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Messages - Maximus101

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General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 26, 2011, 07:11:11 pm »
Why the hell should i adjust my settings or get new hardware because of stat whores like you? And btw all the other things you have listed are actual gameplay issues that you find terribly unfair but i think is just battle. Battle is not however killing ppl lagging as that is just due to stat whores that sadly weren't around in the time of this game. To stay alive the men didn't think "Oh i have to go and kill that AFK guy as it boosts my KD". However they would find it smart to gang enemies as it is a tactic. You're argument is ridiculous and i know you will try and make excuses and reply to this post in a way you find clever but overall it is childish and stupid to go out of your way to piss ppl off and the cRPG community could do very well without you. Good day sir. :twisted:

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 26, 2011, 10:32:29 am »
Get angry.  Don't know where that came from but not gonna bother if you can't be civil.
If you see some enemy in a corner not moving so you take the kill, or do you sit there waiting with upblock ready to engage in glorious honorable combat?  Of course you kill them and move on.  Same thing with cav picking off people who aren't being attentive/lagging at spawn.

And the argument about people "having a right" to lag or whatever is bogus.  My computer is on the verge of death and I freeze up occasionally for a few seconds in battle.  Sometimes that gets me killed, and that sucks.  Am I going to blame the enemy I was fighting for using that moment to their advantage and killing me?  Of course not, it's my fault for being a dumbass who damaged my power supply with water.

I think this concern about cav spawn killing laggers is being blown way out of proportion.  With coursers nerfed and fewer maps with really close spawns this happens rarely.  Sometimes you might join a round late and you'll spawn in when the action is already all around you, but most of the time you should have plenty of time to get your bearings before getting couched.
.         No no no. I mean if you ain't even moved at spawn yet and some idiot has gone out of his way to kill someone who hasn't even moved when there are about 30 other enemies around him. This honourable shit youre saying I don't get. I am saying that it is against the spirit of the game to kill somebody who hasn't moved when you could be actually helpIng your team and not dieing to piss one person off who was lagging. If someone Is clearly AFK and the initial chrge of the battle is over then who is gonna wait for him? I agree that It is stupid to wait for them to come back. But at the start of a round people Should be able to choose equipment or lag or whatever without these idiot cavalry coming. If someone has now moved at spawn but is only about 10 seconds into the round it is not your kill to take. Oh yeah and if you see someone who Is afk you dint sit there with upblock... You kill them. Or if there are still around 40 people you left you should ride away and help your team.

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:03:48 am »
Hmmm. Not really what I expected in comments.
I don't rightfully understand the complaints here. It does seem kind of cheap if you spawn later in the round and there's cav everywhere and the map doesn't have some sort of cover nearby but that's one round and maybe it happened because you were just starting up.

But you boot up the game, join a game, and then go afk at the start of the round? Honestly what do you think is going to happen? I have come back from being afk and right as I put my headphones on I've gotten lanced in the back. Still, even now I get lanced because I'm not paying attention on the way to no-man's land swinging and feinting like a lunatic for fun but it's your fault.                                                                           ...... Are you serious? This is unavoidable as I have said I lag. If there is about 10 ppl left on the other team and the guy at spawn is obviously afk then Ill put a lance through him. But if there are still about 50 ppl left and the guy is LAGGING.. (what I said) then that is just wrong. That my old friend is blatantly ignoring the other team and going straight for a lagger to make up for the kills he can't get. That Is what I think is wrong...                                                                                                     
No it's not you stupid cunt.

Killing someone from behind - smart.
Ganging someone - smart.

Killing someone who has not even got into the game yet because of some shit connection or pc means you are a kdr fuckwad who does not want to play, only win.

God Bless You Sir!! stole the words from me. BTW I dunno why my reply showed up in the quote.. I am
Doing this on my iPod.
If I saw a cav player on my team ignore a free kill at enemy spawn I would be pissed.  That enemy could turn around and kill me, a teammate, or the cav player later in the round.

Yes it's cheap, but it's battle, not an honour simulator.  Same goes for kiting, backstabbing, you name it.

