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Messages - Keshian

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Diplomacy / Re: Northern Dominion (Wardens) Disbanding
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:35:05 am »
April Fool's Day!

Faction Halls / Re: Mossback
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:24:10 am »
Does it count that I was living in Seattle a year ago?

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA DUEL TOURNAMENT 4/30/16
« on: April 01, 2016, 06:38:08 pm »
Name: Cerpiga_Kesh
You got me on steam already.

Thanks for doing this.  Been waiting for a while for another tournament to happen with strategus already kind of dying off.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Bird vs Bird
« on: March 31, 2016, 07:43:04 pm »
When in doubt, always follow Kesh!  :twisted: :twisted: :shock: :) :) :)

At the end of the day, when Bird fights Bird, the only true winner is pillow makers.

P.S. Sign for the yellow piss in the snow guys!

Diplomacy / Re: No but seriously who the [Expletive] is Saxton
« on: March 31, 2016, 05:35:35 pm »
Pretty lame trade if you consider that.

Yeah at the time they had changed MW xbows and they were the worst ones to have of the xbows and practically worthless (we actually had good laugh, saxton is pretty stupid, including with his super-secret spy tactics).  Back in the day everyone ostracized him that strategus - no hiring for battles, etc. even by our enemies. 

"Draaammaaa!!!" in alto

I kind of hope the same happens with the guy who just wrecked our armory and stole all our clan's gold after being banned on strategus for multi-accounting (i hope no one hires him on his new cd-key player), but I don't think the community is the same as it used to be.  Lot of people still fighting for his strat faction, that he leads, after he did that.

Have to give props to Desire and Froyoyo - the admins did a great job handling this!

Diplomacy / Re: Tigergirl, your time is up
« on: March 31, 2016, 03:26:04 am »
Isn't Bottega just a corner store/deli where you can get imported Italian groceries? I personally have never actually gotten food from there so I wouldn't be able to comment on the quality of it. However, Bistro 5 in Medford, but that is North from Boston where Brookline is west

They make hand-made pasta they cook right there.  Its connected to the really fancy italian sit-down restaurant downstairs.  Absolutely amazing pumpkin tortellini in butter and sage dressing.  Like 30 different great sauces, and tons of pasta choices.

Diplomacy / Re: Tigergirl, your time is up
« on: March 31, 2016, 02:37:35 am »
So you don't like Bon Chon? I don't go to Allston very often but when I do its usually for BonChon. When I am going out to eat in the Boston area its usually because I'm going to the Bruins game so I make a stop in the North End. I do prefer a good home cooked meal though.

I don't know Murdertron and I have never met him before. If you want to know more about him you should talk to Jason the Great considering the fact that he stalked Murdertron. I think the only time I've ever actually hung out with Murdertron  in a teamspeak was when some of the FCC people had a troll PW faction.

Other people I know of that have played crpg that are or were in the great state of Ma
Relit(I actually think he's in NH but whatever)
Sugar(he is in Ri but right on the border)
There are probably more but that's what I can remember off the top of my head.

Edit: I think I'm going to Harvard square to get felipes either tonight or tomorrow for lunch if you want to join me.

2nd edit: what is your fav sushi place and where is it?

Best italian food ever was Bottega Fiorentina in coolidge corner.  Also, best sushi was a FuGaKyu in the same area.

Faction Halls / Re: X---***---THE AUTISTIC WIZARDS GUILD---***---X
« on: March 28, 2016, 03:02:41 am »
I'd like to nominate Erasmas from the Quest For Glory Series (though his rat familiar Fenris should maybe win instead).

I'm pretty sure no one was freaking out.  Just asking what happened.

Faction Halls / Re: X---***---THE AUTISTIC WIZARDS GUILD---***---X
« on: March 26, 2016, 10:03:30 pm »
Holy shit Bale

I read those Dragonlance books as a kid, and I haven't been able to remember the name of the books or any of the characters until you posted Raistlin, and something clicked....

Do you have any recommendations on where to start reading Dragonlance again???

I just started reading them again too and all those books Forgotten Realms Drizzt, haven't read them since I was a kid.  The war of the lance is definitely where to start and then the 3 books about the brothers majere going back in time to the cataclysm.  A lot of the others are collections of short stories around the same period.

General Discussion / Re: Loompoint giveaway
« on: March 26, 2016, 05:07:55 pm »
April 2nd

Strategus General Discussion / Re: [EU] War Room
« on: March 26, 2016, 05:05:50 pm »
Possibly true , but UIF won't split up into smaller factions cause they want to play together cause they are small community, unfortunately for us too big of a small community.

200+ is NOT a small community.  They kill every strat because large community of cheaters in an ever smaller community of players.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Siege of Khudan
« on: March 26, 2016, 04:29:46 pm »
It is pretty lame UIF prefers EU strat dead then to even consider letting some of their many vassals (most of EU) merc for attackers in ai fight.

Can someone check this guys' crates before the battle?  Probably a lot of gear for a 1000 man army and its only been 1 day since switch to new faction name - way too early to do this based on afk.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=951

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Request forum name change.
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:38:20 am »
Sorry Kesh, but you're gonna have to get cmp to un-fuck your forum account first.

EDIT: Nvrm, found a work-around. Just don't tell anyone.

Damn impressive!  Way to stick it to the man!  Thank you!

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