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Messages - Fringe

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General Discussion / Re: And yet,one more thread about new armors..
« on: January 27, 2013, 04:51:35 pm »
Bump  :twisted:

Diplomacy / Re: Frogs OP
« on: January 27, 2013, 06:21:07 am »
They say winner make history...

but they did cap your flag so it's probably what happened!  :P

Oh hell, wrong battle :P Was talking about the recent one. Keep forgetting about the morning one that went on.

Diplomacy / Re: The Strands of Fate Unravel before Thee!
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:55:25 am »
I'm scared to look at that devil to long. Afraid it's going to do something  :cry:

Diplomacy / Re: Frogs OP
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:41:47 am »
Think the gear was pretty even matched, we wore our usual heraldic mails/mail gauntlets/kettle helmet outfit, We had 8 more players but what made you lose your spawns is whoever called the shot to take a long ass route to try and come make us fight on our flags instead of our hill.. When we saw that, we sent our cavs to your spawns and we engaged your army on ours. Your guys never could get back in time

? Completely different view from what I got. But it was a good fight anyways. Rather enjoyable.

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han - EU
« on: January 26, 2013, 06:53:33 pm »
(click to show/hide)

I remember this game :o Played it forevers ago!

General Discussion / Re: Crazyest loom ever? Show us yours!
« on: January 26, 2013, 06:43:08 am »
Craziest loom, Elders practice dagger.

Diplomacy / Re: IMPORTANT - Diplomacy Forum Rules
« on: January 26, 2013, 05:35:03 am »
is there a way to roleplay without feeling like a 12 year old writing naruto fan fiction?
(click to show/hide)

It's illegal to mention something of that nature on the forums.

Diplomacy / Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« on: January 26, 2013, 05:12:57 am »
Lol What? Its a contraction for are not. If anything you should be picking on 24/24
Beat me to it.

On a diplomacy thread for the past few pages it has been nothing but shitty battle times. At first it almost turned into another discussion about how shit FCC and how shit HP is. Half of the thread was random posts that trailed off into trolling. I have yet to see something relatively intelligent. Shitty wars are shit. They also suck dick with laggy servers and constant bitch fights. I must admit Rice Eaters has something going with their little RP forum. I especially like the little maps that they have :)

Back to point, while the incessant bitching is tolerable, change the fucking subject. One page mostly consisted of what people considered to be prime-time for a battle. Get creative dammit. Insert RP, shitty or not.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the battle at 7:00 CST. With that said bitch about something else.

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:38:49 am »
As the battle-weary men of the Guard returned from a far-off battle, Oda Nobunaga, who had stayed back to recover from his long captivity, only recently escaped, strode deliberately to the walls of Himmelsberg Monastery. Looking out he felt the usual pang of regret from having missed the opportunity to fight alongside his friends, for his life was long, and his woes had been many. His salt-and-pepper hair, looking more salt and less pepper these days, drifted in the breeze as his topknot swayed in the icy wind. He saw two corpses, friends hardly known, being borne into the gates. Looking out he saw a face long-recognized but utterly unexpected. Dropping his helm he bounded down the stairs with the strength and vigor of a younger man.

"Phew! Is that really you?" he cried as the man stepped forward.  The man standing before him was battle-hardened and hearty, a heavy shield was slung across his back and a large satchel of razor-sharp perfectly-balanced axes hung at his side. sticking out of his pack was the many-notched hilt of a fearsome cleaver. The man replied, "Yes." Oda knew this man from long experience, hardly speaking, but always lethally prepared for battle. They had fought against one another in the fields of battle prior to this meeting, and more than a few of Oda's scars were dealt from that wicked-sharp piece of steel sticking out of the pack. They had fought out of necessity however, not animosity, and respected each other as fellow soldiers and fellow men. Oda spoke again, "I am glad to see you wearing the colors of our order Phew. Too long have we stood against each other unnecessarily. I am sure you will find the guards to be as friendly and companionable as I have. This land, these men, they will quick become your home and family. Welcome home!"

Love the role-play. Holy Guard has some damn good players and is a respectable clan, and should set an example to other's.

Realism Discussion / Re: better block animation for stabs?
« on: January 26, 2013, 01:22:06 am »
I rather liked floris mod's animations, but the attacks wouldn't coalesce with the builds and such. Love the left block though.

Realism Discussion / Re: Horses Fight Back
« on: January 26, 2013, 01:20:39 am »
I believe that the devs should make the horses able to fight back enemies. Historically horses were trained to kick and bite if provoked by enemies. I hate when an unmanned horse just sitting there herp derp and being sliced away by players. The animation should be when the horse rears up and stands up and kicks the attacking player and knocks them down, the damage should be calculated by the charge points on the horse. I dont believe that the damage should be very much damage at all but just a small suggestion for the devs. This has been mentioned before but was only for the death of the horse I disagree with it. I think im going to get a ton of shit from non-cav players, but oh well

So a fully armored horse that has enough trouble getting up off it's front feet should be able to kick the hardest? I think not. But this would be cool, but like it was said, no bueno attack horses.

Diplomacy / Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« on: January 26, 2013, 12:52:05 am »
Hey, Kaoklai, instead of -'ing everything I say, how about you nut up and voice your opinion, that way I can acknowledge you're a human being and not a saliva spewing goblin with a 2 ft stick lodged firmly up it's ass.

Take more pills o.o? Shoulda kept the third nipple, it will indeed be sorely missed.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Strat pope.
« on: January 26, 2013, 12:37:52 am »
I was actually thinking of how holy orders would work in Strategus. Yes they held land, but they also have their services to anyone fighting other religions. So I thought it would be a neat idea if a small clan formed as a holy order would basically be a group of mercenaries, but their prices would be determined on what faction religion their contractors had.

If I had a chance and were actually motivated to play strat I would try it, but I'm really annoyed with the current strat.

Truthfully, I would like to see a war over some sort of idealism, even if it's role-play. No bullshit stuff like "they're Germans, so they must be chocolate chip cookie's, lets attack them. Something I see happening on NA_1 RP wise is the northerners attacking the dirty southerners because they are unclean. Such is the spirit of good RP and a set-up for clans to work together and change the tides of nations. But this little bitch war suffices to.

Diplomacy / Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« on: January 24, 2013, 05:36:42 am »
Hey man, edited my post to reflect my actual opinion...bit of a typo.

BYA, Ryden, Spook, Smoothrich, BADPLAYER, Chesteclese should all deserve very honorable mentions for shit-talking. Anybody I forgot, call me a my old friend or something.

my old friend, forgot Berenger, although I'm still deciding whether he's a shit talker or a shitty talker.

Faction Halls / Re: [KoJ] Kingdom of Jerusalem (Recruiting NA)
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:20:12 am »
Pushing my thread up some so I don't have to go back so far in the #'s.

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