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Topics - mofugga

Pages: [1]
NA (Official) / [Ban Request] dayumab
« on: March 23, 2013, 03:51:17 am »
He tk'd me at the start of my 2nd round after retiring tonight. Dunno who he is, but he evidently doesn't like naked bros with practice swords that have just cracked level 2. Must be mad about something.

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General Discussion / NA1 admins
« on: March 09, 2013, 03:14:51 am »
So during my first round tonight on NA1, some kids start spamming "negga" over and over. A couple admins start muting people for it (several got muted).

Another guy starts spamming it again during the next round. I say in chat "bed time elrok" (not his exact name, something like that tho, I don't remember it). A couple seconds later, he gets muted. So I say "nighty night". I immediately get muted.

I can understand if an admin doesn't like me as a person, but being biased isn't a great quality in an administrator.

I didn't take any screenshots. The logs are there if you give a shit.

NA (Official) / [Ban Request] JABONRA_McDeath
« on: February 26, 2013, 01:51:17 am »
Intentionally teamkilled me.

Apparently he didn't enjoy me telling he and his clanmate to "take cover" as there was someone under the floor/in the wall of the map shooting at us. You can see his friend mention the "ninja's in the wall" near the top of the screen.

I'm sure teamkilling me in front of his clanny made him feel pretty good about himself and they had a fun internet moment together. How cute.

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Closed Requests / Ban - Thulsa_Doom_The_Splendid
« on: May 27, 2012, 04:50:29 am »

I've played this game for years.... 3 gens pre-upkeep patch. I've never ban reported anyone before tonight. Rarely ever report teamwounds. The last time I can remember being intentionally teamkilled before tonight was.... a long ass time ago ( I remember the name, but I'll leave it out).

Shortly after the beginning of a round, I get teamwounded by a horse bump from Thulsa_Doom_The_Splendid. It seemed blatant, but TBH I was irritated by being teamwounded by horse bumps twice the previous round (didn't report either one), so I immediately reported the teamwound. He responds to the report by turning around and one-shot (was actually 2 hits after looking at the log, bump + stab) teamkilling me.

Deserves a ban in my opinion.

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Closed Requests / Ban - PowerOfTheMustache
« on: May 27, 2012, 03:01:20 am »

So I watch a teammate cav kill an enemy cav off his horse early one round. The riderless horse runs into a wall and stops (right near me). I kill it with my sword. Right after, PowerOfTheMustache (teammate) runs up to me and stabs me twice with his pike killing me.

A few lines down from the teamkill message, you can see him say "stop killing my horse".

Deserves a ban in my opinion.

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