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Messages - Erika_Furudo

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Nono you got it wrong I don't want to change it ingame I just want to edit it myself so the cross shows more up to make it better looking for avatars,ecc since it's getting hidden under the belts.

I'm trying to make a templar avatar for forums I can help do it for other people too when I have time.
You're talking about that Heraldic mail now?

Since that armor is quite big. So yes the cross of our banner is kinda right in the belt.

But on shields and suchs so does it look fine/good.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Re: En acceptabel riddare stats/skills?
« on: January 14, 2011, 10:15:19 pm »
Kunde inte låta bli att "pointa" ut det där  :wink:  Ja du rår ju för att blivit född som en man  :wink:
Äch jag bara skämtar!
Ah. Det blev faktiskt lite fel där.

Menade mer åt om du hade hoppats att jag var en flicka.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Re: En acceptabel riddare stats/skills?
« on: January 14, 2011, 10:00:53 pm »
Ursäkta, men är du en kvinna irl?
Dessvärre så är jag inte det.

Namnet är från en karaktär från en visuell novel.

Och jag använder detta namn till min main karaktär. Så har det på forumet med pga det.

General Off Topic / Re: Other Worthy Games?
« on: January 14, 2011, 07:20:19 pm »
There is a mod that gives it color tiles instead

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Re: En acceptabel riddare stats/skills?
« on: January 14, 2011, 04:58:57 pm »
Bedre med en 2h påle å daske med isteden for 1h/skjold :)
Jo men inte lika roligt.

Jag har tagit en ganska jämn agi/str build med en Sarranid Warhorse.

Har cirka 130 wpf i 1hand och runt 90 på polearm.

Så har jag svärd + sköld samt en polearm för andra ryttare.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Re: Swenska, Norsk eller Dansk
« on: January 13, 2011, 07:52:07 pm »
Ah, thanks ;)

P.S. I voted Dansk even though i can't understand it (but i could read the poll topic)
Vilka     språk     kan      du förstå?
Welche Sprache kannst du verstehen?

General Off Topic / Re: Other Worthy Games?
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:35:39 pm »
Try other Bioware RPG's (including oldies).

And ALL Paradox Interactive games. They are all masterpieces of their art.
Bioware still makes RPGs?

I thought they just made dating sims nowadays.

Suggestions Corner / Re: The new patch took the spirit of out cRPG
« on: January 12, 2011, 10:29:26 pm »
There was no tactics before. The only reason people stacked together was to survive.
Alot of people were just hiding inside the group of friends doing nothing. Trying to survive and leech off everyone else.

Cavalries and Archers both suffered hard from the bad exp/gold system - They got it a bit better when the range got increased though.

Yes, but it doesn't reward skill. The rewards are based solely on the team the autobalance put you on, not on how good you personally do. And then the punishments are completely random, nothing the player can do about them. And it does really feel like punishment to me when after having killed half the enemy team, all of my most expensive items break at the same time.

Don't get me wrong I like most of the things the patch changed and what its done to the gameplay (making it more skill based), but I really dislike the complete randomness of the reward. Losing 3k when I'm doing well and then gaining 3k when I'm sucking purely on the role of a dice? Its just ridiculous.
And the old system was not like that?

The team which won got 100% exp/gold(If you survived)
While the other team got like, 25%?

Only thing now when it comes to skills is;

If you are a good cavalry so can you actually do your job and flank the enemy alot, killing several of them.
Highering your chances to win. And then get loads of gold/exp.

If it was the old patch so would that cavalry guy mostly just get the gold/exp from his own kills. Since he was out of range.
And this would make him feel like he does not get rewarded by doing his stuff. And instead just camp in the middle like everyone else being useless.

Suggestions Corner / Automatic yes/no option to polls.
« on: January 12, 2011, 10:20:35 pm »
Would be nice if there was an option were you automaticly said either no or yes to polls.

This way so do they not pop up all the time.

General Discussion / Re: Your favorite 2H?
« on: January 12, 2011, 06:06:03 pm »

Cheap. Fast. Has a stab/thrust. Can be used mounted.
Can also be used with a shield good obviously good against ranged.

I got a heirloomed Longsword and it's <good>

The range can feel a bit meh at times. The fact that if you fight other 2handers and polearm users so do they have the distance advantage.
But aslong as you keep close then there are no problems.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Re: Swenska, Norsk eller Dansk
« on: January 12, 2011, 02:47:57 pm »
Don't you like the finnish? :P
Their language is really diffrent from ours.

Atleast I can guess more or less what the others are saying.

With the finnish. I can't.

General Discussion / Re: The days of cavalry SUPERIORITY is over.
« on: January 12, 2011, 10:06:27 am »
was cav really that overpowered? My low cost equip is inf, so i played quite a bit of inf, i rarely got killed by cav at all.

People proberly call cavalry OP becouse they proberly just don't look around and then gets backstabbed.

Cavalry right now is pretty much a pure flanker/ambusher.
If you attack a infantry when he is prepared so can he easily just block or kill the horse if he got a pike or so.
If you attack a ranged class that is prepared so can he easily 2 shot the horse.

Put yeah, cavalry can easily bring in alot of kills when coming from behind the enemy lines and get several kills in one charge.
But so can infantry also when they ambush a group of archers.

Also a thing;
Most people are still used to the old times were most cavalries had the plated charger.
Then people focused on killing the rider instead of the horse. Since he was usually easier to kill.

But nowadays so is the horse much easier to kill and the same time very easy to reach.
But people still aim against the rider, which usually goes unsuccesful.

General Off Topic / Re: Show Your Desktop!
« on: January 12, 2011, 08:39:57 am »
do you know where I can get free High rez wallpapers?

On the top so is there several options such as resolution.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Re: En acceptabel riddare stats/skills?
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:51:08 pm »
Är det ens värt att skaffa athletics när man ändå kommer rida?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Light/Medium Cavalry Survival Guide
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:57:22 am »
I've heard that the horse can get wounded, and then require more riding skill to ride.

Is that true?

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