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Messages - Kaelaen

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How much of a monster do you have to be to turn the most gentle soul in cRPG into a bloodthirsty lunatic?  Was it worth it?  Was it worth it?

Don't let Wallace see this!

Faction Halls / Re: [Cavalieres] The Cavalieres (Recruiting)
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:27:48 am »
I heard you requested a new front page.  Here's a quick rough draft.

(click to show/hide)

Faction Halls / Re: [BRD] The Bridgeburners (We Have Cake)
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:05:07 pm »

« on: August 13, 2011, 05:57:26 pm »
Who is balton?

He's like Michael but NA.

« on: August 13, 2011, 05:55:50 pm »
No one can kill Balton.  He is impervious to all human weapons as he deadlifts elephants like air.

I remember spying in CHAOS team speak and hearing Karma rage about Balton.  Apparently he shot Balton but Balton suddenly turned around rendering Karma's masterwork arbalest and bolts useless - his abs were impervious to pierce.

Diplomacy / Re: FCC vs Northern Empire
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:33:14 am »
There is an appalling amount of hugging and kissing going on between the rebel riffraff and the evil Empire.  Did Luke ever hug the Emperor?  No.  Now quit doing so.

Hey kalam here's the new TMNT clan banner
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The background looks like it was done with a crayon and the turtle shell looks like it was coloured with a marker.  Bravo, bravo.

General Discussion / Re: NA_cRPG_2 (na siege)
« on: August 07, 2011, 11:10:01 am »
I don't know why the devs decided to keep the same sophisticated fancy smancy European naming system.  We're Americans dammit, how are we supposed to know NA_cRPG_2 means "Siege Server?"

Suggestions Corner / Re: Split the servers.
« on: August 07, 2011, 04:54:10 am »
Playing mostly on NA from Sweden I would say no. You cant split the communities because you assume everyone absolutely wants to play in their region...

Sure you can.  Just set your preferred server to NA.

General Discussion / Re: Who is your favorite player?
« on: August 06, 2011, 10:31:06 pm »
Yay at least someone likes Zeh Fish!

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actually i think they moved the new servers to chicago recently... sooo its the same. maybe that why im doing well now? no more 110 ping on the NA servers lol

Is your ping at 50 or below?  Because if not, then it's not Chicago because mine is still 50 or below.  I live waay too far from Chicago to get anything less than 70.  Granted, when Ecko gave LLJK a server in Texas I got 120 ping for some reason so who knows.  Goretooth gets 30ish ping in Chicago, and before the official Texas servers went down he got like 15 ping.  Now that they're back he's getting like 9.

Look there's a simple answer to all this: We need to go to Texas and sabotage Kalam's relationship with his girlfriend.  How dare he prioritize real life over his internet comrades.  How dare he...

Also Mtemtko yes the server not only moved, but changed owners.  You're used to playing on the Chicago Illinois server, which is closer to Europe than where the official servers are now, which is in Dallas Texas.

Diplomacy / Re: Nobody in this game has "a little" honor
« on: August 05, 2011, 03:25:04 am »
Does that make Balton an honourable character?  A consistent troll, and always made as much drama as possible no matter how pointless it might be?  Does Michael consistently posting bad thread after bad thread define an honourable characteristic? 

Anyway my personal definition of honour is much more concrete (NSFW).  As illustrated by Oglaf, honour defines your penis.  There is also another set of honour, and it is your anus.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestion: Drop all items when killed
« on: August 03, 2011, 03:30:51 am »
Yes!  People can finally see how much I nerf myself with firebombs and ladders!

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