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Messages - Reinhardt

Pages: 1 ... 71 72 [73] 74 75
Suggestions Corner / Re: Small suggestion to improve character page
« on: January 13, 2011, 03:35:31 pm »
I agree.

Faction Halls / Re: Looking for a Clan
« on: January 13, 2011, 03:16:31 pm »
How about the Crusaders of Acre? We actually have a majority EU population. Here's the TS IP... pop in and say Hi sometime. port 9987
Btw, don't let my lack of a sig/avatar scare you away. We have both, I'm just to lazy to put them up  :mrgreen:,142241.0.html,32.0.html

We also have a forums, clan posts, and a very artistic thread. ^^

Tsk Tsk Tsk I thought more of the Ootl. WHAT ARE THESE ACCUSATIONS?

You expect more than childish antics form the Ootl? Tsk Tsk, good sir.

Hmmmmm. I myself just switched from my 1h shield build into a 2h+xbow. It's a lot harder. But infinitely more fun.  :D

(click to show/hide)

We need to start hosting some events. Captains, if you're able, please do post an event on the clan forums. And everyone else, sign up when you get the chance.

General Discussion / Re: So about that banner balancer........
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:59:36 am »
Something really needs to be done to limit the amount of people that can be on one team because of the Bannerbalance.  I can't even bring myself to play on the 80 man ATS run server anymore, every single round is dominated by all the ATS guys stacked on 1 team.  Its like its their own private grind server.

Maybe once every 10 rounds or so the side without all the ATS guys will win, and thats just not fun when you get stuck on the other team.  Hats off to the ATS guys for thier coordination, but I think if they want to all be on the same team they need a clan only server.

And I know the first guy that responds is gonna tell me to join a clan and/or "just coordinate with your own team".  Sorry but I don't have time for a clan, every clan I've been in has always had way to many politics, I get enough of that in RL.  And someone please explain to me how I'm supposed to "coordinate" with my team.....I've tried, its like herding cats.  Also don't assume that just because I'm not in a clan I don't want to/try to be competative, I'm not a casual by any means.

"Herding cats". Interesting.

But my response wold be that clan members aren't always on the same team, and autobalance tries to do its job regardless. However, they are often on the same team. But think about it: If you're in a clan, you want to be paired with your mates, instead of random people all the time. There's really no solution, aside from waiting for it to be tweaked a bit. Although I have noticed that just because certain clans (excluding the mercs) don't always win when paired together. If you think about it, it's no worse than the old autobalance, but it just makes clans happier.

Suggestions Corner / Re: How to fix throwing
« on: January 12, 2011, 07:34:09 pm »
I've been melee for 4 generations, now I have 3 proficiencies at generation 5. What are they you might ask? 1h, 2h, and THROWING. For this, I have 72 or so WPF. 85 in the 1h/2h. I also have to invest 3 points of power throw into it. Weapon proficiencies work for Throwing, and are required for accuracy. I could shoot a bow without proficiency on this character by replacing throwing with it. Will it be like an archer? no, but it's still a weapon. I'll do damage, but not be too accurate.

Anyway, higher end throwing weapons have only 2 weapons per slot, but still people go pure throwing and can get 6-8 kills easy with those weapons. They're just annoying because they 1-hit constantly. It also takes 7 power throw in order to 1-hit, along with proficiency, which takes a while to get. But just as HA goes, that's no excuse. I would only justify lowering the power to HIGHER-END throwing weapons.

EDIT: Not very well put together, but my point is in there somewhere.

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:17:38 am »
Crusader... sword?  :twisted: Hooray!

And since when are clan armors allowed? :D

Just had one of the best matches i have ever had, i got a kill/death ratio of 3:1 in one match and  accumulated 2000 gold over 5 rounds.

Congratulations. :D I myself am getting better at parrying.

Really? Yeah we're such attention whores since we're so tiny :D
Make it enemies of Acre we don't accredit UIF, united and independant is too contradictory.

Well then, we will meet you on the field.  :)

Faction Halls / Re: Faction-/Clan-/Guild-List/Overview
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:20:47 pm »
Sorry to bother you again, but when I click on my name under the Crusaders of Acre, it goes to the leader of the Golden Geese. ^^

Hmpf, that's not what i ment. Don't bother who lost or won only want to point out that we have no relation entry on your first page ;)

2nd time that's been pointed out. You guys really want to be noticed by us don't you? :D

I'll add you right now. You're allies with the Fallens or enemies of the UIF?

Lothar_IV_Duke_of_Saxony_HRE vs King_Reinhardt_of_Acre - Hide Details
- Battle time: 15.11., 00:00
- Battle duration: 38m48s
- Army size: 2226 vs 2451
- Battle result: 299 vs 0
- Winner: Attacker

Can we get a +5 for this? :D

I won't hide the fact that we did lose. That was my first battle to command though, in my defense.  :wink:

A bit late, but Congratulations on your victory.


And thank you very much shinyspoons.

Faction Halls / Re: Faction-/Clan-/Guild-List/Overview
« on: January 09, 2011, 08:33:08 pm »
Added. But please put that NA/EU between the (), too. ;)


Teehee. Alrighty, but one more thing if I might add. Timotheus is a Crusader Captain, not the leader. I'm the leader, if you could maybe put it to contact me.

Faction Halls / Re: Faction-/Clan-/Guild-List/Overview
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:12:07 pm »
Might you add the Crusaders of Acre please.,32.msg150.html#msg150

We're now using the tag thingy.


I need everyone in the clan to take a few screenshots of your character in order for us to show off our egos show people how we look in our gear. \ 8-)

Well. On to a lighter subject...I happen to like the patch now! Yay me!

Yeah I was talking with some of the DRZ yesterday and they seem to like it. Although Nebun is pretty upset now that he can't use his archer skills, but he said they'll all adapt. :D

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