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Topics - Davlumbazer

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Longsword general, and with shield issue.
« on: May 26, 2012, 09:22:12 pm »
 I suppose everyone know how longsword is unfavourable amongst players (espacially in eu) due especially its short range and not so hardcore damage.

So what i want to suggest is not a big deal actually. Not to increase its damage, range or speed, i just want the shield compatability mode's penalty reduced to a reasonable value. I guess it's about %30 right now if you use a longsword with a shield, so that means my MW longsword's (39 cut) damage drops to 26cut. And if i'm willing to use 1h shield with it, i would also need to spend wpf to 1h for decent speed -which i'm cool with- so, i guess everyone agrees that this penalty is quite absurd.

 İmho the penalty can be reduced to %10 to make it preferred and not so over-powered, and strenght prequisite for 1h with shield can be set to 18 for making it logical rp-wise and ant-ninja wise. (agiwhore)

I guess the thread belongs to the suggestion corner but whatthehell.

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