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Messages - roymorrison

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Historical Discussion / Re: History and Politics
« on: May 28, 2011, 03:29:08 pm »
I realize that those two are probably idiots who will probably buy 10 billion dollars worth of botox and still overdose on cocaine, but I still don't like the idea of that mans money being taken by the state.

His 10 billion didn't come out of a vacuum, he most assuredly has several companies which employ thousands of people who all rely on his money money and businesses to stay paid.  Your plan is to dismantle all of that and partition it out to "the highest bidders"?

What happens when some rich greedy American or whoever who got all of his daddy's money comes and buys up all of this guys business. 

In my mind, people should be free to do with their earnings as they please, so long as it doesn't interfere with other peoples freedoms. 

Sell/Trade / [TRADE] Masterwork Bec De Corbin for your 3x loom 1H
« on: May 27, 2011, 04:15:21 pm »
Trading my Masterwork Bec De Corbin for any one of the following:

Masterwork Knightly Arming Sword
Deadly Military Pick
Mighty Warhammer

Historical Discussion / Re: History and Politics
« on: May 27, 2011, 03:50:30 pm »
Chances are your kids won't be as good with money as you were, and will misplace them.
This is absolute nonsense.  First off you have no way of proving this, so we will simply resort to common sense.  Why would my kids not be as good with my money as joe homeless randomguy WHO LITERALLY CANNOT PROVIDE FOR HIMSELF IN THE FIRST PLACE.  Obviously the money wouldn't go straight to these homeless hungry jobless people who you seem to think are great businessmen, it would go to the state first, who would decide who gets the money, right?  So now you're saying that some random state employee will be deciding where my millions of dollars are going.  First off you have to be blind to not see the opportunity for corruption there.  Actually, that's exactly what happens right now in real life in the form of cronyism and unfairness in government selection of contracts.  So why would my millions of dollars suddenly be better used under your system than by my children. 

When the system is perfect, I'll allow people to touch my money.  Until then, they can stay the hell away from what I have earned.  The system will never be perfect as it is a human institution and humans are susceptible to greed, corruption, etc. as you yourself have stated.

Historical Discussion / Re: History and Politics
« on: May 27, 2011, 02:48:29 pm »
So essentially what you're saying is after I die my life work becomes that of the state.

Historical Discussion / Re: History and Politics
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:57:54 am »
Who's starving?  I'm not starving.  None of my friends and family are starving.  I don't know ANYBODY who is starving.  Why are they starving?  Why am I responsible for their starving?  Why am I being punished because someone somewhere is starving.

Actually I'll tell you what.  I'll PM you my address.  Send me all your money, I'm hungry and by your logic, I deserve your money more than you.

Looking for any one of the following:

Knightly arming sword
Nordic Champion Sword
Langes Messer
Elite Scimitar
Military Pick.

2 or 3x heirloomed

Giving you my Mighty [3x] Great Long Axe + cash if I need to.

Historical Discussion / Re: History and Politics
« on: May 24, 2011, 04:06:35 am »
Haha yeah, screw those people who worked hard to earn their money.  Actually, come to think of it I don't deserve all this money I've saved over the years, please take it from me and do something with it, as I'll surely waste it on things like yachts.  It would be much better served buying someone else a yacht.

Announcements / Re: Hack abooze
« on: May 23, 2011, 06:52:36 pm »
One of my friends was banned for this.  He used it once in a duel server to prove to us that it existed, then proceeded to completely get rid of it and never use it again.  He played a 1H so yeah...

When he asked if he could get his account back based on the above information, chadz denied him, which is a good decision IMO.  I'm sure that a lot of people are in the same boat, used it to see what it was like and it's capabilities, if it actually worked etc.  Glad to see something being done about it in any case.

Why don't you just implement some kind of respec system.  Instead of having to start all over and people bitching about XP bonus' and what not, just crank up the XP requirement per level a bit, and make it possible to respec your stats.  Or don't crank up the XP requirement, either way most of the high gen people seem to be bitching because they can't reclass every couple of days and aren't really concerned about their heirlooms (or so it seems).  Hand out heirlooms based on winning events like Tydeus stated.

Personally, I'm Gen2 and don't even use my heirloomed item anymore.  I'm currently 30 and won't be retiring at 31 because it's not that big of a deal to me to have heirloomed items, since I have to start all over and suck again anyways.  The only reason why I would retire at 31 again is if my build was jacked up, which a respec would fix.

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