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Topics - Dahobo

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / to everyone complaining
« on: September 19, 2011, 05:10:47 am »
1. This nerf to cav was needed badly to was always OP and they always topped the scoreboard, with this new patch it allowed a huge class balance. Now Both melee, archers, and cavalry at the top of the list instead of just cav.

2. The bad thing about this? The bad thing is that it killed 1 classes. Sword cavalry, this is due to that bumping was one of the best strategies was to bump and slash and due to the new patch it killed it.

3. Bows have seem to got a good buff which in my personal opinion was unneeded ( I’m a archer) the arrow speed should be set back but the pierce should stay.

4. Crossbows (imo) have gotton a good balance decreasing their accuracy and reload speed so no problem there.

Also it was not only chadz who made these decisions SO SHUT UP AND STOP RAGING AT HIM. 

Game Balance Discussion / Throwing lance melee
« on: August 25, 2011, 09:22:27 am »
So I made a char who uses a throwing lance. My first thought was that I could stop horses with stab of the throwing spear... I was wrong and costed me 3 minutes of my life having to wait for the next round. I would like throwing lances in melee, to be able to stop a horse with a stab. *cough* make it have 28p in melee *cough*

Spam / Nyan cat challange
« on: August 06, 2011, 09:04:04 am »
He's the challange you must listen to nyan cat for 24 hours. He;s the link for the 24 hour special:

Who ever does it becomes the nyan cat champion!

Suggestions Corner / New type of cav
« on: July 16, 2011, 06:45:28 am »
So I was thinking all we have right now are horses, but I think players want to ride something different like: camels, bears, moose’s, elephants, etc. I think it would be killer to see a guy riding a bear into war would that not be awesome.

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