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Messages - Algarn

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 203
The Chamber of Tears / Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« on: February 11, 2018, 11:54:42 pm »
I would like to see a gradual move towards 2012 version of balance, but we have too many goodies like nudging, rolling and all the extra equipment now to just jump back.

Moving back to 2012 balance would mean to revert 6 years of nerfs on all classes, including ranged and cavalry classes. Be ready for high amounts of screeching if it were to happen.

General Off Topic / Re: how famous is the above player?
« on: February 11, 2018, 10:38:53 pm »
oldschool mercs are dangerous enemies

he's an oldschool merc

>thinks hail is oldschool

He, however, is an oldschool byz, and has weird tastes

And i'm also surprised to see you there, hail. Hop on ts when you can.

I shouldn't say I'm surprised about that considering all the shit I've already seen, but things seriously start sounding like headlines from the Onion.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« on: February 11, 2018, 01:37:04 am »
People whined about ranged pop, so they had to come up with some sort of class balance, that I understand. But right now, the game is literally unplayable since the teams aren't even being balanced at all, which means the old balance system needs to be put back (at least temporarily) before the populations goes further down.

This game is a huge win already if you think about it. Vavra sticked to his conviction and didn't break under pressure from numerous 'activists' who demanded to have coloured folks playing role in medieval Bohemia.

Source ?

... and all the other things floating around out there / War is hell.
« on: February 09, 2018, 11:29:37 pm »

General Discussion / Re: New Team Balance Sucks
« on: February 09, 2018, 02:12:36 pm »
I will agree sometimes when you play with a group it's fun, but, imo we should be focusing on making things an actual fair and fun experience for ALL players, not just for ones who want to play with their friends and dominate every round they play. Keep in mind now, we have lots of new players joining and the last thing we want is to send them packing because it was impossible for them to win unless they got put on the team where a bunch of people had the same banner.
Here's how the old system worked:

New map loads up: Join team in hopes of getting placed with bannerstack -> Hooray I got placed with bannerstack -> Win first round -> Sit with bannerstack for the rest of the game unless I get autobalanced near to the end and rack up all the multi leaving one team getting nothing and the other team getting nothing but x5 -> rinse and repeat
Join team in hopes of getting placed with bannerstack -> FUCK I didn't get placed with bannerstack, welp, this entire map now is a waste of time -> Lose -> Lose -> Lose -> Lose -> New map loads up -> Join team in hopes of getting placed with bannerstack etc etc.

Sorry but I prefer actual balance as opposed to just one team steamrolling everyone for literally every single round we play. Sure, you can't play with your friends and teamwork as much, but imo there's an element of fun in fighting AGAINST your friends as well.

Alright, to go deeper into this, BlueberryMuffin and I were ALWAYS getting balanced (I'm speaking in a literal way, no exaggeration). The rest of the clan stayed on the other team most of the time, and I'd play with my team 1 out of 2 rounds, and some others were getting thrown out of the team when it happened. This was occurring when Byzantium players were in front, and had similar chances to win. Getting balanced gameplay is good, but being able to play with the rest of my dudes is literally the reason to put the banner on, why should I spend a whopping 50% of my playtime against my clanmates ?

I'll just try to revise instead of playing EU1 anyway, should stop playing for a while to make sure I didn't just waste 3 years at uni. I just hope the banner balance will be fixed for after the finals.

General Discussion / Re: New Team Balance Sucks
« on: February 08, 2018, 10:51:51 pm »
Tried to play for the last couple of days, was endlessly autobalanced into the other team, unable to play with the rest of my clan. Second night was even worse, the clan was split 50/50 on both sides, and it changed round after round to make it even worse. The classes often end up being stacked like in the old balance system, didn't notice much improvement.

General Discussion / Re: Cheating turk , best way to avoid arrows.
« on: February 08, 2018, 10:21:42 pm »
Jokes on you, he's from mother Russia.

General Discussion / Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« on: February 06, 2018, 05:47:18 pm »
by all the current hysteria I wonder how a patch would turn out where all ranged weapons were just nerfed into oblivion

just to see if the mod is more enjoyable without any ranged at all

You'd see either :

- cav dominating on open fields
- MLG tier players unhindered by ranged able to go polearm/2h, as well as a sharp decrease in shield-using infantry. The only way to fight them would be to have even more ganks.

Wouldn't be much better for the average player when you think about it. If you get cav nerfed into Oblivion as well, only the second scenario remains. cRPG is (or was ?) based around the diversity of builds, people tend to forget how OP everything was back in 2012, and I am those who think it was better this way. People play warband for the whole package, if you play a mod without anything but melee, it dies pretty quickly overall, not only because it makes little sense historically, but also gameplay-wise. I'm not saying getting peppered with arrows isn't annoying, because even as an archer, it is annoying to get shot 5 times before you can retaliate, but without archers on the battlefield, you don't get the ability to harass attackers on siege maps, nor you get to take down cavalry/high value targets without them wrecking you.

But again, screaming about how OP archers are is way easier than remembering the times when a bowman with agility could 1 hit everyone in the head, and asking for their removal is easier than trying to picture that scenario if it happened.

Merc_Algarn, 3 exchanges please.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: That's what you get for helping UIF
« on: January 31, 2018, 12:43:36 pm »
(click to show/hide)!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=2475

I hope you know that I'll never support UIF or Druzhina in any kind of matter from now on

Strat is about stabbing others in the back, and many, many shades of dark. Applying for battles is merely a tiny part of it on the large scale, they don't need one or two mercenaries, no matter how good they are, especially when they have legions of soldiers ready to fight for XP anyway. Battles are just about who'll send the most soldiers on a castle, and diplomacy leaves out any kind of RP most of the time, which are enough reasons not to play the gamemode at all unless I need to level up characters.

Remember, there are no good guys on strat, it takes some criminal dedication to be a faction leader.

General Off Topic / Re: What cRPG chat type are you?
« on: January 30, 2018, 01:30:44 pm »
A mix of the last two.

General Discussion / Re: Temporary autobalance change (EU only)
« on: January 29, 2018, 10:53:01 pm »
No clue if it was on tonight, but it was a ranged shitfest.

General Discussion / Re: Temporary autobalance change (EU only)
« on: January 29, 2018, 04:02:28 pm »
This autobalance was an option since the Donkey Crew developed cRPG. I'm not sure if there's any class balance yet in this one, but from what I heard it could be possible for Professor to implement a code that determines peoples classes based on their PT, PD, HA, riding, etc.

I hope he's careful not to consider as archers people who put 1PD just to fool the autobalance. Same goes with the rest of classes.

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