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Topics - Mephisto

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Pierce vs Blunt vs Cut Damage
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:46:34 am »
This topic realy bugs ma mind. I hope anyone could give me a bigger overview of which damage type is better for different situations.
So far i have noticed that cut damage is best for smacking down doors, and barricades. Cut damage kills unnarmed peasants like through butter and blunt damage can knock other people out.

I've made out a test with Bec de Corbin. Attacked an ordinary player with both of it's ends. Apparantly the pierce did more damage as it only requiered two hits at the enemy. It took blunt 4 hits.

Well, anyone enlighten me?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Horse Archer vs Horse Xbow
« on: June 11, 2011, 05:22:59 pm »
Hor a long time now i've been thinking about it but still, even up to now i cant come up with a solution, which is better: HA or HX?

At fitst it might seem that xbows are better due to no skills necesary to use them but the fire rate in comparison to bows is fairly poor.
Xbows also should be more accurate as they get no wpf decrease from the PD like bows do.
On the other hand bows get a realy nice dmg boost from the PD.

Or maybe both of these suck?

Waiting for your opinion and advise.


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