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Topics - Stjitalurv

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Whats gonna happen with the turning speed?
« on: June 27, 2012, 04:08:22 am »
Im really worried about this "turning speed nerf". Now its more a matter of luck if you hit your opponent. The hits doesnt land where you aim anymore. This makes me worried sick, because its not fun to play anymore.

Im a 1h+shield character now, with a heavy heater shield and warhammer. My build is like this:


One Handed:147
Weapon Master:5
Iron Flesh:7
Power Strike:7
Power Throw:1

I have played over 1500 hours of crpg and consider my skill to be between medium and best. Also my manual blocking is very good. (Just writing this so you understand what, and who i am.)

But Im having serious trouble hitting ppl with a short weapon like the warhammer now. This nerf made my skill decrease to between bad and medium. And honestly, something got so fucked up with this nerf, so I am considering rerolling to archer or even quitting, cuz who the f*** wanna be an archer/xbower? ( :wink: )

I cant stand the fighting as it is now, so Im wondering whats gonna happen with this turn speed ?

In my opinion you should restore it until you get a better working idea.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Sacrifice
« on: June 06, 2012, 12:35:49 pm »
How does it work exactly? I cant find any updated info on this. It seems it has changed from every post i read.

If i retire an alt with 2 heirlooms, 27000 gold and many items my inventory at lvl 31 and want my Main to get the stuff, what will he get exactly? My main is lvl 30 atm.

cRPG Technical problems / Textures ingame get scrambled
« on: May 04, 2012, 09:34:40 am »
Hi , im getting this problem when i have played for a while, like 1.5-2 hours. The textures shift places, so i get like armor textures on the ground, houses and environment textures on armor and tag textures here and there, you get the picture? I had this before for a while, but after some months with this, the graphics card broke down and I got stripes and no picture at all, even when i was in windows desktop only.

Then i baked the graphics card in the oven, 200 degrees celsius for 9 minutes. And then it worked perfectly again. But the problem is back now, with textures on the wrong places. I think I have to remove the cooler again and put some better cooling pads and cooling paste because the pads were in bad shape. I have ordered some pads for this so will do that when i get them.

The temp on the graphics card is 65-66 degrees c when idle, and 88-89 when in the game, and that feels a little on the edge, dont it ?

The thing im mostly wondering about is, do you think i have to bake the card again, or maybe its enough to place the new cooling pads and paste?

The graphics card is a geforce 8800gts (512/340mb?)
Im gonna buy a new one soon, but im waiting for the geforce 660 =)

Many on this forum seem to be good at these kind of things so therefor i ask here =)

cRPG Technical problems / Trouble when viewing char page on iphone 4
« on: March 23, 2012, 01:03:37 pm »
When i try to view my char and equipment on my iphone 4 , I cant see much or do much. The space where my equipment should be is much too small. So i only see my helmet. And on that "equipment space" is the buttons: inventory, shop, marketplace, forum and more blocking so i cant scroll that space either.

Do you get what I mean?

Any tips?

General Discussion / #1
« on: January 30, 2012, 11:54:48 am »
In the character page it says im #1..... That cant be right... or can it?? 0_o

Or more likely the page is bugged (?), cuz im at work. And im only lvl 30...

Im gonna go shield and board next gen, maybe on horse... And im wondering what 1-hander are the best for cav?
And then i wonder what 1-hander is best when the horse dies and im on the ground. If you compare best maces and swords, no axe.

Thanks for any advice =)

Sell/Trade / [TRADE] Have a +3 Great long axe
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:06:21 pm »
I wanna trade my :

Mighty Great Long Axe
weapon length: 125
weight: 3.8
difficulty: 16
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 125
thrust damage: 17 blunt
swing damage: 48 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield



+3 polearm
+3 two hander
+3 one hander
+3 shield

I prefer a onehander or shield but i just wanna try something new, so every serious offer is welcome

General Discussion / cRPG site dont work on iphone4 ?
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:26:32 pm »
Im wondering if there is a way to get The site to work on a iphone4? Any1 know?
Well it works, but not properly. I cant scroll down to see all equipment and stats..

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