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Messages - Kafein

Pages: 1 ... 904 905 [906] 907 908 ... 921
Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf the Night
« on: April 08, 2011, 07:51:42 pm »

70% of time is night-time....while it should be the other way around, i mean seriously ? Its always night, fog, snow, rain, tsunamies, firefogs, floods, etc, etc, we rarely get to see a "proper" daylight battle, nice and sunny.  :wink:

And with the map rotation system, I can safely assume daytime fights with good wheather on a flat and open terrain are ridiculously rare in cRPG.

So that's probably why axes and bardiches seem shorter than they look like. The collision axis must be in the prolongation of the wooden stick, thus negating the range supposedly added by the size of the blade, if I draw an axe like this :


we see that the distance between the lower right corner and the upper left corner should be the range, and it's not.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf the Night
« on: April 08, 2011, 07:23:57 pm »
Night is just good for noobish people, as it is randomizing combat.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Running in cRPG
« on: April 08, 2011, 10:53:35 am »
Now poorly translated into Swahili!

You made my day  :lol:

Excellent work BTW  :!:

General Discussion / Re: Pew! Pew! Pew!
« on: April 08, 2011, 10:42:23 am »
Fact: Balance is an issue that should be worked on, so equal cav/archers/etc. are on each team, but if a large number of people are playing ranged, than maybe a large number of people like ranged, and if the game becomes a shoot fest with melee as backup, well, then the community has spoken hasn't it? 

Fact: many people will play the easiest class they find. The player's choice of class is determined by the classe advantages and disadvantages, not the opposite.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Peasant Wednesday!!!
« on: April 08, 2011, 01:31:28 am »
This idea isn't really as good as melee monday, you know.

General Discussion / Re: Pew! Pew! Pew!
« on: April 08, 2011, 01:28:26 am »
I regularly go through when I'm in spectator and count ranged characters vs melee characters. It's usually something like 85% ranged characters on my team, with only a maybe 3-4 not having some sort of range. It's ridiculous.


Guides / Re: 2handers guide
« on: April 07, 2011, 09:15:44 pm »
So, you say that people in M&B do not kill because they are skillful, but because others make mistakes all the time?

Ask around. Many top players will be honest and answer the k/d bang for the buck is to be where it's good to be, when it's good to be. True duels are rare on the battlefield, and they won't pump your k/d alone. Skill is mostly not doing errors in duels, the game is designed in a way that about anything can be done if we suppose the player is perfect and allways does exactly the best thing, given the current state of skill of the average cRPG player. The situations where this is not true are either involving ranged, crushthrough or great imbalances of stats (peasant vs lvl 30).

Reapy's video of various team deathmatch rounds when the game was not released long ago pretty much sums up this. People are dying because they make obvious errors. Now things have evolved and I think many current cRPG player would have gone rampage is they had back then the skill they have now. But the principle is still true.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Have players start at level 15
« on: April 07, 2011, 09:01:16 pm »
I play cRPG for a persistent online character that develops to suite my style of play, not to get killed repeatedly for a few hours by players who's armour I can't even dent.  At least at level fifteen one can use a pike against horsemen and to assist teammates in melee.

Well, you may wish anything from a game, but that's not what I would like. The peasant stade is important too. Frustration is one of the base for dreams and the pleasure of making them true... Wise words no ? :o

And furthermore, I personally like playing peasant with both crappy gear and stats. Any kill below level 5 appears as epic. Prepatch the community was better IMO, since the beginning was way harder and the grind was ugly enough to repel many immature people. And another important thing to notice is that to make a good build and behave correctly in general in cRPG, you have to take some time and learn some things. Weapons and stats mechanics, the average ratio of classes in the population, average skills of players, what classes are good for and good against what other classes, who are the top and noob players... Such things take time and the peasant is about the only one so negligible in the battle he can take time to watch what's going on.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Fairly new to cRPG - Need more help!
« on: April 07, 2011, 05:06:29 pm »
OP quoted a perfect build.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Have players start at level 15
« on: April 07, 2011, 05:01:56 pm »
Just play Native. You are defeating the purpose of c... RPG man.

General Discussion / Re: CRPG millionaires
« on: April 07, 2011, 04:57:16 pm »
I will likely be an asshat and use super light gear for my next gen on Kafein then turn tincan cav like in the old days when I reach gen 7.

Upkeep sucks and was clearly designed by cav haters.

BTW : can someone reach 2^32 gold, just for fun ? It would make my day if it wasn't protected against overflow  :lol:

Guides / Re: 2handers guide
« on: April 07, 2011, 04:52:52 pm »
To tell you the truth, I don't think flamberge should be counted as 2handed weapon, it is more a polearm, imo. I used it for a while, especially on siege servers, and I was for a few days in top three-four players, but I very quickly grew tired of it. 2handed swords are all about your skills, flamberge is all about mistakes of others.

You man, teached me a great lesson today !

"Every weapon is about mistakes of others"  :wink:

For polearms, the LHB is probably the easiest way to go. Fast and long, exactly what you want in most cases. But if you want to develop things a bit, try the 2-attacks polearms (some may say "the real polearms"), mainly the pike, the english bill, the swiss halberd, the awlpike and the heavy lance. Those require truer skills and a better player will usually do better with those than the more classic and easy to use 4-attacks weapons. It's certainly not a good idea to start learning the game with those more subtle weapons.

Well, it would be even better if whistling had only an effect on horses you can ride. Ignore trolls such as corwinus or mouthnHoof

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