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Messages - Mongolista

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Nords have seen the light!
« on: November 03, 2012, 09:12:03 pm »
Ive got nothing to do with Fallen, not even with the Nords, I thought they are cool, yet, as a rational person I understand Mikes frustration because the act of keeping an alliance with bunch of cheaters is unforgivable, I understand Nords follow what their leader tells them to do, they are loyal to their leader, that is a good thing, but being blind and not even try to question such situation is either an act of stupidity, laziness or the acceptance of the leaders decision.

I also follow my leaders orders as I believe they are doing the best for the clan, but I always think about it, and Im pretty sure if my leader wanted me to stay in touch with a faction full of cheaters who get repeatedly banned once in a while for something, Id sure be against this, I do like the game system and I like to be the stronger one, but I enjoy getting there through the honest way. If I (or anybody else I am in touch with) get the advantage thanks to cheats and act like its normal, Im pretty sure I wouldnt enjoy the game one bit ;) This is your call, it is up to you, your fight and your reputation, just dont expect people to think nice about you after this. Thats all.

I know Im gonna keep getting ignored coz theres no dirt to throw at me, just please think about what makes your game more enjoyable and why do you play it in the first place, thank you.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Nords have seen the light!
« on: November 03, 2012, 04:53:22 pm »
Arguments ad personam here we go, make a new topic and blame mike for everything he did in the past, he's just stating obvious, which is: Nords + Greys = Alliance -> Grey's use cheats to get stronger in strategus -> Nords stay in alliance with Greys, they even get one of the cheaters castle with all equip in it (cough did you say you get all your gear fairly? cough) -> Nords do not mind their allies cheating (not to mention themselves profiting in such situation) -> Nords may not themselves cheat but they don't mind others cheating (which as a matter of fact is supporting cheating (if you have known about the Greys multiacc situation - which I really hope you did not))

Mike was actually hoping you guys are better than that, with this topic he just wanted to see what is the state between you and the cheaters after the cheaters were found out....and you go full rage on him, I think he doesn't really have to say anything, you have proven yourself with the actions, nobody is hating you, nobody is accusing you of cheating, but they sure will think twice about your honour and grace and dignity and whatever else you are promoting next time. This is actually your fight much more than his, in fact he wanted to prove you guys are better than you really are...

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Nords have seen the light!
« on: November 03, 2012, 04:13:34 pm »
Why would you attack the banned's friendly castle if you knew they are innocent and getting soon back? is it really worth to lose all of those population/army? I maybe understand Mechin and Tosdar as these are at the edge of Greys territory and its a matter of hours till the enemy takes over, but ryibelet castle is in the heart of Greys territory and so there's no such hurry in controlling this one asap, wouldn't it be wiser to wait till they unban these "innocent" Greys as you call them?

In my eyes both Nords and Greys know the banned Grey members are not getting back as they all knew about these multiaccounts and nobody gave a shit. Nobody gives a shit even now, they don't really care they caught the cheaters, they are just gonna take over the lost fiefs and continue in their corrupted greedy way of playing strategus. I don't really think Nords have seen any light as they probably knew about the multiaccounts, I just hope Admins will keep up the good work to make the strategus cheaters-free and give a nice disciplinary example for those who weren't caught during the first wave to stop cheating or those who are thinking about doing the same.

Gre(ed)y Order finally got their justice and strategus once again seems to be a nice place to stay:)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Nords have seen the light!
« on: November 03, 2012, 02:56:54 pm »
fun in-game wars turn to personal hatred when one of the sides stops playing fair and tries to get an advantage by not playing strictly legal...
Also I have to say the probability of the ban wave technology being correct seems pretty high since I actually played at my brothers home on his IP few times as well as I got new computer and was playing with my brother from our home when he was still living with us back then and I basically got through all the scenarios and experienced the same situations the Greys (and other random people) give on the unban thread as reasons for getting Banned in the first place and I did not get banned. My brother plays M&B with his other room-mates all of them from the same IP, each of them buying their own product key, having their own account - they did not get banned. Seems like legit players have nothing to worry about.
This only brings me to the conclusion the Greys who got banned (what a coincidence they got banned in past as well) are banned justly and thus cooperating with such ppl makes one sick. I understand Nords do not wish the equip to get in the wrong hands, but unjust enrichment stays unjust enrichment and thus if you have at least any "moral ground" then PLEASE destroy (sell for very low price or trash it) all of what you get in that castle that has been gained through multiaccounting a.k.a. cheating.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Exploiting going on?
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:23:10 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Unozdag castle
« on: November 02, 2012, 10:21:24 pm »
anyone wanna share the story?

