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Topics - Yoghurt

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Price relationships of weapons
« on: April 28, 2014, 06:06:08 pm »
Somehow I have the feeling that the price relationships of weapons are a bit messed up... As I only use two handed weapons I will only use examples out of this category.
For example:

Heavy Great Sword             Danish Greatsword
Length: 120                                  Length: 124
Speed: 92                                     Speed: 91
Swing Damage: 40                       Swing Damage: 41
Price: 7411                                   Price: 15922

Although I understand upkeep is necessary to prevent the game from being flooded with tincans, I think there is a lack of proportion. The pretty marginal advantages of the Danish dont justify that it costs more than twice as much as the heavy great sword do they?
There are lots of similar cases.   

General Discussion / Insulting reason for kickpoll?
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:32:41 am »
Yo, do you think, to be insulted is reason enough to start a kickpoll against somebody?

Buy / Looking for loomed Great Maul
« on: March 24, 2012, 11:58:53 am »
Yo, I`m searching for a loomed Great Maul, don`t care about how many times loomed, but I don`t think  I can afford a  +3 maul.

cRPG Technical problems / Changed my main accidentally into a STF
« on: February 05, 2012, 09:23:20 pm »
Well, as its mentioned in the headline... I wanted to create a new STF character and changed my main character into a STF accidentally.  :oops: I made a picture of my character page:
(click to show/hide)

I was generation 6 and level 12 or something, thank god I was not on high level. Is it possible to change my main into a normal character again? Because if not... well that would be extremely shitty.

Thanks in advance...

Suggestions Corner / Bring ladders back to siege
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:54:50 pm »
I think the deleting of the ladders was intended to hit the battle servers, as this was the only game mode where a great majority of the players demanded this. But deleting ladders on siege? Why?  :|
Ladders always were an awesome tool to surprise the defenders, it made siege mod more varied and let us experience some epic moments. I was never annoyed by ladders on siege, even if I lost x5 as defender due to clever ladder use on the attacker side. Siege without ladders will make it way less attractive for me, and I guess for a lot others, too. So please, do us a favour and bring them back.

Suggestions Corner / Ingame Equipment Menu Adjustment
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:28:29 pm »
I just thought of replacing the useless "Buying Price: Free"-writing in the ingame equipment menu for every item with "Repair cost: XY". Would be quite useful to see what an item might cost after the round, more useful than what is standing there at the moment for sure.

Today I wanted to verify my character to use it on strategus, but I only got the message "Invalid login". I was wondering hoiw that could be, cause I was shure I typed the correct keyword. I already updated my char to the new login system, so I got the Account "Yoghurt" with the character Waraeger_Yoghurt. Since I couldn't understand why the veryfiing failed, I logged out to see if at least the main login would worked, and had to recognize, that that was impossible, too, although I'm extremely shure I typed the correct password. So, now I can't even access my account although I got the correct keyword. Someone knows help?! I already cleaned my cookies, without success.

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