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Topics - Tequnique

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Suggestions Corner / Lolhammers - again
« on: May 22, 2011, 11:29:39 am »
I've read through a few suggestions - and I think this subject needs loving for sure.
The hammer is simply too powerful against shields - 10/10 times Im getting hit im dead THROUGH my shield.
The singlehand hammer is has a percentage knockdown ability. Maybe 30% chance of knockdown - whilst the Lolhammer has a 100% crushthrough instakill against my 49 armor and shield... It's just not realistic nor playable.
The damn thing can change direction in midflight like you where wielding a piece of paper... - once such a weapon has a vector - it should be hard to redirect its force - however - that I consider least of matters...

a) A simple solution, I believe, is to simply make the weapon knock you down - through a sheild or block  - like a horse hits you.
b) Another simple  is increase the weaponknockdown probability approx x2 of the 1-H weapons (Foreach point weapon damage = 1.5% KnockD)
c) Third solution is a stun effect - where the receiver is unable to counter attack for approx 0.4 Seconds.

Secondary solutions (more complicated ones)
a) Hitting a shield with the hammer-  the knockdown & damage only occurs as with horses - you need momentum to perform it - and you can only knock down if you have forward momentum. - if you stand still and swing you will not knockdown or do damage - but slightly stun the victim - making him unable to counter.
b) Parrying the LOL w/ 2h. If the LOL has momentum = knockdown and damage. If no/less momentum  = stun and slight damage.
c) Once the LOL has momentum it is not able to redirect it - making other weapons - weapons of choice in open encounters.

Tertiary suggestions
a) KnockD chance based on total damage modifier (strength + weapondam +momentum = %KnockD)

What do you guys think? Totally off mark?

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