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Messages - Algarn

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 203
Faction Halls / Re: [Merc] Mercenaries
« on: January 28, 2018, 05:49:19 pm »
Added template for applications. My bad.

General Discussion / Re: This is just sad.....
« on: January 28, 2018, 05:04:41 pm »
DTV new meta apparently

Why are so many people playing it lately, does it give better XP or something, or do people just enjoy iit?

It gives roughly a guaranteed x4/5 on average. And the hefty reward at the end is also pretty attractive if you ask me. While I'm not a fan of the gamemode itself (well, lets face it, it's about grinding), it's an easy way to get some XP and gold without tryharding.

General Discussion / Re: Ranged
« on: January 27, 2018, 06:44:13 pm »
If I headshot someone at 10 meters with the most powerful bow in the game, the most PD available, and bodkin arrows (all loomed), I expect him to die, or at least, not to brush it off like if it's nothing. Removing the stun for very high damage entirely makes no sense, it's just another nerf. I understand that arrows that don't even deal 10% of my life shouldn't be able to stop me as long as I'm wearing a medium set of armor, but if it's a shot dealing 90% of my hp, it'd be bullshit if I can simply keep walking like if nothing happened.

General Discussion / Re: Ranged
« on: January 27, 2018, 05:35:03 pm »
Ranged stagger is practically gone already. I don't see why someone who takes an arbalest shot in the torso shouldn't be stunned if he isn't wearing heavy armor.

Faction Halls / Re: [Merc] Mercenaries
« on: January 26, 2018, 11:13:55 pm »
fite me irl

Faction Halls / [Merc] Mercenaries
« on: January 26, 2018, 10:01:05 pm »

Greetings, we are the Mercenaries. We are a very, very old clan playing exclusively on EU servers whose aims have evolved since 2010. Most of the recent applicants, sadly, didn't meet our expectations when it came to what type of players we're looking for; therefore, a new thread had to be created since the last one went down and hasn't had any info on it for like 5 years. Some might remember this clan as recruiting only the very best players in 2010, this cannot be the case anymore considering the age of the mod. Nowadays, we aim to be an organized force on the EU servers, putting the emphasis on teamplay and coordination through a vocal server. If you're above 18 (exceptions can be made if you are mature enough), have a mic, and desire to play as a team with us, then you should consider applying if it is your wish. As you will see below, we have some expectations and rules, if you do not respect them, we might have to take action.

General rules and guidelines for members and applicants :

1 - Common sense. This covers both official and unofficial rules, if you don't heard of common sense, you shouldn't really looking to apply in the first place.

2 - Respect your fellow members, and other people. Some cheeky banter and dark humor is fine, being a douche 24/7 isn't.

3 - Speak English, have a mic, and be active on Teamspeak. Having a headset is essential for call-outs and strategies. It's ok if you want to be alone when there only are a handful of us, but when we're more than 5 in-game, you're expected to get on our vocal server. If you are shy or do not speak English very well, we're not evil, simply a little special sometimes.

4 - Be sure to respect the rules of the Teamspeak server. We're hosted by the Eques clan, who kindly accepted to lend us some channels.

5 - Be prone to help your fellow mercs in the battle. Don't run off on your own and die like an idiot. If you wear our banner, it should be to stay with us, or at least, follow the plan if there is one.

6 - Aspire to become better at the game. We used to be a very, very selective clan. While we aren't elitist anymore, if you don't aspire to get better at the game, you most likely won't fit. Being a try-hard isn't a requirement, but we expect you to have our backs at some point, even if you aren't amazing at the game. If you ask around, some members will be glad to help you improve, either by giving advice, or going on the duel server and practising melee combat.

7 - Make a sensible use of the armoury. It's no secret that our armoury is well-supplied, but still, remember to give items back when you're done using them, and remember not to borrow like 50 items, think of the others.

8 - Have fun. It remains a game, and we're in it for the laughs aswell.

Additional rules for the applicants :

1 - Do not put the Merc_ tag on as soon as you're accepted into the clan. There will be a trial period, ranging from 1 week to 2 weeks at max. The leaders and the members will hold a vote and we will let you know if you can stay and become one of us.

2 - If you wish to apply, paste and fill the template that can be found at the bottom of this this post in the thread. Make sure you do fit the requirements.

3 - About "banner leeching", if you want to use the banner, you'll have to have someone to vouch for you. If you have no one in Mercs to vouch for you, yet still want to use the banner without the full member title, visit our teamspeak and we may have a talk about it. Remember that most of the requirements mentioned above above apply, besides activity and having a mic. Being on TS is still highly advised.

