpxchg8b (forgot the name) developed, it might be possible to change it

By the way, if that principle only was applicated to Ironflesh, you would be true. The idea is to make every stat having a degressive bonus curve.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Give Duel Server XP back.
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:44:44 am »

I'm actually becoming a terrible dueller because there's allmost no point to play that mode, although I used to like it...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Narfs Rus Armour Pack
« on: March 05, 2011, 11:15:17 pm »
I want my hard disk space taken by armors I'll use, not by armors of my enemies  :cry:

General Discussion / Re: IF needs love?
« on: March 05, 2011, 11:11:17 pm »
Make the additional bonus degressive, like in any damn not-designed-by-a-know-nothing game !!!

And that is true for any skill. The first points should give more than the others, as specializing too much usually means either exploiting a broken features, or being able to avoid the confrontation against your natural counter.

Applying that rule on IF would do, for example :

IF 1 : +5 HP
IF 2 : +4 HP
IF 3 : +3 HP
IF 4 : +3 HP
IF 5 : +2 HP
IF 6 : +2 HP

and everything above gives 1 additionnal HP. Thus investing a few points really is usefull, but the others are only for those who really want to specialize.

And don't get me wrong here : I think dumping points in IF is currently not a good choice.

General Discussion / Re: Almost every single map on cRPG 1 ....
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:52:23 pm »
Play on EU4 ffs

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Blanket stab nerf needed
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:47:50 pm »
As a cav, I usually fear more a danish/german sword user than a heavy lancer on foot...

Kinda feel something isn't right...

General Discussion / Re: What Weapon Do You Use & Why?
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:31:07 pm »
Knightly arming sword and knightly heather shield...

Because I'm an idiot and I choose the theme with the most utterly underpowered possible equipment (and because I want to fit in my theme too).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Convert Throwing Lances to Roman Pilums
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:25:28 pm »
Throwing axes can allready crush shields very reliably. The tradeoff is realistic arc and a less unrealistic reload speed. Throwing lances have no tradeoff. Just randomly go in a mob or be alone. The only thing threatening you is arrows and bolts. You are immune to cav (1 lance in the horse, then in the guy, or directly in the guy). In a mob you just go near the enemy and randomly throw. As one hit will likely be one kill...

I stated my opinion on needed changes about throwing in another thread, but the short version is :

Make it dependant on running direction. Throwing a steel weapon without running forward in a straight line for 2meters is just meant to fail utterly.

General Discussion / Re: What to do about TKers? [feedback]
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:14:50 pm »
Just a kick for the first time. It CAN be an error.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Ironflesh
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:40:44 am »
truth = (IF == useless) ? "IF is useless" : throw std::runtime_error("Oops");

Since you won't wear enough armor to make it valuable without losing money, go for other skills.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Armor & Weapon Proficiency Reduction
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:34:09 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

On the topic : Thank you WaltX !

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Calvary needs a buff.
« on: February 28, 2011, 07:15:57 pm »
My suggestion is to buff the charge damage and survivability of horses a lot, maybe (maybe !) decrease prices a tad, as a tradeoff to a big nerf in maneuvrability (expescially for maneuvrability-oriented horses).

There's a reason why cav charges were, well... you know... charges. Not randomly picking on scattered enemies.

My impressions as HA on cav....

Why do cav need a buff?
I still see good cav players doing good effort for their team.Especially the ones using sarranid horse or destrier.( high riding skill)
When i see rouncy, palfrey or even courser i automatically assume that they are noobs.

But many cav are so dumb idiotic that i guess they need mameluke horse + plate armor in compensation.
I'm HA and about 80% of the cav i face are pure idiotic=trying to hunt me in open field without archer support.

The only cav i take serious are the ones using sarranid horse + high riding skill, as they actually have a chance in killing me, when i'm not directly near big fights.

I don't know you, but as 100% of other HA's you sure are focusing only on enemy horses. Melee cavs have absolutely no means of defense against that (the game is sick broken about that, how can you aim an shoot while another horse is bumping into yours...), and the only defendable reaction is fleeing to "ally archers", if they exist and care to help you, and if your horse survives the escape run. Chasing the HA usually isn't idiotic. As he flees, just go back, hope he's victimizing someone else, and enjoy a few seconds of safe time.

I allways thought Internet Explorer's purpose was to download Firefox...

I still think agi is very important in fighting. The time taken by a complete slash, miss and recovery is probably not much dependent on agi, but what about the feinting speed, the blocking speed... Alas those values are way harder to measure.

General Discussion / Re: Two Handed Spam
« on: February 28, 2011, 06:14:26 pm »
It's funny how every helicopter-oriented chars come here to say "2handers are slow as fuck, shuttup you nub".


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