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Messages - Ronin

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 177
We can bump our thread whenever we want. It's good to be in a cavalry clan. :mrgreen:

General Discussion / Re: DTV Changes - some infos
« on: February 22, 2014, 12:05:37 pm »
Higher levels -> more bots -> more xp and gold ?

Can you please answer?

I think there is no need to be offensive here. Sometimes I call the old hero names without giving much thought, then I realize those names don't appear in Dota 2 I use the current names to avoid confusion. After all, if my purpose is to communicate I must make sure people I'm adressing understand what I mean. Right? There is no reason to get mad over something like that.
Half of the player base don't even speak english at all, I just use wheel commands most of the time; anyways.

Hmm hero names:

Realism Discussion / Re: native shield on back system
« on: February 22, 2014, 11:54:44 am »
Haha yes then!

But they already add a body armor for hits coming at the back, and armor is much more useful against projectiles now. Shields also have much better armor values. I believe they should useful now.

I guess it is better for it to be this way, because when carrying a shield in hand an arrow might pierce the shield a bit and got stuck somewhere in the middle. It won't do any harm since there won't be any body parts just behind the shield. When the shield is on back, there is only 2-3 cm space between the body and shield. So it makes sence, in my opinion, for the shield to work as if it is an armor. Because it is technically no different than an armor piece that way, it is very close to the skin. It is like an armor reinforcement part.

Let's give it a try for some time. We haven't had any decent strat battles yet and we are not likely to have those with cavalry at all, at least for this month.

Shorter weapons are probably similar to very long weapons with their timing difficultiness. It should be a bit easier to cause them to glance. Maybe the rearing length could be changed to 131+ or something but it is still too early to speak. All you discuss here sounds like theory and imaginary. This behaviour is very common in forum so I felt like reminding it: experiment, play and do trainings first; then have an opinion on it.

Realism Discussion / Re: native shield on back system
« on: February 21, 2014, 09:25:40 pm »
Don't disable anything. Why would you want to do that?

I was joking anyway :)

I have tried League of Legends too (all my rl friends play it ;_;), can't judge without trying right?
Same here. I can't understand why they play it over dota.

General Discussion / Re: DTV Changes - some infos
« on: February 21, 2014, 01:31:34 pm »
If possible, making bot waves dependant on the current scene would be nice. If only possible.

Higher levels -> more bots -> more xp and gold ?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: I need a god damn archer build
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:59:07 am »
Try 21/18, tatar bow - one quiver of arrows and a 2h weapon.

General Discussion / Re: Ronin is a real ladykiller
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:11:04 pm »

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archer feelings after last patch
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:04:43 pm »
Yet archers keep claiming that they are underpowered huehuehue the irony...
It's due to the nature of strategus battles. Eu1 and strategus has entirely different elements. I would explain what archers and infantry are good at, both at strategus and Eu1 but I would be wasting my time explaining it to you. So, I won't bother. I prefer to keep it to myself.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged stun removed
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:19:21 pm »
Imma have to agree with Jack here. I had also recently tried archery on a STF, so only lvl 30, and I have to say it was more than easy to get valor with it.
I even epeen'd some screenshots of doing well even against astralis stack(they have really good archers for EU who dont know them)
I used a longbow with tartar(yes even without the OP bodkin archers do dmg)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Long story short, if you want to do dmg as an archer get a dmg'ing bow.
You should play an archer character. Seriously. I saw the potential.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged stun removed
« on: February 17, 2014, 10:03:09 am »
24-18 and he has two quivers of bodkins. He doesn't talk at all so IDK what his stats are. The current NA meta is high agi polearms. Particularly warspears.

Edit: I have 64 body armor on average and he uses a nomad bow and possibly 3 quivers since he has no sidearm
This is just strange in many ways to be honest. Low damage bows like Nomad Bow has been hit the hardest and it shouldn't do much damage to someone like you at all; unless hitting the head. 3 Quiver of arrows and outrunning people sounds like dark magic, it's probably a false assumption.

Given he has no sidearm, he should be cavalry meat at best even if very effective against infantry.

Buy / Looking for +3 Rus Splinted Greaves
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:52:37 am »
I can offer:

Cavalry Robe
Rondel Dagger



Total War Series / Re: Medieval 2: total war - Wounded soldiers?
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:26:22 am »
Cool! Beats me though, that they fell unconscious after being shot by crossbow. Oh well, video game logic :D
Video game logic? You'll have plenty of that in Warband Single Player.

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