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Topics - HolyTemplar

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Faction Halls / [Witcher] The Order of The Witchers (Recruiting EU)
« on: June 06, 2011, 01:40:22 pm »
            The Order of The Witchers

Hail! We are The Witchers, we are a group of cRPG players who use a very strict set of equipment that has bean carefully chosen to make our look and battle performance, better. We believe in teamwork, brutality and death with a sword in your hand. If your looking for a roleplay clan, to have fun with look no further... as pf 6/7/2011 we are now called The Order of The Witchers, why? Because now we have 2 different types of members, The Witchers pagans who follow the old ideals, and The Men of The Order who believe in the ideals and want to take part in the clan, but do not want to use the fighting style or the strict equipment rules The Witchers follow.

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