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Topics - Kharn

Pages: [1]
Thats all there is. Major improvement.

General Discussion / Question for Horse Archers
« on: June 02, 2011, 10:39:56 pm »
Lets say you are wearing leather/light chainmail armor.

If you have tried more than one horse, at what type of horse do you start dying more often earlier than the horse does?

General Discussion / Fox_News Tag
« on: June 02, 2011, 10:20:26 pm »
Saw fox news players on NA servers. Who started this thing? Where is credit due?

General Discussion / How to Profit
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:29:10 pm »
1. Set up a new steam account.
2. Buy another copy of mount and blade warband.
3. Create a new character.
4. Choose the "Skip the Fun" option on the character page.
5. Instantly become level 30 and get 10K gold.
6. Make it your main character.
7. Log on to your original character.
8. Buy a rock.
8. Sell it on market place for 9,998 Gold.
9. Log on to the new account you just made.
10. Purchase rock for 9,998 Gold.
11. Delete your new character.
12. Go to step 3.
13. Profit.

cRPG Technical problems / CRASH - Unable to open texture file
« on: May 01, 2011, 12:32:09 am »
End of round

Game Sometimes Crashes to Desktop

ERROR:  Unable to open texture file Modules\cRPG\\Textures\

I assume this error is due to a typo in your coding where you added an extra backslash.

General Discussion / Did the Scimitar get changed?
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:18:10 am »
Just wondering if any of its stats were changed so it gets used just as much as any other 1h weapon.

I think all items should be balanced for realism and if they are still over used - balanced by price.

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