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Topics - Kamirane

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Strategus General Discussion / Seriously - Town Equipment
« on: March 26, 2014, 06:38:33 pm »
No Comment

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General Off Topic / Good moments - or - while its still worth to play
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:15:07 am »
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EU (Official) / Ban Byzantium_Immortality AND Renay
« on: March 07, 2014, 02:07:46 pm »
1. Quincy_Kamirane
2.  Byzantium_Immortality, Renay
3. about 3.30 CET EU_3 (Strat-Battle)!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=390
4. First Renay started to Ban-Poll Heaven_LZC it failed with 49%. After this Byzantanium_Immortality, and it succeeded.
5. As u can see the Banpolled him for having a bad K/D and high Ping. But THEY accepted him in the roster. He not suicide charged, he didnt do anything wrong, just died alot and tried hard to be usefull.
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7. Just check the Roster!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=390

I started this Ban-Thread because its badass to ban people out of a running game for being bad / high ping. Its against Rules to punish bad players. And also it was BYZ choice to accept this Guy in the Roster.

(pls check the Logs, so u can see the poll from Renay.)

Strategus General Discussion / Suggestion for Strat 6!
« on: March 04, 2014, 09:33:23 pm »
Just a forenote. this is nothing against those big factions, it is simply ridiculous to see so
many fiefs having crimerate of 100%.

Wouldnt a 100% crimerate mean a Rebellion in this fief and people would attempt to get rid of the owner?
At least in my opinion crimerate meant to have a more smooth and fair gameplay.
But the only thing I see is, that big factions leave there army at one fief, keeping the S&D
low in this fief and give no shits about the S&D of other fiefs but still claiming more and more fiefs
to enlarge their territory.

I wont say its abuse of system, as they are just doing what the system is allowing them to.

So my suggestion is to add a rebellion after 10 days of 100% crimerate.
How to deal with that rebellion? I have three ways in mind:

1. Nothing happens and after 7 Days the village is neutral again, also it resets the
Prosperity back to 200 (maybe 50% of the spend PP should be returned). Also S&D goes to 0%
so the crimerate can go down for a while.

2. Another solution is to stop PP production and S&D if a fief reaches the 100% crimerate.
Total starvation. (when all are criminals, who will actually work for real money?)

3. Same as 1, but having at least more Army than population in that fief prevents the fief
turning neutral again. Also Point 2 can be added in this case.

EU (Official) / BAN Druzhina_Makarella
« on: February 28, 2014, 08:05:52 pm »
1. Quincy_Kamirane
2. Druzhina_Makarella
3. about 19:50 EU_2
4. He teamhittet a 3 guys before i reported 4 and 5 ones. The new round started and he teamhitted me on sight a few seconds after new round started. Additional he started to offend me and started a kickpoll.
5. Dont know. Think he is pissed of cuz i reported his th´s
6. Multiple Screenshots
7. Guardian_Piernik and alot else saw the chat, my report and the poll
Screenshots in Spoiler
(click to show/hide)

Hello everyone! As we should all know there are several tabs that are used for different stuff in strat. To refresh your memory those are: Map, Info, Weapons,
 Inventory, Faction, Battles and Towncenter. I would like to suggest addition of a new tab to enhance strat functionality.

I would call this tab "Notice board" and it would be used to leave important and urgent messages as well as tasks for fellow clan members. This tab could be also
 added to between "Faction" and "Map" tab when you click on "Strategus" tab on cRPG site.

A lot of ppl are going to work or studying and cant be on TS or Skype etc. More likely they will just have a look to the strat map to check if they need to change
 their movement vector or if there is something wrong in order to react to the situation.

But sometimes time is of essence and ppl need to react very fast. So there is no time to message all the guys in your faction who actually can do something. I know
 there is a rank system for messages in cRPG and that this could be used, but not everyone checks cRPG messages as soon as they pop.

With Notice board addition we would, in a way, have a special filter for strat only messages and a strat only archive of messages (at least within a faction).

In order to avoid spam and server overload it could be possible than only certain rank could actually use Notice board to leave messages (5 or above maybe?)
 and messages could require certain rank to be read depending on authors choice (so rank 10 message would be seen only by rank 10 ppl, 9 would be seen by 9 and 10 and so on).

General Off Topic / One of the best Metal-Guitarists alive
« on: February 24, 2014, 12:06:39 pm »


i am addicted to most of these songs

General Discussion / DTV Competition - DTV Masters
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:38:56 am »
I would like to plan some DTV-Event.

Teams of 10(maybe even 15, depending on the wishes of the community) Players try to beat all DTV Rounds and Waves on a choosen map.

The Rules should be as simple as possible:

No exploits and shit like this. So no Shieldskill 13 in a Corner or any Mapexploit.
The winning team is this who reached latest round and wave or even beat the whole map. If more then one Teams reached the End or same round and wave, the fastest Team wins.

Would this be a challenge u like?

Edit: After these DTV changes it will take like 2-3 hours... And anyway, i thought there will be much more ppl who want to do this.

EU (Official) / Ban Shisha_Smoker
« on: February 14, 2014, 01:42:53 am »
1. Guardian_Hostile
2. Shisha_Smoker
3. about 1.30 am 14.02.2014 EU7
4. I accidently Tked a Clanmate, Quincy_En_Dotter. Then he started shooting at me with his bow. I started to report him and went to him. He tked me. He also teamhitted the Flagdefenders on purpose last round (Varadin)
5. No Clue
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7. see Screenshot, Quincy_En_Dotter, Quincy_Xynox.

General Discussion / Upkeep-System and its greed.... [Bug?]
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:23:00 pm »
Just have a look to the Upkeep-text.

And as u can see, it was in DTV, so i didnt use a weaponrack.

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(click to show/hide)

EU (Official) / Ban Atam_WarLord
« on: January 29, 2014, 12:32:34 am »
1. Quincy Kamirane
2. Atam_WarLord
3. today 00:15 EU1
4. after spawn i was waiting. Then he started to shoot as Horsearcher on me. First time i just reared my horse, so he can see i am not afk. then i started to report. He still kept shooting but couldnt kill me with 5 arrows. so he i guess he wouldnt be kicked cuz of multi.
I did nothing special. Just wanted to keep my x5
5. he had no score and just died... so maybe some hit success as an archer... i rly dont know.
6. those on screenshot, also a few Quincies like Dotter and Zynox

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Sell/Trade / Rouncey +3
« on: December 02, 2013, 06:48:43 pm »
Selling Champion Rouncey

i am interessted in Money, Loompoints(optional+Money) or Helmets with more than 50 Armor (loomed for sure)

Closed Requests / Ban IRK_Heinrich
« on: November 28, 2013, 03:40:14 am »
TK because i used "his" Balista in DTV on EU7.

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Other / Ban Marshal_Sanxus_of_Lithuania
« on: November 11, 2013, 02:33:01 pm »
I was standing with no enemy around me. the round just started. i teamhitted him last round before and said sorry. Suddenly i got just tked from behind.

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