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Topics - Jens_Langkniv

Pages: [1] 2
Scene Editing / why tuetensupper should not make siege maps
« on: March 06, 2015, 09:56:42 pm »
map named charge the arena is a obvious troll map its horrible uneven ground defenders spawn all over the place gate has no point to it as ladders are better and it should really just be removed from rotation.

just to point out how serious tueten was when making this he wrote join eu1 * tueten in the flag room so remove tueten as map maker for siege as well plz some of us enjoy siege and dont want eu1 my old friends making propaganda in siege if they dont like siege dont play it end of story

EU (Official) / eu2 22:47 bocpa_the_grey
« on: January 30, 2015, 10:50:20 pm »
bocpa at 22:47 eu2 time was in a unreachable place camping with xbow i want his sorry ass banned

EU (Official) / complex
« on: January 09, 2015, 05:30:03 pm »
he tw me in spawn several times and when i m him he started to jump out in front of my horse and m me and i didnt feel like losing my x4 to this cunt so i chose to kick poll him, the douchebag then left before  the poll succeded and returned to ban poll me and since there was stated no reason and i know it was unjust reason i want this guy banned!

this happened around 17:22 on eu2 +1gtm

here is screen:

EU (Official) / Norse_Robin spawn tk
« on: December 09, 2014, 03:54:29 pm »
robin from norse have been acting badly for a long time now i think several people know this, he and caphalor from norse keep tking each other and not helping the team out and ive had anough im even a norse myself so....... here are some pics from latest inciddent where robin tked me in spawn for telling htem stop being lamers and to help the team.

on eu2 at:

9-12-2014 at 15:49 pm +1gtm

2nd is poll without reason

they have been trying to do a test whole day by jumping down and striking the ground with you weapon to avoid fall damage atleast what they claim even if thats possible its exploiting then also

EU (Official) / ban request on Gold
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:22:51 pm »
he tw me intentionally several times in spawn here is the screen

Suggestions Corner / HA vs HX
« on: August 09, 2013, 08:43:13 pm »
first off i like how you guys in dev gave the HX a big reload speed nerf what i dont get is why HA are going free of this reload speed nerf? they can do more dps than the HX and have the luxery to miss a target HX dont eg because of low ammo ammount and the reload speed.

this is not because i hate ranged in fackt i like them i just hate them when they are on horseback lol but still it makes sense that both should have the speed nerf on horseback

Closed Requests / no limit tk in spawn
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:13:17 pm »
no limit tked me in spawn i gues he didnt like i killed him with a dagger the round before when we where on each team so i would like him banned for this here is the screen

Closed Requests / NuXuS1 ban request
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:39:11 pm »

for kick polling without reason he simply polled me on my alt because she is a horsearcher and was last one left i shoot my arrows off before i go melee and rule anyway says you cant do that because when shooting im still fighting and not leeching or anything

2nd map in a row he tried to poll me this time from round start we didnt even start fighting yet any of us

WSE2 Beta / gear and lv problem
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:40:26 am »
the known bug that you dont have your gear and your lv is 0 that usaly can be fixed by relogging anough times seems to have gotten worse because i cannot get my gear or my lv if i use wse now.

i tried relogging over 10 times atleast, restarted the game also and still no gear or lv but the moment i disabled wse i got my gear and lv so its obviously tied to the wse the problem

Closed Requests / jakuchrs ban request
« on: March 24, 2013, 02:33:46 am »
this guy was naked leeching for whole maps then i only got 1 screenshot before he left  but it should be anough for banning him for leeching

Suggestions Corner / recent changes to flag in siege
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:19:35 pm »
this is unbearble it takes attackers about 2 seconds and im not exagerating here to cap the flag now, siege has officially become unplayable the fun have gone out of it also the spikes there should be limits to them people spam them instead of cs as they are better and can take close to same ammount of punishment!

this could be offset by them taking exstra damage from axes like shields does but the flag cap timer has to be increased for siege to be playable

Suggestions Corner / blocking chat on crpg char page
« on: March 17, 2013, 06:02:31 pm »
how about making a function to block a player from writting you on char page i know a few idiots i dont want to write me and atm i cant do anything about it, this is just a suggestion to make evrybodies life a bit easier

Closed Requests / unban Prince_edmund_the_bro
« on: March 02, 2013, 02:53:06 pm »
hello im prince edmund the bro and i was banned for defending myself against a tw'er yes i retaliated and killed the guy and was banned like 2 seconds later not asked to explain myself or anything so i dont even know who banned me, anyway if i cant kill a retarded grey who tw me in selfdefence when you guys almost never ban people that tw and tries to kill people unless its like exesive tking and tw, so what im saying is unban me or dont i dont care anymore i did 1 tk and get banned and it was selfdefence and got no chance to explain what was happening that sums it up and i would do it again cauz griefers are cut to big a slack here!

WSE2 Beta / strange white text
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:05:33 pm »
i got a strange white text ingame saying spr_siege_ladder_move_10m all the time and the 10m is sometimes 14m instead this happens on eu2

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