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Messages - Kafein

Pages: 1 ... 906 907 [908] 909 910 ... 921
Suggestions Corner / Re: New server rules regarding ladders
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:10:58 am »
Solution : TEST maps before adding them. Make sure there are NO reachable places with a ladder that can't be reached without.

Or simply remove ladders, obvious and best solution TBH. Ladders don't add ANYTHING good to the game.

Heh, what about electing the "best player in your team" at each round end ?

If you vote for someone, that guy receives a little bonus. The person with the more votes gets a greater bonus. And yes I see how it can be exploited by clans. But everything is anyway.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Adding firearms to cRPG
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:01:08 am »
Mount and musket is fun for 10 minutes and then you realise that there is no persistence and that it is a reskinned native where you get to spend 80% of your playtime reloading, or having your horse shot from under you if you play cavalry.

True. M&M mod is for granpa's unable to play melee. I played for a few hours and went topping the scoreboard each time I took cavalry with sabre and dismounted  :o

Suggestions Corner / Re: The agi nerf re thunked
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:55:30 pm »
I would like to see the effects of athletics increase and a general increase in movement speed. Also, it would be good to have the same type of direct speed increase with agi we had prepatch, but to lower the values.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Adding firearms to cRPG
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:47:45 pm »

Ranged weapons we have are enough of a plague to the common gameplay.

Guides / Re: 2handers guide
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:44:33 pm »
Phyrex, Bjord and Xant's secrets are obvious.

1. Get a German Greatsword
2. Get an 18/21 ish build,
3. Use stab all the time, all the noobs will die instantly, lol it up a little
4. Get some blocking skills and everyone will die instantly
5. Get it masterworked and keep stabbing
6. Be a cocky asshole in the case of Bjord and Xant

Everything said. Nothing to add.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Mouse matters...
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:42:22 pm »
Right now using a revoltec fightmouse (not pro). It fits right in the hand and is light enough. 4 sensitivity settings so you can switch when you want to do ranged. I don't remember the price though.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How to be a good Cav?
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:34:59 pm »
Why are so many cav kind of obsessed with lances and pointy things ?

Right know I would estimate the melee cav population like this :
80% of lancers with over-maneuvrable horses like the sarranid
15% of traditional bump-slashers (just like Bluegreen mentioned above) with more charge-oriented horses
5% of lowlevels/trolls

And the goal of many horsemen on the battlefield seems to be to kill enemy cav. That's the worst thing you can do as a cav. In most cases, cav duels are extremely risky, just for one enemy cav down. Don't loose your time and risk your life duelling with other cav, the thing you are good at is poking archers and unaware infantry in general. As a cav, you should consider yourself precious and allways try to survive as long as possible. You will likely have much more opportunities to land a cheap kill than any other class so the longer you live, the better you do.

Killing other cavs with 1h works very well too, just block the enemy horse and swing. An important thing to note is that hunting HA's (something you should normally avoid at all costs) goes much easier with slashing weapons on horse (and you need the overhead slash for those moments when the opponent is right in front of you).

Announcements / Re: Strategus Progress / WSE Implementation
« on: April 03, 2011, 07:41:17 pm »
So you really think people are complaining mainly about strategus, and not about the serious imbalances in cRPG ?

Honestly, I would be pleased with strat, but certainly not as much as I would be with a balanced game.

What we can see here is great btw  :o

Closed Requests / Re: [UNBAN REQUEST] Pecores_DANTON_Q
« on: April 03, 2011, 02:31:03 pm »
Thank you anyway :) I'll tell him.

Closed Requests / [UNBAN REQUEST] Pecores_DANTON_Q
« on: April 03, 2011, 02:16:11 pm »
My clanmate asks why the game says he's banned from the servers EU_1 and EU_2.

He played last night, quit normally without being kicked and when he tried to connect this morning, he could not. He doesn't know why he was banned. Could an admin state a reason for this ban, or explain why he wasn't able to connect ? I wasn't there, I'm merely translating what he says.

Thank you.

General Discussion / Re: Swear words in names
« on: April 02, 2011, 01:02:25 pm »
Anyone recall of some char named "Anus_Explorer" ?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Shields don't affect swing speed.
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:50:05 pm »
Just remove those bloody bucklers ffs

Or make them useless against anything ranged, and have the same HP as tier 1 shields.

The wrong thing with shields like they actually are in the game is that allmost everyone on foot uses hurscarl, trolls use bucklers, many horsemen use those fugly norman shields, and... that's all. Very few people wear other shields, because even if they are more stylish, the stats are imba.

For example, if we tried  to match more with history, hurscarl shield should be utter crap breaking in three hits, and board shields should replace the current hurscarl. Round shields should in general be more easily breakable, like they were IRL (round shields were used in early middle ages, and certainly not with iron or steel reinforcements). Heather (and probably kite) shields came later, and were simply better in a variety of ways.

About shields protecting from all sides against ranged. For the buckler and the hurscarl it's true. But for all others, it's definetly the opposite. I often see myself and other shielders shot trough their shields, by arrows or even throwing weps. And given 95% of the cRPG players now generally play a char with at least one ranged weapon, well... we could hope SHIELDS can protect someone from ranged attacks.

General Discussion / Re: Unusual fighting styles
« on: March 30, 2011, 11:24:23 am »
Well... I made a Stimpy clone named Kofilin, only using the awlpike 2 handed and spin thrusting like crazy.

Prepatch I used to do 4:1 in duels and battle only using my looney tunes axe  :mrgreen:

That one had a serious balance problem.

General Discussion / Re: [POLL] Initials for the xbow HA class.
« on: March 30, 2011, 11:15:58 am »
No initials. Assholes only get a Swift Death.

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