Sezer spawned in front of 3 spawnkillers, he chambered both swords and evaded the maul, with rage running through his veins he slashed the very right spawnkiller with a mighty blow and cut through his body right into the other two guys, all three of them fell dead instantly. He jumped off the roof right into the backyard, put the invisibility cloak on and followed a secret road to the enemy spawn. He danced and celebrated for couple of hours, then he laid the enemy flags down, he then invited a couple more friends to his party on enemy spawn, they all danced and celebrated for another couple of hours, till the very last enemy, weakened from running around the whole castle, broken-minded from seeing all of his team-mates slowly dying one by one, got back to his spawn to fall dead in front of Sezer's shoes.
...everyone then celebrated a bit more...
...Latviano found the corpse of the guy, who kept laughing at him for not being so manly, and farted loudly in his face...
...Cicero was hanging up on the tree tied up in a rope not to be able to escape...
...a typical day of Asterix and his little village in middle of enemy territory...

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Spies
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:10:47 am »
Oh thanks Mr. Sherlock, I see, it was all my fault for not using enough punctuation and not being nice enough to them random trolls, your comment is as much useless as their is. I calmed down as you said, I found my inner peace, everything is so much better now, please GTFO and STFU till you have something (relating to the topic) to say, thank you SO MUCH.,."!(_!"?!_(/(

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Spies
« on: October 26, 2012, 04:33:14 pm »
Why the fuck do these retards spam on my topic their useless shit acting like there is actually something funny about it, then give negative vote to my reasonable comment to get back to the primary idea of this topic, ignore it and continue in their "very funny" conversation? Is there any way the creator of his topic can remove these comments to get some rational answers instead?

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Spies
« on: October 24, 2012, 07:45:41 pm »
Can you please go spam your funny shit elsewhere? thank you

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Spies
« on: October 24, 2012, 01:03:37 pm »
They come back again and be there again, coz they are somebody's mutli account or people who joined the faction on Strat just so the leader has one more puppet to use as he wants. They dont actually lose anything by doing this over and over again, while the attacker does

Strategus General Discussion / Spies
« on: October 24, 2012, 12:44:57 pm »
What do you do, when you have spies with 100 men unarmed around your castle? If you attack them, you need at least some equipment to be able to defeat them as they get peasant armor from the ?system? and after you happen to destroy them, they still stand there, easily get their 100 men back and the same shit happens again and again, and you are just basically losing money on the gear you have lost by fighting them. So I want to ask what can you do to drive spies out of your territory??

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Upload deleted character from DB?
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:17:10 pm »
All sorted, Thanks a lot:) Imma delete this now I guess

cRPG Technical problems / Upload deleted character from DB?
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:57:51 pm »
my friend VayenCZ_Knight_who_says_Ni deleted his character with the assumption he can make his other char his main. His English is not very good and he followed some kind of an advice on the website and clicked on Delete instead of something different he wanted to do.
My question is if there is any possibility of resetting his acc/char back to the time before he deleted the character? He spent two and a half years on it and it would be kind of shame losing it all because of one wrong click.
Any help would be much appreciated!

Closed Requests / Re: Banrequest Mongo_Knight_who_says_Ni
« on: July 18, 2012, 07:48:38 pm »
You reported me, you insulted me, you requested a ban poll, you were standing up the hill where the enemies were coming from, you then jumped in front of me many times so you would get shot by me, and when there was one enemy left and we attacked at the same time and you killed it first and I hit you, you reported me again, even tho the hit clearly was not intentional. Of course I wont say sorry and of course I got angry coz you sir are a troll, big time! And everybody on the server knew that, thats why the poll didnt get through, we shouldve poll kicked you omg

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