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Messages - Mongolista

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big laugh to kelp and zapper who keep giving negative vote on each of my comments in hope it will make their penis bigger and positive vote on each of druzhina/nord comment in hope it will get their mouth closer to their penis :mrgreen:

PS: Go on, give me another one
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there is a vendetta guy with rank 5 who doesn't own any fiefs and can sign up for battles, what does that have to do with anything?
he can't pass on the fief so it has to be taken through attack

This would mean you knew about the fact the defender roster would not get full (as you claimed that there is no 5+ rank vendetta guy and so the AI will start accepting defenders, which is an argument you used for waiting so long in the castle for your "primetime" to get the most players to the battle, which was completely unnecessary as you knew nobody will defend the castle, thus your arguments for staying in that castle and wanting to wait the whole day till your "primetime" completely fails, my attack on the castle only justified the pause between the attack after like 12pm till the next day, but doesnt give you an excuse for doing nothing between the early morning/late night you got in the castle and did just wait for nothing coz you knew you will get the castle for free with no big army needed (for the price of the population)...still seems like you were just waiting for the "right" time to extend the time of the coalition expansion to get your boarders ready, more than waiting for the "right" time to be able to claim that castle yours:)

I am unlocking this topic as I just found out there WAS a Vendetta guy with rank 5+ who could invite/not invite defenders against DRZ attack whos argument about waiting for the primetime then fails...

Facts: At 10am this morning the druzhina army conquered the Reindi castle which had 1 defender (Im guessing not much of an AI accepting defenders there), few hours later The Coalition attacks another of the Vendetta castles and suddenly there is some Vendetta guy who CAN invite druzhina, greys and others for defence...

It almost feels like I have been tricked by their invalid argument (I wonder if the admins did as well) and Im pretty sure giving a false excuse for cheating/situations-that-seem-like-exploiting turns into a perma-ban, am I correct?

Ok, I have no more arguments, I guess it does make sense, at the same time I feel like my stupid action of raiding the castle just gave them an excuse they can use now, anyway I am locking this topic and I want to apologize for calling that move exploiting, it may as well be just a normal thing everyone would do being the situations around like this. I still do have respect for Nords, who did not do anything wrong and a little bit for BashiBazouks who, as it was found, play with no multi-accounters among their lines. I do not feel like changing any statement concerning cheating of Greys or Druzhina who should be at least ashamed of themselves instead of attacking everybody for being a crybabies about their cheating, I dont really know what they were expecting, people calling them heroes? Doesn't matter anymore, see ya on the battlefield!


Awww, dear Andswaru, your pretty English does not make it any better, if you by 1 hour general chat abusing you mean the 3 sentences where I accused Greys and Druzhinas of cheating (plain fact, I sure want them to get this reputation as Im pretty sure their leadership knew about the multiaccounts but kept on hidding the fact) and Lech of spamming (little bit of in-battle rage, I myself could stand all the BashiBazouk rage back at me), while being myself accused by your battle mates for being a noob, then yes, I am a very bad person for my high temper while having to face the clan of cheaters even after it has been proved there was like half of them cheating, yet all that was done was the players were banned and the clan could just easily take over the lost castles and keep on playing without any big harm to their territory/gear/tickets they may have obtained through cheating, it pisses me off

Could you then explain why did they not attack the castle when they had 3 big armies right over there and went on to take The Union castles first? Reindi castle seems to be of much higher priority since it is right on the edge with their enemies, their army in fact was at first circling around the Reindi castle and when I got there to raid the castle, they were hidden in the castle (okay they were waiting for the primetime), and suddenly when I finished the raid, they attacked at 10am which isn't their primetime?

P.S.: Seriously, how pathetic must one be to go after one guy whos shouting everyone in the battle is noob and spammer, while supporting a clan full of cheaters and not caring a bit :|

u cried about fucked up economy and chadz fixed it for you
that wasn't enough so they banned half of UIF without checking Anti Uif
and that isn't enough for u... what else do u want wounder boy?

u not the one we should explain anything to, if admin need to know something they can ask themselves

PS: omg :(( i'm idiot now for replying to this, damn, no more comments on this stupid topic
u like silly kids, cry all over forum and admins give u ur toys like mommy.
I have literally no idea what are you talking about, right now I see just one boy crying...
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cos u need man with rank 5 from Vendetta or Ai will accept randoms  :D
Now i leav that topic for idiots XD

This is pretty much why ppl hate you, you can't behave and have to insult everybody around you, way to go!!
Are you then telling me none of those 15 Vendetta members who left there are rank 5+?

Are u completely retarded or just half way. Forum is filled with your tears, all i see on forum is crying Anti Uif, specially mercs, day and night. U not satisfied we still defending ourselves and not all of us quit yet?

Go dup some gold u cry more.

Could you possibly explain why, when you knew nobody will be put on the roster on the defending side since the leader of the castle got banned as well as Vendetta are your friends and wouldnt fight against you, did you wait with the attack "till your play time to get the most players online" when you were in such a big hurry to get the fiefs of your friends to your hands? You knew you only need 1 attacker that will show up and get the victory for your team. This, to me, does not seem like a very trustful argument to why did you attack 3 days after your army showed up above our castle, sounds more like a made up excuse to cover the 24h battle lock exploit

P.S.: I don't personally give a f... if you quit or keep on playing, I just don't want people to exploit/cheat the shit out of strategus, as I find the whole system really interesting; and if somebody finds it difficult to play by the rules, they are pretty much calling for some cool-down time

you had two 800 ticket armies between Halmar, Unuzdaq and Reindi for two days before I launched the attack, you knew there will be no resistance from the defenders, you only needed one attacker to be present at the fight as it is your friends who are accepting ppl in roster in defence, you didnt really have to wait till your "playing time"

Please, you have been there for hours and hours before I even got there as well as you have been waiting there for the whole day after I got back to our castle...doesn't seem to me like u have been really rushing into taking over

P.S.: for more info, click on my spoiler in my signature

What if DRZ and Vendetta are no friends anymore ?  :rolleyes:

Vendetta doesnt exist anymore as it was found out majority of the members were just multiaccounts:) Why would then Druzhina wait for 2 days in the castle before taking it? Besides it was them who supported Vendetta and got them all the equip and tickets, they were basically manipulating Vendetta so I guess they wouldn't turn their back on these after giving them so much gear and tickets

No Strategus no problems :mrgreen:

joining 1000+ ticket battles with average equip takes about 20-40 minutes and you get 100-700k exps :)

Druzhina army of 800 tickets was waiting for 2 days inside the Reindi Castle, not doing anything, not even when I raided the castle, as my 300 tickets were merely a threat to the Reindi 1000 tickets in population. Just as the castle got surrounded by 1000+ armies of Druzhinas enemies, the 800 ticket army attacked the Reindi Castle to take over the castle from the another banned cheater. This, in my eyes and Im sure Im not the only one, is waiting for the right time to exploit the 24 hour lock for conquering the castle...To be honest this is getting very annoying as they keep exploiting whatever they can even after the last events...

Strategus General Discussion / Re: POLL ! Wanted security in Strategus.
« on: November 04, 2012, 11:59:36 am »
why photos and IDs? I know most of you are 7year old girls anyway


Strategus General Discussion / Thank you BashiBazouks
« on: November 04, 2012, 12:42:40 am »
I just wanted to say once again big thanks to everyone who participated at the epic battle for Unuzdaq Castle as well as to everyone who keeps supporting us. Special thanks goes to the crazy ninjas SeZer and Nyu and ofc to Kingrimm:)

I also want to thank BashiBazouks for keeping our armory updated :mrgreen:

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