About Strategus :

We used to be directly involved in Strategus as a faction, but have ceased to do so. Our members are free to apply or play for a faction, however the clan cannot be held responsible if something goes wrong for you. If you're looking for people to fight in the battle, some of us might be interested. If you desire to hire particular people into your faction (as dedicated mercenaries or commanders) in exchange for gold, the clan has nothing to do with that, and you're free to do as you please. Just remember that a lot of our members do not take part in Strat because it simply doesn't suit them, so don't get your hopes up.

Events :
Sometimes we hold events on the weekends, feel free to hop onto our TS channel. I might post here some screen shots of future events.

Additional notes :

Our Teamspeak is :
Here is the application template
(click to show/hide)

If you have any questions, please contact Algarn (Jorick on steam).

See you on the Battlefield !

General Discussion / Re: How do you calculate true WPF?
« on: January 26, 2018, 01:13:10 pm »
I believe it's

4 * hand armor weight, not 6 *

unless they have altered it since TWO THOUSAND AND TWELVE ANNO DOMINI

Was changed years ago, the formula indeed was 4*hand armor weight before San (?) changed it.

IIRC, the formula for effective weight threshold is STR/3 + IF (if it's equal or inferior to 6, then it's 6), but I'm not sure about it anymore. Dave says it's 6+STR/3 + IF*2, but I doubt it since it'd mean I'd have no penalties with my mail set on my archer, which is actually the case. I'd be nice to have an updated thread with all the mechanics currently in effect, or even better, to have them built into the website so we can create builds and see the penalties of the gear we apply on them. Plz based prof.

Besides,  heavy gauntlets fill the moving speed vs strike speed niche. You'll be way lighter with light armor + heavy gauntlets but swing slower than someone with a medium mail and lighter gloves.

Sell/Trade / Algarn's campfire.
« on: January 25, 2018, 03:30:02 pm »
Hey there. I got some quick deals to make, so it's not meant to stay open for a long time. Also, I'm not into marketplace stuff, so I don't know the prices, don't blame me for that.

WTB : Broad Short Sword +3 or Katzbalger +3, got 2LPs and am ready to add, lets say 750k. That sounds like the majority of the offers I saw.


+1 Glaive. LF either a loompoint (against the item and some gold, obviously), or an item I could be interested in. If in doubt, just post said item and I'll see.

General Discussion / Re: cRPG Quote Thread
« on: January 25, 2018, 11:11:06 am »
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I know the person Algarn mentioned.

Basicly the first day he started playing again, he asked us in ts:

Do u guys also love the smell of ur balls?

How dafuq do u smell your balls?

I put my hand down there and then smell at my hand  :mrgreen:

He's a fucking legend.

The last time Krems used TS someone was playing on his didgeridoo in the background while everyone else didnt say word because we literally had all the voice commands we needed ingame to interact with each other.

We never used TS again.

Lmfao. On my side, I wonder what will go wrong this saturday if they actually go for that drinking game while playing on EU1.

General Discussion / Re: cRPG Quote Thread
« on: January 24, 2018, 11:08:07 pm »
Again, from merc ts, this night :

"Guys, have you ever tasted your own cum ?" - won't mention his name.

A little bit earlier, conversation already went very wrong, and I was dying :

Me : "Wait, you did what ?"

Same person : "I licked her ass, it tastes better than her pussy when it's clean"

If you're wondering, yes, we're a clan of degenerates.

General Discussion / Re: Ranged
« on: January 24, 2018, 09:14:06 pm »
strat battle right now. 18/49 players are ranged. Dedicated, not just guys who picked up crossbows. Yay.

I genuinely wonder what makes people switch to ranged when they can most likely do better with melee weapons.

Why is our banner used on NA strat ? Are we that evil ?

General Discussion / Re: post urself irl
« on: January 24, 2018, 08:31:24 pm »
switch class probably srs

No. Unless someone gives me like 10 MWs, I won't.

General Discussion / Re: post urself irl
« on: January 24, 2018, 08:17:08 pm »
And on the left, leaked WW2 footage from an auschwitz survivor after starving for 4 years straight

There's so much edge I could cut myself with it.

Even on social media? :wink:

@baggeyaro if you got instagram

I don't use social media in general. I get enough cancer from this game already.

General Discussion / Re: post urself irl
« on: January 24, 2018, 01:04:20 am »
Can we see some more EU players?

Posting your face on the internet, that's a shitty idea.

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