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Topics - Geldor

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Something new?
« on: May 12, 2013, 08:16:53 pm »
I really like the idea of "balancing", but since the open beta every time something gets changed it gets far away from "balanced" and know even the restricted movement gets more and more a pain ..... ....... . Just want to know if the Dev team is still interested to do something or is the power/energy for this already lost? I know that the dev team and player base has quite a reputation on the Taleworlds forum, but maybe asking there for help could bring some new ideas or actually help?

Just a muddled thought from an old man.  :wink:

Suggestions Corner / Stamina?
« on: July 09, 2012, 06:11:18 pm »
I really would like to see stamina in game. I play arma2 with the ACE mod a long time now and i liked the stamina system of the mod. So i wonder is it possible to make a stamina system based on the weight you carry, to be exact you can run like everyone else but the distance you travel will be shorter the more you carry and befor you get exhausted. Maybe it would be possible even to affect the combat system, for example: your aim worsens, you get slower in close combat .... etc after running full speed through the fields. Horses could get it too especially when they wear heavy armour?

Just my thoughts.

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