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Topics - CrimsonPigII

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / How to take screenshot?
« on: November 18, 2012, 07:52:40 pm »
I used the default set up (CTRL+ insert key) but kept warning me i couldnt take a screenshot...any advice?


Amazing news: the original star sim game ELITE is to be kickstarted for a sequel!!!

The co-creator of Elite, David Braben, has announced that he is turning to crowd-funding site Kickstarter to get funding for a sequel to the influential game.

If it works out then its great news for the spacesim genre :)

Im a massive X universe fan and the X Rebirth is coming - so more space sims please!!
Also the x universe has a wiki which is still being used for this sandbox game:

General Off Topic / Sale of M&B WB £4.68
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:39:52 pm »

the block text came back so just delete: Modules\cRPG\Textures\ and Modules\cRPG\Data\font_data.xml.

General Off Topic / New Medieval game 'Chivalry medieval warfare'
« on: March 14, 2012, 08:01:55 pm »

at pcgamer

Looks amusing...animations do seem awkward but always good to see that the HTH genre is picking up steam and we get more games like M&B

Me...i will wait for M&B2 CRPG  :twisted:
or whatever chadz is planning for his secret project...

General Off Topic / Amusing images from germany RPG
« on: August 05, 2011, 10:38:20 pm »

made me smile looking at all the sword and boards and 2handers, of course the massive pole mallet is LOL

First post - I know this info isnt not part of CRPG but F&S are getting 2 types of thrust from a pike!

Could this mean a possible mod to allow this for CRPG??

Could it be

1) Normal underhand thrust (as normal)
2) Chest height thrust OR
3) Couch position

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