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Messages - Ronin

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: One Hand- and a half swords.
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:10:38 am »
Read the patch notes and leave the pole mode alone!

Bastard swords were supposed to be used the way we are using them at the moment. Using like a spear with a shield, and swinging like a great sword without a shield. And of course, swinging it on horseback. The penalty is also lowered in the recent patch.

As long as Mercs, Byzantiums, Fallens, Templars and Nords keep on mass recruiting anything that can swing a weapon, you won`t be able to form a clan.
Missed Greys on purpose? :P

Attila the Hun might have been added too, and maybe achaemenid empire:
(click to show/hide)
There are really a lot of conquerors in the history.

Plus, I think Popes between 9. and 14. AD can be added too. They were practically above the kings and lords of all Europe and held great control over them. No one said, owning actually meant being a ruler :P

General Discussion / Re: I`m quitting aswell..Loom giveaway inside.
« on: February 17, 2014, 01:21:03 am »
Bad timing panos, I was 100% sure this was a joke thread before opening it.

Not really from my experience. Still better to move fast to dodge and reach targets faster, plus movement is more important in melee than being able to take another hit imo
Then your experience is not showing the truth. I don't know what armor you consider as heavy, but I'm shooting a plate crutcher in the chest for 8-10 times and he still doesn't even lose half the hp. Remember, plate is not only used by infantry. Besides, do you even know butan?

21 Requirement for wearing it, instead of 16 doesn't seem like a bad change all together.

Heavy armours are still junk, don't see why they need more messing with. The movement penalty is not worth like +10 armour
They are not junk at all. They give massive protection from missiles, at least from arrows.

As for the suggestion, I think +5 STR instead of +7 STR requirement for the last might be a better idea. You overdid it, methinks.

Yes please commander mode server!

(click to show/hide)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged stun removed
« on: February 17, 2014, 01:03:22 am »
In NA we have a guy named TRUE candle who can hit 1/4 health while outrunning my 6 athletics. If the weight is changed I'm afraid nobody will catch him.
Hmm I'm not very familiar with the NA meta, but what are his stats and your stats? I also assume he takes only 1 quiver of arrows.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged stun removed
« on: February 17, 2014, 12:51:27 am »
Yeah, definitely. To be honest, I don't like using effective damage nearly as much as I don't like using raw damage. There are any number of reimbursements we could give for ranged, most notably reduced weight(will probably happen), but faster draw speed is an option on the table as well, among many other things. The formula still needs tweaked, regardless.
In my opinion, faster draw speed might not be that necessary. If Cavalry and Infantry class requires some estimation skills, Archer&Crossbowman should require some too (not saying it doesn't, but it's more cruical for classes which rely on hand to hand combat). Otherwise, the surprise effect will be lessened in favor of archers&crossbowmen again, which takes away nearly all the point. But a bit lesser weight for arrows might be good, that extra weight does some difference in close combat.

Again, it's just my opinion.

Spam / Re: Class vs Class
« on: February 16, 2014, 11:36:40 pm »
polearm + shield is missing. It is the best!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged stun removed
« on: February 16, 2014, 11:22:33 pm »
boo hoo :D don't keep shooting until the plated guy is in melee range? maybe change to melee before he is about to slap you in the face
I just updated the post actually.

In general, I think archers shooting in very close range is absolutely bullshit. A cavalry coming into close doesn't have time of 1 seconds to lower his shield to hit the archer. After this change, now they will be able to. Which is really really nice. Cavalry can be a decent counter to archers. I really like this change personally, and I think it will improve the game. This can force the archers to also carefully plan their positioning, just like a good infantry player should be doing.

The balance must be restored a bit, that's all. By other changes. Maybe better stats in melee, for archers?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged stun removed
« on: February 16, 2014, 11:12:44 pm »
I haven't been able to replicate this or even see it done. Likely what happened is the arrow landed JUST after his swing hit you, so close that it looked like they were at the same time. His swing would have still landed, even with the old stun mechanics.

Stagger requirements are likely a bit too high and the chance maybe a bit low still. Archery is what I'm testing atm, so we'll see. Probably going to need to do something to the formula.
This new stagger-stun reducement thingy might cause some problems. A guy with plate armor may reduce the incoming damage so much, so in close range even if the archer hit the enemy it might not stagger the plated guy. So guess what, there won't be enough time for archer to switch to a melee weapon.

These two changes (stagger reducement and armor&speed bonus formula changes) came simultaneously, and I hope you are aware that they amplify the effectiveness of each other. I like the changes from a game design perspective, but something else must be given in exchange in my opinion. You are meddling with the game balance too much while improving the game.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged stun removed
« on: February 16, 2014, 10:41:54 pm »
devs really intend to nerf archery till they all quit the game. thats the only logical explanation of this stupid stun-removing.
It is already started

General Discussion / Re: Gold, Masterworks and Loompoints give away
« on: February 16, 2014, 10:40:37 pm »
I might put the items to good use. Just that.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Cav
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:54:34 pm »
Did the patch change much to the gameplay of cavalry?

Türkçe Forum / Re: K/D Oranlarında Sorun Var!
« on: February 15, 2014, 03:44:04 pm »
Respec veya retire atmış olabilir misin?

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