Also the only time this should legitimately happen is if you spawn in late to a game.  If you spawn at round start and are still lagging long enough for an enemy cav to reach your spawn check your computer/internet connection into a nursing home.
.          Yes this is a battle simulator. So in agincourt the French cavalry charged around the trees to kill the english fucking afk?!!??!!??!! No they didnt. If you want a battle sim let them be. It is dishonourable and I fear against the spirit of the game. Yes that guy may then kill you. But as a fellow player it is his right to play the game and kill you and if he does he is a better player than you. If you charge him when he lags that Is cowardly and noobish and is just annoying.

LOL i am Takeolan and i like my text in the first pic.

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 24, 2011, 12:09:46 am »
who gives a shit..about Xant rant..
again.. recruit someone to guard on your team if you are a slow joiner.
ooooh I thought you was speaking bout the thread... Anyways I ain't sure who is gonna wanna do that but I guess I could ask when I'm playing with my clan... I do like pretending to be afk sometimes and killing those stat whores but there isn't much I can do when I really am lagging.

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 23, 2011, 11:56:02 pm »
Back on topic. As cav I do attack late spawners when i consider it being a valid choice, but it happens maybe once over 100 rounds. The enemy spawn isn't always safely reachable, and there are usually many other squishy enemies.

Anyway, I usually don't attack 2h or polearms, even "afk" at spawn. If they are faking it, it's a swift death for me. 1h, ranged and sometimes other cav, it's another story.
.        I agree. However if someone is not moving at spawn I will usually let them be. I would rather help out the team than risk getting one kill followed by almost certain death. 1 kill doesnt make a difference if you are cav and a good cav can easily determine whether the round is won or not by helping out inf with bumps and taking out archers. It's the good for nothing noobs that crap themselves at the sight of a "free kill" that annoys me......

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 23, 2011, 11:48:46 pm »
I am on ma iPod and for
Some reason it kinda messes the text up??!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 23, 2011, 11:43:28 pm »
who gives a shit...

.          You clearly do not which is why it puzzles
To think why you are reading this thread.

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 23, 2011, 11:32:55 pm »
Wtf does this xant stuff mean??!!

General Discussion / Lagkillers
« on: October 23, 2011, 10:12:04 pm »
I am Takeolan and I was having an all caps rage in the EU crpg 1 server about Lagkillers. I am talking about the cav my old friends who rush over to spawn and kill me whilst I'm lagging. I always lag
At the start of a new round and never move but when I finally stop lagging
I am killed. The thing that really annoys me is the way that the Lagkillers die straight after they kill the lagging
Person as they have just ran into our spawn. What is the point. These people are clearly stat obsessed
As killing ppl who appear to be afk does not help the team. Is this annoying anyone else?                                                         Takeolan.    P.S. I am cav.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Making Gold
« on: October 14, 2011, 05:00:47 pm »
Ohk thanks.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Making Gold
« on: October 14, 2011, 02:41:41 pm »
You have a load of Yeast, you say?  Near Praven, you say?

Probably not well armed or have much of an army with you, you say?

... noo...

seems like i've just gone back in time or summin weird though after the patch. I had a lot of yeast and now i only have one.  Dunno why....

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Making Gold
« on: October 14, 2011, 12:19:14 pm »
Ook thanks guys. Currently travellin to praven with some yeast. Think i'm gonna play a bit of crpg. Thank you all.

Strategus General Discussion / Making Gold
« on: October 13, 2011, 10:39:16 pm »
With the new changes in strategus I've found it rather difficult to make gold. Everyone around me has made around 800 gold and I can't think how. I crafted a light kuyak as it had the highest percentage of 18%. I then sold it and made 50 gold. Is that normal? Is it better to trade goods as I am in yalen and I have an option to make yeast with 100%. If I made it and then went to praven to sell it would I make a lot of money? Sorry bout this bit of noobishness but I would like to understand how to make gold. Thanks if you're readin this.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: A new main
« on: September 02, 2011, 10:18:29 pm »
Ok then thanks guys..

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