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Topics - MomciloSRB.

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / What's the point in profit/trade crafting?
« on: December 29, 2011, 12:25:58 pm »
The villages I have seen all have 100% crafting chance, but all of them require 100gold pieces per HOUR, to stay in them. So what? I craft 1 item in 1 hour and loose 100 gold pieces then go somewhere and sell it for 125 (max?) and gain 25g(lol), or even sell it for 25 and loose gold?
Can anyone explain to me how this works if I've misunderstood it, and can you provide a list of villages that have 100% crafting chance but dont require 100gold per hour? :)

Oh and can anyone tell me if this guy is good or bad Cavalieres_Mike_N_Ike, I dunno if I should raid him or not, cuz I dont wana raid a good guy. Just douches.'

One more question, when I apply as a mercenary for a battle in a crpg screen, and put a pay in there, do I get my pay in crpg or strategus gold? And how do I get it, do I have to go to a location or do I automatically get it?

Thanks in advance.

Closed Requests / Unban MomciloSRB
« on: December 25, 2011, 12:36:39 am »
I was banned just now, I was with 2 other players on EU_5 siege server. Those two were on the defenders side and their names were:

Yeniceri_1st_Maximus and Pepel.

After I killed them both a few times one of the polled to ban me ( I think Yeniceri), and they both voted yes. Now I'm banned cuz of their rage, so please unban.

And why the F is a ban poll on an official server? People. Abuse. Ban. Polls.

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