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Messages - Kafein

Pages: 1 ... 905 906 [907] 908 909 ... 921
But Winning/Losing ratio has almost NOTHING to your char. Well, it does a bit, if you are one of those heroes like Phyrex, Tommy etc., but generally, on battlefield, it is the TEAMWORK what is really important.

So winning/losing ratio will NOT show your "REAL effectivity on the battlefield" but just how lucky are you with getting into nice team.

This is true if you play less than a few dozens rounds (with a stable level and skill), but the value will very quickly tend to your average winning ratio, thus indicating whether, all elements mixed, you are good for your team or not. Heroes like Tommy or Phyrex will have a very nice W/L simply because of their personal ability to kill half the enemy team (don't get me wrong here, there's often teamwork involved to an extent in those heroic moments  :D ). But this can show how much a support character can influence a round too, which is not shown by k/d. The k/d ratio is not a good indicator of your general winning ability (personal skill, teamwork, build and how much do you exploit broken mechanics  :wink: , all together).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Make horses ignore whistle
« on: April 07, 2011, 09:07:43 am »
I want to have an option to make my horse ignore whistles of other people.
Best option:
Horse only listens to whistle of its owner by default until he dies, then to everyone.

Easily coded (I guess :) ):
Give horses a flag that can be switched on at crpg page, and when it's set the horse ignores all whistles.
Alternatively - when horse becomes "stubborn" it doesn't respond to whistle.

Yes, yes, yes and definetly yes. No horse is dumb enough to come when other people whistle. Furthermore, whistle is usually abused just to kill the poor beast and indirectly griefing your team, only allowing the owner to whistle would help a lot against this rampant horse hate.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Objective based game modes?
« on: April 06, 2011, 10:06:24 pm »
I want a BF-like conquest mode (with the tank engineer and aircraft pilot skills added to the game  8-))

To beauchamp : I think additional modes can't enforce teamwork, but can certainly reward it more (or give the feeling they do) than the current modes.

General Discussion / Re: Best throwing weapon
« on: April 06, 2011, 10:04:16 pm »
Jarids and war darts. On my dedicated thrower I think I will use two sets of each.

General Discussion / Re: New Patch and XBows
« on: April 06, 2011, 10:02:15 pm »
loomed  horses, loomed sniper xbow, lolstab ... guess many things need rebalancing

By many, you mean everything, right ?  :mrgreen:

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Shields don't affect swing speed.
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:58:01 pm »
swing from left while fighting with 1h weapon, unless your looking at your opponents groin im not sure how you can miss head.

Formless needs to gripe less about things he doesnt understand...

Shielder with STR : Needs to be very clever with his positioning, and save his shields HP. He can 1hit everyone all the time in 1v1 melee.
This is a fairly difficult class.

Shielder with AGI (seems logical since shieldskill feeds off AGI): Stack athletics, 1h wpf, shieldskill, run around blocking everything in the 180 degrees you are facing, spam toptier (sidesword, wh, etc), one headshot at PS 4 (12 STR is minimun I would recommend, unless making dedicated javchucker) will kill most everything upto head armour 35-40 unless your timing and position sux.

Im sry to all of you who think its not, but shielding IS easier, and doesnt have enough drawbacks... I would like to see 2h swords nerfed a little, polearm swingspeed on the majority of large ones nerfed LOADS, to account for physics, since swingspeed is handspeed and animation runspeed, not weapontip speed, polearms are ridiculously overpowered. I would like to see 1h swingspeeds be significantly faster than 2h, especially "useless" items like Fighting Axe, but shields are very overpowered too. Saying "Shields are NOT overpowered, I find it hard" or "Shields are NOT overpowered, look at TWOHANDED!!!" is just changing the subject.

RIGHT NOW IN THE GAME: Easiest way to KILL in mixed melee (where many opponents from both factions are swirling around each other):

1st: Polearms
2nd: 2h
3rd: 1h

But easiest to survive reguardless of skill: shield

And to steal: shield

And to ignore half the weapon classes (3 ranged types): shield

Easiest to fight multiple enemies without worrying about your timing or position too much: shield

So you think ranged classes should not have a "counter" (very poor actually since most shields don't cover well and a few throwing shit can crush any shield to pieces) ? The only way to play safe with a shield is to use a throwing weapon. You can't be safe if you don't have ranged weapons, period.

To the funny part now, when a shielder looses his shield. Option one is to loose all your time seeking another shield. You have some luck if you find a proper one. But often you don't have time to do that because your shield was destroyed by a big 2h axe. In melee, 1h without shield seems just like a fast and very short 2h, before you encounter someone with an heavy weapon. If you have to fight bardiches and the like, you are as good as dead. The stun makes it virtually impossible to fight.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Increase attack speed,reduce running speed.
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:43:36 pm »
Actually, I would enjoy the opposite. Ranged peep have an easy time tracking their tortoise preys. I see more and more throwers constantly hitting moving targets.

We already have a kill counter and a death counter, so what about a "won rounds" counter and a "lost rounds" counter ?

Extremely simple idea, but could prove to be extremely handy, to compare REAL effectiveness on the battlefield.

What do you think ?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Reasonable Side Sword Nerf
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:22:05 pm »
Don't nerf the speed, or really not much. Instead reduce the size to what is really shown, goddamn it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Blocking with Sickle?
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:19:25 pm »

Sickle is for pro players like me that make an alt only allowed to use it without shield. Try it in battle to chamberblock everything within 2 weeks.

General Off Topic / Re: Shogun 2 Thread
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:16:04 pm »
Am I alone having the impression that Shogun 2 is (with max quality) less technically beautifull than Empire and Napoleon ? Of course, there are more units on the ground and I don't really care about graphics, as long as it's playable, but it's intriguing.

I started a Shimazu campaign and found it easy, as others said the AI seems to struggle with many armies and does not protect it's borders. You just have to defeat stacks one at a time. But this is on medium difficulty so I can't really say about the real game. All in all, the details make this game cool. Clans, agents and the province building mechanics are really well done.

Battles were easy since the AI seems to favor Ashigeru, and those peasants tend to flee like chicken.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery?
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:38:16 am »
I wanted to write a long essay about how archery and all ranged weapons were plain OP because of their... ranged nature, no matter how accurate or damage dealing they are, but'll skip to the most important part, as I lack the time :


Spam / Re: Ithilien is innocent!
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:29:09 am »
Turks crying about TK's, the sweet sweet irony...

No, seriously, they do ?? omg  :o

Spam / Re: Ithilien is innocent!
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:27:36 am »
Damn, that was  *fucking*  rage... But I still think wulz needs to get a life. Just "playing HA well" doesn't make him anywhere near some sort of "good" player.

Suggestions Corner / Re: [SUGG] Anti "nude leaching" system
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:17:53 am »
And people that use cheap gear to afford their upkeep aren't leechers and it's ridiculous that you think that.

Yes they can be. Depends on people, but some "expensive gear" users tend to be completly useless when they aren't using their costly equipment. And that is leeching, no matter what you intend to do with your money afterwards.

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